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Thread: Perfect team

  1. #41

    Perfect team

    Well you did ask what the best team everyone thought was. Because you think Kiba sucks, doesn't mean I don't think he sucks. Like I said, having Akamaru being able to smell chakra levels and id people by that, I think is supremely useful. Yes Neji can scout, but if you really want to find shleter and food you turn to either Shino or Kiba. Like I said before, I think the kid has a lot of potential. Sure, Sakura found shelter, so did a lot of people, but who smoked through the survival exam? Pretty sure it wasn't Sakura, or Neji. I think that all three genins each provide an important piece of the pie (with Kakashi leading) that make that team well rounded to fit any situation, counter any situation and fight any situation, with maximum efficiency!

    Edited stuff from second post:

    I took Kiba for tracking and survival, if you look, one of the reasons I put Neji in was: scouting! Kiba is part of the teams that smoked through the survival testing with absolute ease. Look how fast they got their scroll, it was in a matter of minutes! Yes Sakura did manage to find shelter, and Naruto and Sasuke managed to find food. But I think if you want the top pony to run the survival race, you bet on either Shino or Kiba. And from my perspective I think Kiba can edge out Shino in tracking and survival.

    If Kiba wants to track, he just gets Akamaru to get the scent and away you go, Shino has to phsyically place a tracker bug on the target, which is hard if you've never seen the target, or he/she/it is really far away.

  2. #42

    Perfect team

    Edit: Bah, it did pop on me. Edited post and put the stuff I said here in my previous one.

    My apologies for the spam.

  3. #43

    Perfect team

    Sorry if I'm coming accross too critical. The idea is to find flaws in anyones team. Nobody's is offlimits, either, so if you want to take apart someone else's, be my guest.

    My only point was that he doesn't really help that much. At what point are they going to meet up with a sand Jounin who challenges them to who can survive the best in the wilderness? And for tracking, bam, Neji gets to see them wherever they're hiding. If Akamaru can smell them, Neji can see them. Two people doing the same job.

    Like I said, you're allowed to choose whoever you want, I'm just saying that there are in fact flaws in the team.

  4. #44

    Perfect team

    Oh no problem, I love a good debate =) *pushes up his metaphorical geek glasses to his nose*

    True Neji can see, but sight only goes so far, quite literally. And you have to know what you're looking for. If Neji can see them, he couldn't see through Naruto's shadow replications. Akamaru, however, would be able to sniff out the real one without second guessing it. Something that Neji, and Kiba had trouble doing.

    No prolly the Sand Jounin wouldn't challenge them to a survival contest, but I think they're in a lot more trouble if a Sand Jounin challenges them to more than a Survival contest. Another set of fighting hands however, that'd come in useful. Everyteam does have their flaw., Sasuke definitely has them too. Relies too much on flashy/showy chidori to get jobs done. He's similar to Neji in that he can get horse blinders on when it comes to fighting.

    Sight vs. Smell isn't the same job, infact they're two completely opposite senses althogether. Together however, I think they'd be a lethal combination. That on the same team with the tacatics and experience of Shika and Kakashi made that combination on Ninjas the best.

  5. #45

    Perfect team

    Hmm. Well, I can see what you are saying, but the point of the thread was to find a team that could handle any situation equally.

    Your team is in fact an excellent one for tracking, survival, and scouting, as you said it would not handle a direct confrontation well.

    And yeah, I know Sasuke is a poor choice, and I in fact later critiqued another poster for putting Kakashi and Sasuke on the same team, when I had just done it myself! =P

    For now, I'd like to see if anyone can find any major flaw in KaneInferno's team? I don't really see any.

    @ Miaka: Who don't you like on it? It's Hinata, isn't it?

  6. #46

    Perfect team

    not really.. i think his perfect team is nicely made up.. even though i disagree with his worst team

  7. #47

    Perfect team

    Well, let me see, since my revised one and KaneInferno's are the same well let me see if i can see any flaws, mainly there personal character traits.

    1) Shikamaru is a briliant tactician, and maybe even amazing at mathematics, he weighs his options and goes from that point. But, lets get one thing straight, he is lazy (like myself) and when he weighs the options and the pros and cons, he usually falls back on default. He never takes chances, not even educated risks because its out of his character (he has no rash thought whatsover) and thus, can be vary undependable.

    2) Naji is arrogent to the supreme, even though he is cool, his morals are stuck up and he's an ass. Once he fails at something, he becomes disorented and sorta to the point where he just stands there and is like WTF.

