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Thread: Perfect team

  1. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi

    i was talking about weights-off lee. Remember at the chuunin finals, lee said that sasuke obtained his weights-off speed in only a month? Also, even if lee's 5 gates are stronger than 1-tailed naruto or level 2 sasuke (which i dont think it is, but i dont really have evidance, im just saying off personal opinion after watching), lees gates come at a terrible cost and will leave him defenseless afterwords for long periods of time, while kyuubi naruto heals fast (naturally) and I dont think level 2 sasuke takes long to recover (he was fine after the battle). Yes ill admit gaara is a powerful ally, but there isnt really a need for him here. Jiraya has fine defense, and naruto/sasuke have a very powerful offense and stamina. And neji is needed for scouting so there isnt really any room or need left for gaara.

    I'm coming back into this...

    Instead of me pointing out why Sasuke can't be used in a team, could you please point out why you believe he CAN be put in a team? He left his home, friends, and people behind. He has had many mood swings; For example: In the episodes where Naruto was fighting Sasuke, just at the end of the chase with the Sound Four, Sasuke didn't initially intend to kill Naruto. He then later attempted to kill Naruto by smashing his head into the ground from ungodly heights. Later, at the very end of their fight, Sasuke staggered off and decided not to kill Naruto. Sasuke has decided he is an avenger, and at any cost; he chose to give himself to the enemy of Konoha... that's called switching sides.
    (btw, sorry if this came across harshly, I'm not intending to flame anyone)

    As for Naruto... if Gaara were to just, say, use Desert Coffin instantly... wouldn't he kill his opponent much more quickly, without a fight?

  2. #222
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    At the valley where naruto and sasuke faught, sasuke had the perfect opportunity to kill naruto, yet he didnt. That shows he is still affectionate towards his konoha teamate. Yes, he is an avenger at any cost, but he doesn't want to fight konoha. That is just a side effect of going to oro to gain power. He doesn't like oro, he just wants power at any cost. If that power was given to him, he would not leave konoha. So he did not make himself an enemy of konoha, konoha made themselves enemy to sasuke. Sasuke doesnt know that oro wants to take over his body, he just thinks he is going to get trained. Get another sannin or a nin of sannin level, catch sasuke, train him stronger than oro would, and you have urself a konoha uchiha.

    P.S. Not unless gaara uses the Desert Funeral follow-through. And not if the ninja could dodge the sand or overall outstrength it.

  3. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    At the valley where naruto and sasuke faught, sasuke had the perfect opportunity to kill naruto, yet he didnt. That shows he is still affectionate towards his konoha teamate. Yes, he is an avenger at any cost, but he doesn't want to fight konoha. That is just a side effect of going to oro to gain power. He doesn't like oro, he just wants power at any cost. If that power was given to him, he would not leave konoha. So he did not make himself an enemy of konoha, konoha made themselves enemy to sasuke. Sasuke doesnt know that oro wants to take over his body, he just thinks he is going to get trained. Get another sannin or a nin of sannin level, catch sasuke, train him stronger than oro would, and you have urself a konoha uchiha.

    P.S. Not unless gaara uses the Desert Funeral follow-through. And not if the ninja could dodge the sand or overall outstrength it.
    Well, at the valley (as I already told you), Sasuke had the perfect chance to kill Naruto; he tried at one point. He later decided not to (after he actually tried). In addition, a quote from Sasuke (not word-for-word), but he said "I will gain power at any cost, even if I must give my body to the devil himself", or something to that effect... I just have to find what episode that was from.

    Anyways, Sasuke is already in the hands of Oro. Even a team with a Sannin couldn't find Sasuke or Oro. To assemble such a team is impossible. Not only this, but Sasuke would not come back until he kills Itachi; until he feels he is powerful enough, he will continue to try to gain power... then his only goal will be to seek out and destroy Itachi. It would be impossible to assemble him into a team. If your team is a "future team", Naruto and the others would probably become Jounin by then.

  4. #224
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Team with sannin? You mean sakura, naruto, jiraya? I believe that was a filler, Im not sure though. And that was 1 try. If they had the jounin to spare to search for him, then they might be able to. It's just not exactly on konoha's priority list. And I said that sasuke doesn't hate konoha, so if time stopped and he was asked to do a mission without time going by, or if he was offered another sannin to train him, he would be part of this hypothetical ultimate team. And who said this team HAD to do missions. I thought the point was to make the best team for missions, not actually make them do missions.

    It's like in my town for basketball, at the end of each season, a fake team is made out of the best players of each team to make an "allstar team" that doesnt really play, but if it did play it would be the best. I would assume that this "perfect team thread" is the same thing.

  5. #225
    Jiraiya at the lead.

    Between Jiraiya and Shikamaru, you have all the brainpower and experience you'd need for ANY situation, and Neji+Gaara are no slouches either.

    You also have 2 absolute defenses at your disposal with Neji and Gaara, plus there is no place for the enemy to hide with Gaara's sand eye and Neji's Byakugan.

    Neji and Shikamaru don't mess around, they're team players. Gaara might get a little unstable, but I doubt it.

    Worst case scenario: The team passes by a strip club. Jiraiya will be out of commission for a while.

  6. #226
    I'd just like to point out once again: SHIKAMARU IS NOT A GENIN.

