JaySee already won with his team. The rest of you can quit posting because he's absolutely correct.
JaySee already won with his team. The rest of you can quit posting because he's absolutely correct.
So my post isn't valid, or even more correct?... (check previous page)Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Accidental triple post. Yes, I understand... No worries, won't happen again.
Last edited by Canadian; Mon, 07-24-2006 at 02:12 AM.
(I put "..." between each spot I removed, to shorten the quote)Originally Posted by JaySee
True, this team is very powerful. Also true, this team is well made. Although, we have to think within the world of Naruto, if we are actually going to use Naruto characters.
I will start from the first listed character and end with the last.
Jiraya is a brute force, although, he comes with his own downsides. In battle, or in very serious situations, he may prevail without any "adult" misbehaviour. Otherwise, he will sidetrack as soon as possible at any time to, shall we say "get busy 'n hammered"? With the team knowing he is prone to doing such things, his status as leader would be diminished in the eyes of Gaara, Neji, and Ino (he would be harder to trust, listen to, take orders from, etc.) To sum Jiraya up: On the spot, he is one of the greatest ninjas; Unfortunately, to say he is well rounded would be a dangerous falsity.
Neji is a definite contributing factor to any team. His sight ability is very important, he can listen to orders (or give them if he needs to), he is adept in hand-to-hand combat, and he has techniques unique to his own clan.
Gaara is probably required in any team. His weaknesses are outweighed by his strengths one million fold.
Ino is an iffy member for the team. Infiltration is her definite strength, but this only takes the team so far. When she tries to take over strong-minded characters, she generally fails (or has very little time). Her mind control technique is also time-consuming (to activate) and is often inaccurate (and unreliable), and has extreme reprocutions if failed. I don't exactly know what to say about Ino, but in my oppinion, she is not adept in her field (and is still learning).
Accidental triple post. Yes, I understand... No worries, won't happen again.
Last edited by Canadian; Mon, 07-24-2006 at 02:12 AM.
You can't exactly use Sasuke in a team... for obvious reasons!Originally Posted by Mizuchi
When putting a team together, you should think about the availability of every character, how well each character can contribute, listen and interact, and where each team member's allegiance lies.
Accidental triple post. Yes, I understand... No worries, won't happen again.
Last edited by Canadian; Mon, 07-24-2006 at 02:13 AM.
Canadian makes a good point, the state of the show presents an interesting oppourtunity, since almost no development has occured since the fillers started (5-25-2005 just to drive the knife a little deeper) we can inmagine this perfect team recieving some mission right after the end of the real story. Thus Garaa could conceivably be on a team with Leaf ninja, but Sasuke has renounced pretty much all teamwork related stuff at this point, so he shouldn't be included in anyone's perfect team.
here is my 2cents.
jiraya: for obvious reason one he is a sanin, two he has great offensive and defensive techniques,three he can detect genjutsu and good with cursed seals and what not.He is pretty much a perfect all around ninja.
neji: Byakugan will be really good for seeing traps and the enemy from a far distance so team can ambush also the team cant be cought from behind with him being able to see behind. Also a very good taijutsu user leaving anyone he fights in close combat to be useless.
sasuke: pretty obivious very powerful genin with lvl 3 sharingan and lvl 2 curse mark. not many gonna match up to the force he has. Also able to copy taijutsu and ninjutsu others use. Can spot genjutsu also and able to fight without using much chakra cause of lvl 3 sharingan capablity to read movements.
naruto: Yes naruto i know he is loud annoying and clumsy at time. The thing is he has more potential then anyone else. When things get tough naruto reaches new lvls as we have seen many times already. A infinite amount of chakra at his disposal and a good thinker in battle. Allways thinking ahead in battle. Also the enemy thinks of him as weak and underestimates him majority of the time so he is a trump card.
I disagree with the choice of Ino for a simple reason, her jutsu is to easy to doge and is only useful if the enemy is cought off guard or bound. she is also a weak fighter. Yes garra is great but we got two members in this group with great defense (jiraya, neji), one who can avoid and dodge attacks (sasuke), and one who isnt harmed by ninjutsu when in kyubi mode (naruto). the force this group has is almost unstoppable no group can beat this.
