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Thread: Perfect team

  1. #21

    RE: Perfect team

    I agree with Sakura and Ino, but Hinata could potentially do something useful, and while Ebisu is quite horrible, he did almost best Naruto for a minute there . . .

    My worst team: Sakura, Ino, and Chouji for the genins, and Ebisu for the Jounin. =P

  2. #22

    RE: Perfect team

    Genins: Ino, Gaara, Shino
    Jounin: Yuuhi Kurenai

    Resoning: Ino- Duh, the whole Mind~Body switch is INVALUABLE to Recon.
    Gaara- THE EYE. Apart from being a damn cool jutsu, It's great for spying, so long as Gaara can hold back his bloodlust XD
    Shino- NOBODY EXPECTS BUGS to be spies. Well, maybe Don Knots...(Scooby doo ref. GOD I'm old...)
    Kureinai- No real reason other then Mad genjutsu skills.

  3. #23

    RE: Perfect team

    agree with you for all of them except hinata... she is getting over her shyness.. and during her fight with neji showed that she would give her best.... and her Byakugan is def useful.. you know..

  4. #24

    RE: Perfect team

    i included hinata cause she doesnt have the motivation to do well. she failed her duties in the missions with her current team. she really isnt useful for anything other than healing.

  5. #25

    Perfect team

    Pres Bush and John Kerry from the hidden village of ass holes

  6. #26

    RE: Perfect team

    LMAO ^ nice one. drcitan

    Well there are abunch of holes I think with mine. Naji's arrogence obviusly gets on Lee's nerves, but atleast Kakashi can deal with it (after spending time leading team 7 (Naruto's idiocy[at the beginning] and Sakura fawning over Sasuke(sp)) he can deal with both Naji and Lee's bikering. Though Shikamaru and Naji is a little harder. I never put him in there for the intent of leading the team. He is there because of his insight, and the fact hardly anything shakes him (mainly because he's so lazy) and Naji I can deal with him leading the genin's just to spite Rock because he works harder when Naji is in control.

    Plus, the annoyance all three would have with Kakashi always coming late and leaving a bill for them to pay (or was that Jiraiya ... well there characters are soo close it dosen't mater anywho).

    I must say though, for recon Hollow yours is vary interesting, though for the life of me I can't remember who Yuuhi is. The only thing I gotta say is Garaa ... he'd probably kill off the whole team given the chance.

  7. #27

    RE: Perfect team

    Yuuhi Kurenai. The genjutsu specialist that battled against Itachi using that tree genjutsu.

  8. #28

    Perfect team

    Originally posted by: drcitan
    Pres Bush and John Kerry from the hidden village of ass holes
    Go here, you'll probably like it.

  9. #29

    RE: Perfect team

    Sensai- 4th Hokage

    i wanna see Neji in there too

  10. #30

    Perfect team

    Seifer, as I've said a couple times, I was looking for a team of current cast members, 1 jounin, 3 genin. The 4th wouldn't count as he is both dead and no longer a Jounin.

    Also, it is highly unlikely that Ino would either contribute to the team, or in fact work with any team that has Naruto in it.

    *EDIT* @ raposo: Of course not necessarily. It's conjecture. We've never seen these people form teams. It's still not a valid team, since the 4th is dead. The 3rd doesn't work because he is also dead (at this point in the series). Shikamaru's dad, maybe, but he does not strike me as a good leader, and since they haven't mentioned his intellect, it would seem that he's only lazy. Also, Naruto and Sasuke do mostly the same job, so you have overlap. Basically, I get the feeling that Seifer didn't read the topic, just posted in it. =P

    The Sasuke-Gaara fight was episode 66-67, a double-episode.

  11. #31

    RE: Perfect team

    Shippou-sama not neccissarily, I mean, sure Ino is bassically a bet nin (by a fraction) of Sakura, but don't forget, Sasuke is there, and atleast she could contribute to the team. Atleast Sakura is not there acting as a distraction to Naruto, so really, Naruto will excel and basically tell Ino off all the time (he never does that to Sakura) also her taking over minds techniques would greatly increase the potentional of far better missions.

    I actually like SeifeR's team, though that 4th Hokage thing would be better if you switched it to either the third, or maybe Shikamaru's dad or something. *shrugs* I don't know, its just a thought anyway.

    Also ... what episode did Sasuke and Garaa fight in the tournament again, like I mean in the arena, I wanna see it again, but I can't remember which episode # it was in.

  12. #32

    Perfect team

    Shippou-sama not neccissarily, I mean, sure Ino is bassically a bet nin (by a fraction) of Sakura, but don't forget, Sasuke is there, and atleast she could contribute to the team. Atleast Sakura is not there acting as a distraction to Naruto, so really, Naruto will excel and basically tell Ino off all the time (he never does that to Sakura) also her taking over minds techniques would greatly increase the potentional of far better missions.

    I actually like SeifeR's team, though that 4th Hokage thing would be better if you switched it to either the third, or maybe Shikamaru's dad or something. *shrugs* I don't know, its just a thought anyway.

    Also ... what episode did Sasuke and Garaa fight in the tournament again, like I mean in the arena, I wanna see it again, but I can't remember which episode # it was in.

