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Thread: Really BIG idiots

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Really BIG idiots

    I found this in a magazine article about people calling those video game hotlines and ask the dumbest questions and the thing is they're all real. Just goes to show you they're real idiots in this world. Take a look.

    I. The Clueless Caller

    Counselor: Nintendo hotline how can I help you?
    Caller: How do I get the key from the skeleton standing in the pond.
    Counselor: Uh, I'm guessing your game is shadowgate?
    Caller: Naw, I don't think so.
    Counselor: Trust me it's Shadowgate.
    Caller: No, I think it's something else.
    Counselor: [Fed up with arguing, gives out Shadowgate tip]
    Caller: Ok, thanks. I have another game I'm having problems with. Hold on, I'll get it.
    Counselor: Actually, the phone lines are really crowded as this is a toll-free number. Maybe you could call back when you have the game?
    Caller: No, It's too hard to get through.
    Cunselor: I'm sure you understand that we would like to serve everyone.
    Caller: Yeah, but never mind. I'll go get the game.

    II. The Track Star

    Counselor: Thanks for calling Nintendo. How can I help you?
    Caller: I just got Track and Field for my Game boy and I think something's wrong with it.
    Counselor: What seems to be the problem?
    Caller:Well, It's missing the table tennis event.
    Counselor: ...
    Caller: What do I do?
    Counselor: Actually, the Track and Field game doesn't have a table tennis event in it.
    Caller: Why not?
    Counselor: Well... I think it's called Track and Field because all of the events take place either on a track or a field.
    Caller: Oh. Thanks

    III. The Math Wiz

    Counselor: Nintendo hotline how can I help you?
    Caller: In Spyro, how many more fairies do i need to get to have 20 fairies?
    Counselor: Well, um, How many fairies do you have now?
    Caller: Sixteen
    Counselor: Sooo... There's 20 fairies and you only have 16, meaning you neeeeeed...[pauses hoping the caller will figure this out himself.]
    Caller: I dunno. You tell me
    Counselor: ...
    Caller: ...
    Counselor: Four. The answer is four fairies.
    Caller: Oh. [Click.]

    This one is my favorite:

    IV. Mr. Clean

    Counselor:Thank you for calling Nintendo. How can I help you?
    Caller: I think there's something wrong with my Super Nintendo.
    Counselor: What seems to be the problem?
    Caller: Well, I tried playing it the other night and I couldn't get any of my games to work, so I decided to clean them because I thought they might be dirty.
    Counselor: And that didn't work?
    Caller: No, In fact I think all of my games are ruined.
    Counselor: How did you clean your games?
    Caller: I put them in the dishwasher on normal cycle.
    Counselor: ...
    Caller: Do you think you can fix them?
    Counselor: At this point, it may be a good id4ea to upgrade to a newer system. I'd also recommend using a cleaning kit in the future instead of using your dishwasher for your games.
    Caller: I wish someone had told me that before.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  2. #2

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    o_o Thats like the call all tech support guys hate to get:

    Councelor: Tech support; how may I help you?
    Woman: My computer isn't working and I've tried everything.
    Councelor: What's on the screen?
    Woman: nothing! It's just black! And don't ask me to check the connection, It's hooked up to the computer.
    Councelor: Is it pluged it ma'am?
    Councelor: Ma'am?
    Woman: Plugged in? To what?
    Councelor: The wall jack.
    Woman: *Hangs up*

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    haha, thats a good one hollow[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  4. #4

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    Isn't it though?

  5. #5
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    lol, I can believe they are real. The faries one is specially good.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  6. #6

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    Yeah, that fairy one rocks.....and rolls.....separately, but at the same time ....?
    If I can remember more I'll post some (I'm the resident tech-guy at my house)

  7. #7

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    LMAO, man and i thot that my lil brother was a dumbass, holy shit

  8. #8

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    man.. this is funny.. lol.. expecially hollow one.. and the last one deblas posted is very good too... ^_^...

    can't believe they are real... man...

  9. #9

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    People are just dumb. Ever see Jay-walk? Now thats room temperature IQ's....

  10. #10

    Really BIG idiots

    This is the funniest thing I've ever read

    People are just dumb. Ever see Jay-walk? Now thats room temperature IQ's....
    If you're Canadian, you've probably seen Talking to Americas. Now THAT is stupid.

  11. #11

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    it just shows that nowadays people have no commen sense at all. and id bet that most of the callers are blonds are something( no offense to anyone whose blond in here)

  12. #12

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    The thing is, it's hard to tell who's blond and who isn't. Hairdying is way too common nowadays.

  13. #13
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    The thing about common sense is, it's really not that common.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  14. #14
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Bellevue, WA

    Really BIG idiots

    It's cuz peopole are so fucking sheltered now adays Or a lot of inbreeding is going on. both of which are good explinations. Here's one form back when I work at blockbuster.

    Me: how can i help you mame.
    Old Women: yeah. I rented this film last night and was horrfied by the content of the vidoe. I want a refund.
    Me: may I see the video so I know which film you are talking about.(hands the video over. "QUILLS") We'll mame if you read the side of the box or looked at the MPPA warning on the side you would know that this film contains alot of adult themes.
    Old women: I know but you should warn people befor they rent these things that it's smutt. I mean it's pure smutt.
    Me: well mame I can't give you a refund, all I can do is give you a new copy of the film if somthing was wrong with it.
    Old women: Well I want a refund because it was such smutt.
    Me: Well I can't. If oyu wish for a refund of $4.29 you would need to contact Blockbuster headquarters in houston.
    Old women: Washington?
    Me: (blank stare, long pause) NO, TEXAS. Houston, TEAXS.

    Sufisuve to say three days later she came back and tried to talk to the manger to get a refund for a vidoe she didn't even have then since she had already returned it, to me. the things peole do for $4.29

  15. #15
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    It used to be that people would do things for themselves. But customer service is evolving to such an extent where people expect everything to be done for them. Even little things. Hence the fact that people are getting stupider and lazier, creating situations like the ones in this thread.

    I used to work at a supermarket, and you see people walk in the front doors and immediately walk up to a staff member and ask where something is. DID YOU TRY LOOKING FOR YOURSELF FIRST, YOU LAZY GIT?
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Shoppingcart in sweden

    RE: Really BIG idiots

    As my view on mankind was not low enough, this comes along.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]

    Well it did give me a good laugh (not that it's hard to make me laugh, but oh well..)

  17. #17

    Really BIG idiots

    Originally posted by: Lefty
    It's cuz peopole are so fucking sheltered now adays Or a lot of inbreeding is going on. both of which are good explinations. Here's one form back when I work at blockbuster.

    Me: how can i help you mame.
    Old Women: yeah. I rented this film last night and was horrfied by the content of the vidoe. I want a refund.
    Me: may I see the video so I know which film you are talking about.(hands the video over. "QUILLS") We'll mame if you read the side of the box or looked at the MPPA warning on the side you would know that this film contains alot of adult themes.
    That is about as far as the security cameras would have recorded. Much respect to anyone who has to deal with this for a profession.

  18. #18

    Really BIG idiots

    Originally posted by: NewTaxes
    Much respect to anyone who has to deal with this for a profession.
    AGREE'D =P

  19. #19
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    May 2004

    Really BIG idiots

    i love the mr. clean. seriously, i can't believe that someone actually did that...

    I tried my best...

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Really BIG idiots

    omg. these instances are sooo funny. i can't believe the guy would use dishwashing liquid and rofl @the track star. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

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