    3) Rock Lee, him an Neji are big time rivals, and even though he will defer to Neji's will in somecases (not too sure about it, but lets just assume so) he is also vary rash and ready to jump into a fight and prove that by working hard you can be great. Is that a good thing? well, diving out of cover and confronting someone who could totaly own you is not that vary bright.

    4) Kakashi, he is the hardest of all three. Hs is a geniuse, he is powerfull, he rocks, and damn well, he is humble about it. There is not an arrogent bone in that man's body. But he is still human, and with that being said, he would have too much time trying to get Shikamaru to get interested, have Rock stop bitching all the time to Neji let alone pretending to be like Kakashi (this is assuming Gai is out of the picture) and oh ya, if he is hurt in anyway, or incompacitated, the team can literly crumble to dust. All three genins depend on him, the minute he falls (lets say to something like Zabuza, or Kabutu, or I don't know anybody tough) the whole team falls apart. Neji because he begins to second guess himself. Rock goes on a rampage and Shikamaru is left standing there say "how troublesome" as he scratches his head and wonders how to get the hell out of the cituation.

    Even though this is really no flaw picking and just a rant, I am sure if we think hard enough we all think something is wrong with this team. I tried my best, can't remember what i was getting at before ... ah what the hell, bring Itachi against this team, with that water nin dude thats like a shark, and Kabutu and the team is fucked. oh and don't forget about Oro.

    I don't know ... its past midnight and I am tired.

    Just for laughs, I found this on the net, its what Jyhira (sp) thinks about while around Tsunade lol. Though it was just funny.

  8. #48

    Perfect team

    Heh, I like that you tried to pick apart the team, but can't.

    1) Actually, Shikamaru actually does pull through when it counts, like stopping 8 people so that Naruto and Sakura can keep going. =P

    2) Neji's attitude problem is mostly fixed now, he seemed to be remarkably normal after he got the "true story" of his father's death.

    3) I think Lee's rivalry is much less destructive than Naruto's, to the point that I think they probably work together well. The only point I do concede on is that he is remarkably headstrong.

    4) Kakashi wouldn't probably have that hard of a time. Lee wouldn't be imitating Kakashi, as the team would not necessarily be permanent, it would be for any random mission, then back to normal, hence the need to have good compatibility (we can't count on "growing together over time"). And Neji wouldn't crumble because I don't think he cares so much anymore again, he seemed quite okay after the tournament.

    And wow . . . funny pic. Somehow, I can't imagine it would be too far from the truth. =P

    *Edit* @ raposo: Well, I'd like to convince myself that there's a difference between "when it counts" and "In a tight spot" but there isn't. So I have no viable argument for Shikamaru except that he's lazy, but dependably so!! =P

  9. #49

    RE: Perfect team

    LMAO, i know thats what i though.

    As for that Shikamaru, have to say, arn't you the one who keeps telling people we can't rely on pulling threw when it counts ... even Naruto and others do that. LOL, just poking fun not being hurtful about it. Just thought it funny when i read that. But meh ... what can I say, I'm man enough to admit defeat. I could not find anything wrong with the team KaneInferno made or what I mine ... I guess it holds true in this thread what I told Jing in the other ... great minds think alike (6)

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shoppingcart in sweden

    Perfect team

    Well my team..

    Jounin: Itachi (yes he is still only a jounin.. Missing-nin dont make his rank go away)

    Because he has sharingan, is crazy stong so he can take almost anyone, and he uses his head and keeps his cool in the heat of the battle.. + They say Kakashi have copied over 1000 jutsus..

    And since Itachi is a missing-nin not only konoha hunts him.. Plus other countrys probably wants his sharingan.. So he have to have been in 10 times more battle with other ninjas from diffrent villages.. And because of that i think he must at least have dubbled the amont of jutsus that Kakashi have..

    Genin 1: Neji (do i really need to explain??)

    Genin 2: Gaara

    Most of his sand-abilitys and also because he is extremly defensive.. Cant just have offensive.. When offense fail you can fall back on his deffensive skills

    Genin 3: Naruto

    Well even if some ppl dont want to admit it, Kage-bunshin is really useful, he has good stamina, has really strong Chakara(sp?) even without kyubi, the fact that he has kyubi and a "reserv" power to tap into, rasengan, he can summon toads of diffrent size's even if he still lacks control of it, and he got a great spirit that dont give up..

    NOTE: Why is it that only Kiba and Kabuto have used a Soldier Pill (or food pill or what ever its called).. I would make all 3 Genins in my team use it and have it in there weapon-packs because Naruto is a brawler like kiba and we saw the speed & strenght increse when he powered up with kyubi-chakara.. Gaara can last longer if they in some way got around his Sand shield (since that armor required him to use chakara to keep it up).. And Neji's all moves (specially Kaiten) uses chakara.. So they will all last much longer..