Originally Posted by Canadian
Wow! Good reply. My team is good overall for most missions, but of course there are other teams that would be better in certain situations. I just think that this team would be the best overall for all types of missions. Of course the beauty is that you would actually make different teams for different situations.
Anyways, Jiraya is all business when it gets hairy. Sure, the three Genin will look down on him during off-time, but when the heat comes he delivers. Ino definitely is the weakest link and wildcard, but it's more than made by the other teammates. Hopefully Jiraya would help her strengthen her techniques without molesting her too much.![]()
Not all missions are about fighting, especially for ninja. A true ninja (not quite in the Naruto world) wants to sneak in, do the mission and get the heck out of there without detection. That's where Ino fits in. In actuallity, Ino is the truest sense of a Ninja in Naruto.Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
Fucking stop double and triple posting, guys.
Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
i agree. jiraya sasuke naruto neji ftw.
Originally Posted by JaySee
yeah i completely agree with you but like you said in the naruto world none of it really goes by the truest sense of a ninja. Ninja are stealth and thats barely shown here lol.
Sasuke = a definite no. Like I said earlier, the "perfect" team should consist of characters that are available, team players, and are allied to the characters they are on the team with. You can't expect two enemies to act as a team with each other. You cannot selectively ignore certain aspects to build your perfect team; take everything into consideration, otherwise, your team is not "perfect"!Originally Posted by Mizuchi
Just something extra... A team can be perfect in one situation, but not another. The "perfect" team is the team that can take on the widest range of tasks with success. This is the basis of my following comments.
I have already commented on Sasuke, so I will move on to Naruto.
Naruto is the luck factor. He is based on chance. His inconsistencies make him a majorly flawed member for any team. As you see him in the story, he always comes out alive (and with some sort of success) because he is the main character (and he has the his special Nine-Tailed Fox powers). Still thinking within the world of Naruto, Naruto would hold back the rest of the team at times, put them in dangerous positions, and screw up even the most simple of tasks. Naruto can be a brute force, but when it comes to whit and consistency... he's nothing.
I don't even need to comment about Neji. He is a well-rounded Ninja, and there is nothing to argue about here.
Jiraya has similarities to Naruto with his inconsitencies. He will side-track as soon as possible, take long routes just to pick up a hooker or two (yes, that's what he's doing...), and is often unavailable (this team would be hard to assemble, and keep together after a mission, with Jiraya). Although Jiraya is one of the top choices, I still think he isn't a great leader.
Anyways, what I mainly wanted to say was you SHOULD NOT use Sasuke in a team, and you should think about a team in many different situations. Direct team vs. team combat isn't something that a good team of Ninjas should put themselves into.
1. since when is sasuke an enemy of naruto and sons? He is only going to orochimaru to gain power, he doesnt hate naruto. He tried to kill him to gain the power of mangekyuo, but he didnt kill him when he got the chance because he couldnt kill his friend.
2. Naruto luck factor? when naruto gets serious he is a very powerful weapon. And so far in every real episode, naruto comes through and saves the team. And he doesnt always put them in danger.
3. Neji > u.
4. When jiraya is serious, he wont get sidetracked. If they are on a chase to get someone, hes not going to stop for hookers. And he wont call timeout in a battle to go play around. When he gets serious, hes as good fighter and leader as they get. He was even willing to kill one of his best friends if she helped an enemy of konoha.
The first two comments I disagree with. I will disregard your second comment. And your fourth comment is extremely valid, and I'd say you are correct (although, you should read what I pointed out earlier).Originally Posted by Mizuchi
Read this, and read it carefully: To create a perfect team, you should think about the following:
1. How will this team assemble; this isn't as important of a factor, but to an extent, you should think about this.
2. Is every team member allied to each other. (The answer should be yes).
3. Will every team member work well together, under most situations.
4. Are there any team members that will refuse to join a team/work with or as a team.
5. Will every member of the team be consistent in what they do. Will they consistently screw things up on unpredictable occasions?
