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Thread: New Types?

  1. #21

    New Types?

    thats pretty pretensious of youi think in order to be a fan of the series you have to like two seperate stories within the series. and personally i dont think being called a seeder is that bad. winger on the other hand is kinda a place you dont wanna be. wing is almost as bad as (i think it was called) g gundam. the main character sucked so much ass it wasn't funny.

  2. #22
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: New Types?

    What you guys said. Dump the attitude, man. Nobody is impressed. Sure, write in a post that you are a gundam fan. But don't fucking do it in every single one. And don't sound so freakin' high and mighty, it pisses me off. You aren't better than anyone here just because you had the chance to watch shows some of us haven't.

    einbreaker: G Gundam was a good show if you didn't take it so seriously.

  3. #23

    RE: New Types?

    I'm just stating there is alot more than wing and SEED. People were talking like Newtypes only existed in SEED. You don't like it that I show an opinion on all of gundam. Its better than just watching Wing and SEED. I am trying to get it through there is more than SEED. SEED is good but we gotta look at other stuff. Especially in a post llike this. You listed two Newtype abilities. Want me to give some more stuff.

    1. We know Newtypes have precognition
    2. Faster reaction/hand eye coordination times
    3. Communicate via telepathy
    4. Control Funnels/Bits
    5. Some can see through objects.
    6. Some have talked to/seen the dead.
    7. Some can fry your mind.
    8. Some can Deflect an Asteroid w/psyco-frame
    9. Some can find people with their minds, or the way to something.

    These were things that came to mind the quickest. There are more things thoughout the different series where someone does something incredible that likely only a newtype could do. I'll keep it brief

  4. #24
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    New Types?

    "You don't like it that I show an opinion on all of gundam. Its better than just watching Wing and SEED."

    Nobody has said otherwise. Still isn't a reason for you to put in every post that you are a diehard Gundam fan because you saw more.
    I've seen almost all series, but you don't see me talk down on the "Wingers" & "Seeders"; granted I think Wing sucks. But I still don't write that in EVERY POST.

    And I wrote the 2 most important newtype abilities. If you think about it, almost every thing you put on that list of yours is related to the 2 abilities I posted.
    I say you have some complex based on the fact that you desperately need to prove that you are a Gundam pro.
    If I'm wrong, then stop behaving like it.

  5. #25

    New Types?

    I'm gonna try to provide correct information over acting stupid or let people place false information. Heck if I put misinformation down I hope someone corrects me.
    I haven't even said Wingers or SEEDers suck. I like SEED most of all Gundam. I've just been saying to the people who back everything on Wing and SEED that there is more out there. Watch the other series if they haven't. Especially if you want to learn about Newtypes cause that is where its at. Its where it all started. Amuro supposedly the greatest of all newtypes.

    You also posted some newtypes become unstable. Its not really newtypes that become unstable. Artificial Newtypes or artificially Strengthed Newtypes become unstable. Four from Zeta and Quess from CCA are great examples of that.

    I believe Rau went crazy not because of beign a Newtype but because he takes the EA enhanced human medication that the 3 EA pilots of SEED had. Although I think they got a newer version of it.. There could aslo be a flaw in the cloning process which made him become unstable who knows.

    The abilities I posted are only somewhat related to those you posted. I tried to incorporate them.
    1. The ability to sense other newtypes
    2. The ability to steer "funnels"

    Then just expanded listing more like you asked.

  6. #26
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: New Types?

    rau probably got a mental disorder caused by truama or something he ages faster than a normal person thats one of the flaws in the cloning process and how would you feel when you learn that you are a clone of someone, that you are an identical copy etc. etc. as for the medication i dont think its the same as the EA pilots. my guess is that rau's medication is for some disorder he got cause he is a clone. possibly to stop his aging.

    and if you know so much about new types and wanted to tell us about where new types exist and what abilities they have do that instead of bragging about how big of a gundam fan you are and how much you dislike wingers and seeders. cuase that was what it sounded like.

  7. #27

    RE: New Types?