    Well thats my team.. That 3 Genin was pretty hard.. Was many to chose from..

    Shikamaru: Good taktics but i belive Itachi is pretty good at that so i dont think there is no need for that

    Rock Lee: Speed, taijutsu, gates and he also never gives up like Naruto but i already have taijutsu user in my team and i think Itachi can overcome the enemy easy if the rely on speed that is Gaaras and Nejis weak point.. And Rock Lees speed did not do anything against Gaara.. It took more out of him then it did on Gaara, and Rock Lee said so himself that the gate-thing was a secret he had stored up for Neji and was the key to beat him.. So the speed was no enough to beat Neji and Gaara.. And already have Naruto for the "never give up spirit".. And the gates is useless.. Sure he uses it and take out enemys but then i'm 1 genin shorter on my team..

    Sasuke: Well once again taijutsu, speed, sharingan.. Itachi probably have all that, and only a repeat on taijutsu.. Only ninjutsu Sasuke have shown so far is the fireball-tingy.. thats not much of a great array of ninjutsu.. Chidori is basicly a taijutsu move..

    Hinata: repeat of Neji, and the loss of power just for here medical skills (witch we dont now if they are that great) is not good.. And if you have a stong team they will not get injured [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Shino: Is to big of a mysteri to know what he is really capable of..

    Ino, Sakura, Choji, Kiba, TenTen, Sound-team or the others from the Sand-team have not made anything to impress me so far..

    And of course i could have used the sannins as Jounin but Tsunade dont match up with Itachi just because of her medical-skills and the other 2 are good but no sharingan.. Well i just thought Itachi is better when it comes to making a team..

  11. #51

    Perfect team

    Itachi and Naruto will never work together, as they have had a face-to-face confrontation. Also, it is highly unlikely that any of the three genin would work with a missing-nin. As I said, it is supposed to be as of episode 104.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shoppingcart in sweden

    Perfect team

    Oh.. I just thought we should take whatever char and make a team.. Not there personal feelings towards each other.. then i guess we cant take ether Gaara, Oro or Itachi since no one of them would work togher with Leaf shinobi.. thats to bad..

    And it's make me wonder if Neji and Naruto can be in the same team.. I mean if Neji have the same attitude Naruto is only going to run around being pissed at Neji and will probably get the whole team killed because naruto would run around in enemy-land and scream on Neji all day and every ninja in the area would spot them.. If they do not fight amongst themself and kill each other of.. We have got no prof that Neji's attitude have change that much and that Naruto would be able to stand Neji's presence.. Naruto can sometimes be more arrogant & thick-headed then Neji when it comes to who he hates or what he thinks of a person..

    And is Rock Lee injured?? since we should take it as it is in 104 Rock Lee is is out of the game.. There wont be many left..


    I guess that will be the team then.. Shikamaru is weak.. sure he stopped 8 guys.. but it was an suicide mission.. He did not count on Asuma to come save him.. So there is a fight and i'm 1 Genin shorter.. No Shika is a man that should be standing behind and do the taktics and be able to analys the enemy and only provide little assistans when needed..

    Neji is the only power-house of them (exept Jiraya that is)..

    I think Sasuke is pretty weak to and dont have to much moves ether.. He just have his sharingan.. Sure he is stonger then the losers but i think he is the weakest of the little stonger bunch..

    Thats why i need the most powerful Konoha shinobi there is now, Jiraya.. Really weak team if you ask me, and Jiraya have to do all the work if they fight a stong group of ppl.. Neji can be of some help to.. But Shikamaru is not that smart that he can order Jiraya around, because i think Jiraya have to much experience and is better of with his own taktics.. And Neji will be fine on his own.. The other 2 will ether be wiphed out or have to run and hide..

    I would want to have Jiraya, Neji, Rock Lee and Naruto if we only count Leaf Ninja and look aside the fakt that Lee is down for the count and Neji and Naruto cant stand each other.. Even if it turned out to be an all taijutsu team exept for Jiraya..

    But i still think my team of Itachi, Neji, Naruto and Gaara is the strongest if we can regard there personal feelings for each other..

  13. #53

    Perfect team

    Naruto only has to take his frog bag plenty of money and buy a good ninja dog or ask kakashi to teach him dog-kuchyose no jutsu and kick that kiba incompetent out from the team. Then u had a boy 4 all purposes like sasuke(it seems he can do anything, really annoying) and someone with good strategies like shika or someone with high genjutsu or healing jutsus.