  7. #227
    Hey, it's just a matter of time before he gets caught in the act with Temari-and demoted.

  8. #228
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheDante
    Jiraiya at the lead.

    Between Jiraiya and Shikamaru, you have all the brainpower and experience you'd need for ANY situation, and Neji+Gaara are no slouches either.

    You also have 2 absolute defenses at your disposal with Neji and Gaara, plus there is no place for the enemy to hide with Gaara's sand eye and Neji's Byakugan.

    Neji and Shikamaru don't mess around, they're team players. Gaara might get a little unstable, but I doubt it.

    Worst case scenario: The team passes by a strip club. Jiraiya will be out of commission for a while.
    I like your thinking, but if there are multiple opponents, then it wont be good for shikamaru is not very skilled in taijutsu. But then again he could use shadow bind and wait for help from a teamate. But I don't want to argue against this team for 1: its good and 2: shikamaru isnt a genin so u fail anyway


    Last edited by Mizuchi; Mon, 07-31-2006 at 11:15 AM.

  9. #229
    ^ I like that team except I would replace Sasuke with Gaara and maybe Jiaryia with some 1 else

  10. #230
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alter_Ego
    ^ I like that team except I would replace Sasuke with Gaara and maybe Jiaryia with some 1 else
    I don't really have the proof to say that sasuke is stronger than gaara, but I do think that if gaara does not go shukaku mode (and I don't think he will since he seems somewhat stable now), then level 2 curse seal sasuke seems to be a bit stronger.

    And who could be more badass than serious jiraya?

    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheDante
    Hey, it's just a matter of time before he gets caught in the act with Temari-and demoted.
    Why would he be demoted for that?

  11. #231
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    I still don't understand... how do we get Sasuke in a team? We don't even know where to find him... And he doesn't really want to be found...

  12. #232
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    *sigh* We've talked about that alread. Go a couple pages back.

  13. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    *sigh* We've talked about that alread. Go a couple pages back.
    I know we have... I remember what we argued about... What I don't remember is, well, a valid point (or acknowledgement of the points made against you). :-S

    I will reread, though, to see if I missed anything.


    Ok, I reread, and its exactly as I remember. We may never come to an agreement, but I will try not to narrow-mindedly argue with you (as well as I won't argue in a fassion deemed to be flaming).

    Just getting straight to the point, I will ask you a few questions directly:
    - How do we actually find and recruit Sasuke?
    - If we manage to find Sasuke, will he actually accept the invitation to the team?
    - Sasuke ran away from Konoha, ran away from Naruto, etc. Why will he come back (within reason, realisitically)?

    Yes, I've asked these questions before, in one way or another. I am just asking you to directly answer them. I fully realise what I'm doing.

    @ Mizuchi... one account is enough to bash me with... -_-
    I have a memory, and I do read... I'm trying not to be so negative.
    Last edited by Canadian; Tue, 08-08-2006 at 09:24 PM.

  14. #234
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    I don't know the exact rules, but I think that this is a fantasy team. If Jiraiya were to train sasuke, why would sasuke refuse? Jiraiya is a sannin too and about equal leveled to oro.

    Sasuke didn't run away from konoha, he ran to oro, and konoha viewed it as abandonment of the village, when all sasuke is looking for is power. If we were to find sasuke and tell him that all oro wants is the sharingan, then forcefully bring him home and explain to him what oro wants, then give him a sannin to train him, I think he would be part of the team. And if we gave him really high level missions so he would be challenged, he would stay with the team.

    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian
    @ Mizuchi... one account is enough to bash me with... -_-
    I didnt use more than one account..?

  15. #235
    You guys' argument is stalled on Sasuke's choice, since you don't know what he does or doesn't know or how he would feel in a situation that hasn't arisen in the manga yet you can speculate all you want, but it's pointless and just wastes space on the database. I'd recommend you read the manga and move your argument into the open discussion thread. Then your speculation will have more merit, as you'll know everything there is to know about Sasuke up to the time you make your points.

  16. #236
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    The perfect team will always be Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  17. #237
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
    The perfect team will always be Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon.
    You are right because Konohamaru will be the 7th Hokage. It is inevitable.

  18. #238
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    >_< Way to spoil everything jadugar. I wonder what kind of badass ninja udon will be when he goes jounin.

  19. #239
    Genin zibo's Avatar
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    He will calculate his way out ? Super-Math-no-jutsu

  20. #240
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    Hmm my choices would be:

    My edited team:

    Jounin: Kurenai - She seems to have a good command of genjutsu filling the gap left by most of the genin since taijutsu seems to be the most prevelent there.

    Genin: Neji - Intelligent, and has the Byakugan making him very useful for scouting. Also very good at Taijutsu

    Shino - His bugs techniques are quite powerful and his quite demeanor would probably mean less fighting within the group. He has also proven to rather smart and also has worked under Kurenai before.

    Rock Lee - Very powerful Taijutsu and while not the most intelligent, he DOES think. He has also worked with Neji before and I think theyre rivalry would push the team to greater heights.

    Overall I think the team would be rather flexible. They should be rather flexible with two taijustu experts and another two members capable of fighting from a distance. Theyre all also moderatly intelligent as well allowing them to adapt to the situation at hand.
    Last edited by TruthofMistake; Wed, 08-09-2006 at 10:29 PM.

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