    EDIT:: crap sorry about the double post, a warning thing popped up when i clicked reply to thread button and then when i backspaced and pressed it again, it most have done it twice. My appologies.

  13. #33

    Perfect team

    Hmmm, good thread.

    I'm prolly gonna have to go with very similar choices to everyone else.

    Jounin: Kakashi --you can have all the jutsus in the world, but there's one thing that beats them all. That's experience. Imo, I think kakashi is one of the most experienced Jounins, not only does he bring thousands of jutsus to use, but he also brings a whak of knowledge. Also, hes my favourite character, that and he's late all the time, just like me =)

    Neji --Strong leadership skills, Gentle fist style, Kaiten, Byukagen <sp?> and of course the scouting. He's very arrogant, but I think he's got what it takes to know when to use it properly. I think, because of his clan, he'd know how to be diplomatic and handle social situations.

    Shikamaru -- No brainer, tactics, strategy, I think he'd also be able to keep Neji's ego in check for the most part. Also, Shadow Imitation is neat!

    Kiba -- The survival expert for the team. I think he and Akamaru would be a great addition. It gives them team that extra versatility of being able to handle themselves on the road, in the rough, or in the city. I think there's a lot of potential in the character, and is also the wild zany one of the group. The perfect anti-thesis to Shikamaru's lazy lifestyle =)

  14. #34

    Perfect team

    Ehh, Decent start. I'd have to disagree with Kiba. He seems to be pretty much a weak link in any group, since he doesn't really have a good specialty. His skills seem to be scouting, which Neji is better at, and fighting, which Neji and Kakashi are better at.

    Also, as mentioned, I tend to wonder how well Neji and Shikamaru would work together. And for reference, Neji was not from the main family, he's from the second family, which is the "lower caste," so while he might have some diplomatic skills, it is unlikely, and it would not come from anything to do with the family.

  15. #35

    Perfect team

    Kiba and Akamaru would be the perfect trackers in any situation. The ability to identify someone by the smell of the chakra is a big addition to any group. And again, he's a survival specialist, I think that's somethingthat makes that particular group well rounded. While they may excel at missions like: Escort this man here, or defend this person against these ninjas. Any mission where they actually have to go rough it and survive, they'd be in a bit of trouble.

    I agree with the clan member thing, but still, I think he would have a bit of skill in dealing with high society situations. It's not like he's a raga-muffin right off the streets of Konoha =) The only time he'd really go out of control is if he head to deal with head fmaily members. But that'd add some cool tension as well.

  16. #36

    RE: Perfect team

    i think shika and neji can work together. people keep saying neji would challenge leadership, but first of all, the jounin is the leader, and shika doesnt have to lead to come up with brilliant strategies. if they get in a tight spot, the jounin would just tell shika to give the team a series of plans that could work and they could decide as a team which plan to use.

    besides, neji is more of the type to ignore people, not confront them.

  17. #37

    Perfect team

    hmm.. yeah... akamaru can tell who is strong or not.. like one time with gaara... so i guess he's not too bad..

  18. #38

    Perfect team

    Please stop using scouting as an excuse to put them on a team. I have no problem with adding a character because you like them, but admit it. Even in the wilderness section of the Chuunin exam, Shino and Kiba both turned to Hinata and the Byukagen for scouting. That means that Neji would be the scout, not Kiba.

    Survival isn't really an issue. I mean, every one of the teams was able to find food in the Chuunin exam, so it's clearly not that big of an issue. Even Sakura was able to find shelter. I doubt that Kakashi, Neji, and Shikamaru would be in trouble without Kiba.

    Lastly, as I've mentioned before, Kiba isn't very good. He has to use combat pills, smoke screens, and Akamaru (with combat pills) just to almost beat Naruto, who was sealed by Orochimaru at the time.

    I'll admit, I don't mind his addition as a character, I think he has some neat techniques, and an interesting personality. I just don't see how he contributes anything to the team, other than identifying a person by their chakra smell, which is partially useless, since even a 13 year old (Sasuke) can tell if something's wrong based on details (Naruto in the Chuunin exam). If Genin Sasuke can do it, I get the feeling that Kakashi could do it.

    *Edit* I do see how Shika and Neji would work well, though.

  19. #39

    RE: Perfect team

    I'd pick:

    Neji: Cos he rules, makes a good leader, good fighter and good scouter.
    Kabuto: Good fighter, Healer and smart.
    Gaara: Defense for the team and can pick a good fight.
    Kakashi: Good fighter, sharingan and the experience for the team.

    I chose ppl that could do a specific task as well as fight to defend themselves. I put in Kakashi cos he has a lot of experience. I know Kabuto is a bad guy but I'm putting everyone as equal good guys. I woulda put in Shikamaru but he's not the best of fighters specially with his low amount of Chakra.
    I don't care who I have to fight!
    If he rips my arms off, I'll kick him to death!
    If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death!
    If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death!
    And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him from beyond the grave!

  20. #40

    RE: Perfect team

    Once again, Kabuto is not a genin, nor would he operate as one under Kakashi at this point in the anime.

    Also, we're looking for teams willing to do any job, not just powerful teams for combat.

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