    For one stop putting words in my mouth. I don't hate wingers or seeders. I don't really like using the terms. I am a big fan of SEED. Its my favorite show. The thing I dislike is misinformation. People just talking about SEED and Wing like its the be all show. When there are other great series. Although alot of people don't pay attention to those since they are older and not high quality animation compared to today's flashy stuff. Its a shame many people aren't gonna see Zeta since CN won't be airing it. Its one of the best UC series and proly the most violent of the gundam series. Although SEED gets pretty gory, and Destiny has started off pretty brutal too with Shinn's sister's arm laying there unattached. And introducing oneself and giving their background isn't really bragging. I'm just informed on gundam I'm not a know nothing who is blabbing out useless information. I actually know some stuff about this. If I just posted my opinion its basically oh a new newb posted something wow. Even if it got me off to a bad rep atleast people know that I am talking about stuff that I know and it makes sense. Personal opinions aside if you hate me thats your problem it doesn't bother me if you think I'm arrogant or not. I'm gonna try to inform those that ask questions and need facts on Gundam.

  8. #28
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: New Types?

    i dont hate you i just dislike you very much. and as a new poster you shouldnt try to sound all high and mighty "look at me i have seen many gundam shows i know shit" thats just annoying. you got the info then post the info and leave out all the other stupid shit you are posting. and it would be ok if you did it in one post but you did it in 4 posts and that was just too much. besides i didnt say that you said "i dislike seeders and wingers" but i sounded like it when you said stuff like: Actual qoute-If you even want to consider yourself a fan of gundam you have to see the other series. Or you shouldn't be here.- i mean come on man whats with that last sentence "or you shouldnt be here" mind your own business and besides this is a Gundam SEED Destiny forum so its no requirement that ppl need to watch the other gundam shows thats entirely up to them.

  9. #29

    RE: New Types?

    People shouldn't really consider themselves a real fan of Gundam if they haven't seen the rest of gundam or aren't planning on it. They should be watching the series and getting more info. Getting some background. We have different definitions of what a fan is basically. If you want to use the terms Wingers and SEEDers then sure but gundam fans? Its like a drop in the pond. Say they are Wing Fans, SEED fans, Mecha fans. Alot of people are expecting Destiny to be like a retelling of Zeta so lets see.

    2 note you said "and if you know so much about new types and wanted to tell us about where new types exist and what abilities they have do that instead of bragging about how big of a gundam fan you are and how much you dislike wingers and seeders. cuase that was what it sounded like."

    Its my opinion. People should watch more of gundam if they consider themselves fans. Thats like someone giving a lecture on how to preform a surgery after watching a doctor for 10 minutes out of an hour. They shouldn't be giving that lecture. I should have worded my context better although I am not sure which post that was now. I gotta look and see what the sentence before and after if there was an after. But basically people shouldn't say they're fan of gundam when they only gonna watch 2 series. Sorry you took it so personally. But its easy to see what we're dealing with.

  10. #30

    RE: New Types?

    I can really see why PSJ and Terra are annoyed.. and I don't really agree with what you say Guardian. Like when you say people shouldn't call themselves a Gundam fan if they only watch so much of it. If they like it then they are a fan of it reguardless of how much they watch you can't say they are not a fan..only thing you can really say to that is the degree of it. I consider myself a Gundam fan after watching 2 episodes of Gundam Seed Destiny . And reguardless of what you say about how much I or others watch, if they enjoy it they are fans.

  11. #31

    RE: New Types?

    You would be a fan of gundam seed destiny then. If you have only seen GSD then thats all you can really compare and relate to. How can you be a fan of Gundam when thats all you're gonna watch? I'm probably presenting my reasoning in a bad way. It just doesn't seem like a hard thing to grasp at. Is my point atleast making sense. I'm getting to a specific definition of what it is to be a fan of Gundam. If you want to be general then yea, I suppose but I tend to try and be specific. Let me atleast know if I am getting my point acrost and you understand what i am trying to say. If not I will attempt another rewording.

  12. #32

    New Types?