    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  14. #54

    Perfect team

    We're not trying to make the "strongest," we're looking for the best. That means the team that has the widest variety of abilities, the best teamwork, and the strongest.

    Sannin =/= Jounin. They're unbalanced and disrupt the purpose of the teams. Again, this was discussed before.

    Gaara can potentially work with Leaf ninja, the war is over, and once again, he showed no signs of bitterness towards Naruto or Sasuke. And Neji can be considered a workable team, as he no longer has a reason to be so arrogant, and Naruto has no reason to hate him (he got even for Hinata already).

  15. #55

    RE: Perfect team

    so what, did you guys give up on picking apart my team? actually ive been trying to find something wrong with it myself. i guess it is pretty hard team to refute adequately...

  16. #56

    Perfect team

    Originally posted by: Raposo_C
    Well, let me see, since my revised one and KaneInferno's are the same well let me see if i can see any flaws, mainly there personal character traits.

    1) Shikamaru is a briliant tactician, and maybe even amazing at mathematics, he weighs his options and goes from that point. But, lets get one thing straight, he is lazy (like myself) and when he weighs the options and the pros and cons, he usually falls back on default. He never takes chances, not even educated risks because its out of his character (he has no rash thought whatsover) and thus, can be vary undependable.

    2) Naji is arrogent to the supreme, even though he is cool, his morals are stuck up and he's an ass. Once he fails at something, he becomes disorented and sorta to the point where he just stands there and is like WTF.

    3) Rock Lee, him an Neji are big time rivals, and even though he will defer to Neji's will in somecases (not too sure about it, but lets just assume so) he is also vary rash and ready to jump into a fight and prove that by working hard you can be great. Is that a good thing? well, diving out of cover and confronting someone who could totaly own you is not that vary bright.

    4) Kakashi, he is the hardest of all three. Hs is a geniuse, he is powerfull, he rocks, and damn well, he is humble about it. There is not an arrogent bone in that man's body. But he is still human, and with that being said, he would have too much time trying to get Shikamaru to get interested, have Rock stop bitching all the time to Neji let alone pretending to be like Kakashi (this is assuming Gai is out of the picture) and oh ya, if he is hurt in anyway, or incompacitated, the team can literly crumble to dust. All three genins depend on him, the minute he falls (lets say to something like Zabuza, or Kabutu, or I don't know anybody tough) the whole team falls apart. Neji because he begins to second guess himself. Rock goes on a rampage and Shikamaru is left standing there say "how troublesome" as he scratches his head and wonders how to get the hell out of the cituation.

    Even though this is really no flaw picking and just a rant, I am sure if we think hard enough we all think something is wrong with this team. I tried my best, can't remember what i was getting at before ... ah what the hell, bring Itachi against this team, with that water nin dude thats like a shark, and Kabutu and the team is fucked. oh and don't forget about Oro.

    I don't know ... its past midnight and I am tired.

    Just for laughs, I found this on the net, its what Jyhira (sp) thinks about while around Tsunade lol. Though it was just funny.

    even though it can be countered.. ^_^ good job... i m gonna try to think of more flaws later on

  17. #57

    RE: Perfect team

    ah one major flaw in my team is that lee uses self damaging attacks to quickly. also, with no healer, this can quickly hinder the team if he injures himself and they have to haul his unconcious body around and still do the mission at the same time. im sure the others can complete the missions, but it can greatly affect their efficency.

  18. #58

    RE: Perfect team

    Yeah, that's true. Even if Lee hadn't had that scuffle with Gaara, it seems he was ready to use the Lotus every time a fight got hard (Sasuke, Dosa, Gaara).

    The only other problem is that Neji and Lee are both Taijutsu users. Not a big problem, but they are a little weak with genjutsu. Granted, Kakashi can deal with them, but nobody can dish them out well.

    So there is room for improvement, but nothing really wrong with it.

  19. #59

    Perfect team

    one point about the genjutsu, shikamaru was also able to keep kabuto's sleep thingy from affecting him, so he's pretty good at atleast defending from it, so there is another good point to the team.

    Edit: as an afterthought, my worst team, id replace hinata with chouji. yeah he's got powerful moves, but he sucks at using them, plus he wants to fight less than hinata!

  20. #60

    Perfect team

    Hinata isn't even in the same league as Chouji. Chouji is much more skilled with his clan's techiniques than Hinata is with her Hyuuga techinques. We still have yet to see Chouji at full power. Should be coming soon though[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

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