6. How does the team interact?
7. Under ANY situation (this doesn't necissarily mean fighting), will this team succeed?
These are just a few questions you can ask yourself about a team. This is why Sasuke cannot be put in a perfect team. This is also why Naruto shouldn't be put in a perfect team.
why and why? neji isnt a problem. If ordered to, he will cooperate with any members. Sasuke and naruto actually work quite well together. In tactics and in combat (refer back to wave country arc, first battle v. zabuza). And if kyuubi unleashed, can become an unstoppable taijutsu/ninjutsu force. Jiraya will make the planning, the other two will cooperate. And you keep refering back to naruto not being consistent. Once someone he loves is put in danger, he is more serious and consistant than anyone.
ok if these rules keep coming from no where then how bout garra. He isnt gonna be part of any team sent out by konoha. there not gonna ask the sand "hey can i borrow one of ure members to be apart of one of my teams". If anything he comes with his team. Thats my opinion on this manner.
Any way this wasnt apart of the rules set by the authur of this thread he even choose sasuke in his first post lol.
LOL, this is turning into a nice little flame war, and the mods might step in if you two take it much further.
@bxgreatone87 doesn't it make sense to take into account charachter growth? And did you not watch the Sasuke chase arc? Who came to the aid of the team when their backs were against the wall?
@Mizuchi you're arguing that a guy who left the village and only cares about gaining power for himself would be a good team player...how do you justify that? He might have worked well in the past, but like I said a perfect team should be drawn from the states the charachters were in at the end of the original storyline. And Sasuke was not in any kind of team building state at that point.
Also your use of Naruto is pretty much as a wrecking ball, most missions aren't all about going and destroying everything in site, other potential team members have similar destructive ability while also bringing non combat skills to the team. What are Naruto's non-combat skills at this point? If the mission was to not engage the enemyand do X what could Naruto bring to the table to outweigh his clumsiness and lack of strategic thinking?
Note Naruto almost all of Naruto's displayed intelligence is tactical, he is good at getting things done in a battle, but not at avoiding battles or planning beyond them.
kakashi for jounin
i think usually the team consists of 1 girl
ty psj for this sig
@Comment about Neji: I disagreed with his comment about Neji because he was bashing me. Quoting him: "neji > u"; I take that as being rude. I disregarded it. (and please, I don't want another moderator messaging me telling me that rudeness isn't against the rules... I know that!)Originally Posted by Mizuchi
As for Sasuke and Naruto, you shouldn't be referring into the past. The perfect team should be up-to-date.
You yourself just further proved my argument; Naruto IS quite inconsistent. "And if kyuubi unleashed, (he) can become an unstoppable taijutsu/ninjutsu force.": This comment proves Naruto is inconsistent. This ability has its own ups and downs; it puts a tremendous strain on Naruto.
"Once someone he loves is put in danger, he is more serious and consistant than anyone"; I would also like to disagree on this. Firstly, Naruto is often ignorant, and is very inconsistent. With the power of the Kyuubi, he is even more unpredictable; he doesn't exactly control the "red chakra"... it kinda moves on its own (when he drenches himself in the power of the Kyuubi). There are some limits on using the Fox's powers, and you can't expect consistency from Naruto in any situation... he is not part of a perfect team. When using the power of the Kyuubi, he isn't exactly a team-player (he's more of a dominant and... just doesn't quite work well); he needs more time to practice and learn to use it (and actually be able to use it physically). Providing examples, he can fight well in certain situations while using the power... but this is still INCONSISTENT! He won't always fight like this.
Like I said earlier, it's not about all-out fighting. They don't even need the Kyuubi. A ninja is meant to get a job done and without flaw. Do you really think Naruto is capable of flawless battle? Of flawless tactic, flawlessly taking orders... keeping quiet? etc... Naruto + Sasuke = just won't mix... not to mention, either one won't work in a team even separately.
Refer to Yukimura's (sry about the typo, lol) comments about Gaara, Sasuke, and Naruto for further argument (I fully agree with what he said).
(sry about any grammatical errors, I posted this at 12:48 AM coz I was still on the computer... :-P)
Last edited by Canadian; Wed, 07-19-2006 at 03:40 AM.
I'd suggest not even bothering to argue with Mizuchi.
Anyways, on Gaara. He would do fine on a team with Konoha. It's been shown that he is a great team player and feels indebted and has great respect for Konoha and it's Ninja for waking him up from his insanity and freeing his village from Orochimaru.