    First of you make assumptions too much. Like saying "How can you be a fan of Gundam when thats all you're gonna watch?" You don't know how much I am going to watch -_- [I will be watching more when I have time and get ahold of more]

    Second of all the way you write, you make yourself seem like you have say over Gundam, as if what you say pertains to who is a Gundam fans and whatnot. I don't think you have any right to say weather a person is a Gundam fan or not, that's just your opinion. This definition you say you are trying to point across is really just your own opinion, there is no real definition of a "fan". And where does it say that someone has to have watched everything of something to be a fan?

    Reguardless of which Gundam series a person has seen or like that doesen't automatically qualify them into a certain group of fan such as "you are a Gundam Seed fan" or "You are a Gundam Wing fan". I thinks something like that is left up to the viewer who has their own opinion and would say if they concider themself just a fan of one series or all. Because when you get down to the bottom line Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny, and all the great are essecially GUNDAM so if someone likes one of those they like Gundam. Don't really see a point in trying to segragate fans into certain series..they like it, that's what counts... and like I said if you want to go deeper into fandom then you can go into DEGREE of fandom but not just a series and say they aren't a fan.

    Either way, we all here enjoy watching Gundam, whichever series it be, so instead of trying to separate people and say weather they are a fan or not, we should be enjoying the show[s] and discussing about the show and not trying to do whats happening now.

    And on a final note the topic of this thread and others are in the GUNDAM SEED DESTINY forum topic page so either way should be discussing about that. So if for some reason you have more to say about this [though should be staying on topic] should PM people ok.

  13. #33

    RE: New Types?

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    You would be a fan of gundam seed destiny then. If you have only seen GSD then thats all you can really compare and relate to. How can you be a fan of Gundam when thats all you're gonna watch? I'm probably presenting my reasoning in a bad way. It just doesn't seem like a hard thing to grasp at. Is my point atleast making sense. I'm getting to a specific definition of what it is to be a fan of Gundam. If you want to be general then yea, I suppose but I tend to try and be specific. Let me atleast know if I am getting my point acrost and you understand what i am trying to say. If not I will attempt another rewording.
    Who the fuck cares if you are a Gundam fan or not... you watch a series... you like it... period... no need to overanalyze it... people that call themselves fans the way you are presenting it are just retarded... no wonder people make fun of people like yourself all the time...

  14. #34
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: New Types?

    guardian still we dont care who you consider a gundam fan and who you dont consider a gundam fan we dont want to know. so post what is relevant for the thread and not stupid shit like you do now. as for the qoute, read the last sentence in that qoute "Cuase thats what it sounded like" means that it sounded like you disliked wingers and seeders but you might not. so its a misunderstanding on your part. now i have said it befroe and i will say it again and again and again until you get it, do not fire off your big motuh aobut how great a gundam fan you are in every damn post you make instead post on topic such as answers questions or opinions(BIG NOTE: on topic opinions) if you want to talk about what YOU consider is a gundam fan make your own damn thread about it.

  15. #35

    New Types?

    good point.. neko.. V_V gundam guy need to stop acting like he is the king of gundam fans or something.. stop being arrogant.. and stay on topic.. please

  16. #36

    New Types?

    If people didn't care they wouldn't worry about my opinions. But some people seem to take things like they are an attack and close to home. I keep saying its my opinion. You have you own ways of analyzing people but I'm not gonna go and start insulting me. To those that find it the only way of commenting thou they need to grow up. I haven't resorted to that so atleast give fair counter arguments like Neko. We both have different views on what we view as fandom. Both are valid and shouldn't be taken personally. Its only opinions.

    This thread in particular while in a Destiny forums pertains to all gundam and newtypes. I don't intend to sound arrogant, just trying to explain to those that keep questioning. As for noting its off topic it just adds to it being off topic so the posts of you or I don't help much.

  17. #37
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: New Types?

    yes this topic is for all of gundam since its about newtypes but no one asked you what you have seen or why you dont consider us to be fans and why you look down on us and why you think you're better. but if you understand what we dont like about your posts and can keep that to yourself we are all good. i just realized this thread has gone way off topic..... oh well enough of this and since i dont have anyhting more to contribute to this discussion aobut new types ill just stop right here.

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