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Thread: Perfect team

  1. #1

    Perfect team

    Basically, a few of my friends and I have debated and discussed various teams. The basic idea is to create a team that can handle all or most situations, work well together (so Naruto is generally a bad candidate), and not waste/overlap talent (using Hinata for healing, while overlooking her Byukagen, or putting too many fighters in one team). Please try to explain your choices, as well.

    The teams are four member squads, so we'll stick with 1 Jounin and 3 genin.

    My current "team" is Kakashi for dealing with genjutsu, Shikamaru for tactics (in case of seperation), Neiji for scouting/taijutsu, and Sasuke for general ninjutsu use.

    Mind you, my team has several holes, but this is the team I'm thinking of now.

  2. #2

    Perfect team

    my team would have to be neji, rock lee, saskue, and tsunade

    neji - for his ability to see nearly all around him and for his 64 hit move which will practically paralize anyone
    rock lee - for his great taijustu skills and gates
    saskue - for his sharingan which will see gengutsu and attacks
    tsunade - for her healing jutsus and strength

  3. #3

    Perfect team

    Shikimaru, Naruto, Chouji, and Kiba. But no Neji. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Shikimaru for the tactics, Chouji for physical power and comedic relief, Naruto for Chakra power and Kiba for scouting/combat.

  4. #4
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Perfect team

    itachi, jiraiya, orochimaru.

    no other combination of alive characters can beat that.


    oh yeah, i forgot an extra person. thanks basey_69. i add tsunade.

    EDIT 2:

    this is a one joun and three genin team? that's gay. i'm sticking with my original idea.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  5. #5

    Perfect team

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    itachi, jiraiya, orochimaru.

    no other combination of alive characters can beat that.
    How about Kyubi, Manda, Gamawhateverthefuckhisnameis. yeah I know I know u need someone to summon them.

  6. #6

    Perfect team

    mut u werent listening

    get into the spirit of this thread, u get 4 in a team so u should also add tsunade or kisame [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Perfect team

    Well, some very interesting choices, though it seems I'm too longwinded. Sorry, I know there's a lot of crap to read through, but I was referring to a team of 1 Jounin and 3 Genin.

    The only reason we try to limit it is because clearly there are a few overpowering characters in the series, and clearly nobody can beat the 3 sannins combined. The idea is to use the less than perfect members to create the best team possible.

    Also, feel free to analyze possible problems, like the fact that Itachi and Orochimaru would spend more time fighting than working together, thus undermining the group's efficiency. The same goes for just about any team with Naruto and the following: Kiba, Shikamaru, Sasuke (well, sometimes they work out alright, but we're not counting on the "when it really counts" idea, we want a team for all situations), umm . . . some others that I can't think of off the top of my head.

    To start the critiques, we'll pull apart mine: no healers for one, an extra member (Sasuke, while a good ninja, doesn't actually contribute anything to the group), and possible personality conflicts with Nejii and Sasuke.

    Anything else?

    Note: I am happy to see that people are in fact interested. =D

  8. #8

    RE: Perfect team

    Shippou-sama: i liked your team but instead of sasuke you throw in naruto,
    he can summon, got kage bunshin and also has rasengan.
    shikamaru to come up with strategies and such. neji for his insight, taijutsu and byakugen, kaiten, and naruto with his kage bunshin can create more then the group and if things get into big trouble he has gamabunta.

  9. #9

    Perfect team

    My only concern is that Naruto doesn't really work well with others, and would fairly adequately muck up Shikamaru's plans. Also, a flaw for Shikamaru is that he may or may not be willing to actually come up with tactics, since he tends to let others take over, and only acts when he has no other choice. Regardless of teammates, Naruto will always try to take command, thus Shikamaru may not get the chance.

    I do see the advantages of having him in the group, with a more useful variety of jutsus. Part of his usefulness comes only from the dreaded "in a tight spot" (frog boss). This is another thing to try and avoid, as it massively unbalances any characters performance. Remember, we want to find a team to handle all their missions well, which includes everything in the range of picking trash out of a river to eliminating an enemy from another village.

    And, as I've said, my team is far from perfect, I realize. =P

  10. #10

    Perfect team

    Shikamaru, Neji, Sasuke

    and gai (cos wherever gai is rock lee isnt too far away)

    [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    its like buy one get one free [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    RE: Perfect team

    hmm...3 genin, 1 jounin?
    I'd have to say,
    jounin: Kakashi
    genin: Shikamaru, Neji, Rock Lee

    id like to put shino in there, but with the jounin and three genin this would be best. if it were 4 genins, id replace kakashi with shino and rock lee with sasuke

  12. #12

    RE: Perfect team

    Jounin: Jiraiya because the other 2 sanin and Itachi are either too unreliable, headstrong, or too unpredictable.

    Genin: Neji - scouting, taijutsu
    Sasuke - Ninjutsu, tactics
    Naruto - variable

    There might be an initial clash between our 2 genius genins, but there's no real reason for a feud there. As for Naruto, he is a very versatile fighter, and doesn't seem to have trouble working in a team when the stakes are high.

    Neji should be able to completely nullify most taijutsu attacks with his byakugan + kaiten.

    Sasuke should be (theoretically) able to copy most genin-level ninjutsu. He's also shown surprising tactical expertise in fights as well.

  13. #13
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Perfect team

    Jounin: Kakashi (great insight in battle, Sharingan, over 1000 jutsus ready to use)
    Genins: Lee (great taijutsu, extremely fast, probably able to create a lot of openings for attacks)
    Naruto (great stamina and chakra capacity, cause a distraction to the enemy to create openings for attacks, although a few number of jutsus, they are quite versatile, able to call upon Kyubi's chakra)
    Sasuke (quite analytical, good choice of long range jutsus, Sharingan)

    This seems like the team that I would choose, although each have their weak points.

    Kakashi: unable to use Sharingan as much as he would want to, great number of jutsus can easily drain his chakra
    Lee: unable to fight using long range, Lotus is a double-edged sword, might try to go "overboard"
    Naruto: unpredictable (#1 ninja in surprising people), tends to waste stamina and chakra, might try to go "overboard"
    Sasuke: not fully developed Sharingan, fire jutsus can easily be stopped against the right type of enemy, depends on Chidori a bit too much, high speed drains stamina quite quickly

  14. #14

    Perfect team

    Well, for me it would have to be
    Jounin: Kakashi
    Genine: Shikamaru, Naji, Kiba

    Kakashi was hard because if I chose Gai, then i would change Kiba for Sasuke, but I thought just for sheer skill, and sharengen and experaince, Kakashi would be a very good choide.

    Shikamaru not only because of this tactics, but his ninjutsus with shadows are perfect for most things that need stealth and manuipulation.

    Naji because he's not only a geniuse, but also because of his scouting and his bykagu(sp) sorry can't spell. But you all know what I mean.

    Kiba because of his fighting spirit, and he's really cool with that dog and popping the pills. With those three you have a solid both fighting force, and someone who gots a dog that kicks ass as a clone, Kiba for his tracking, Naji for his skills as a genin and his bloodline, Shikamaru for brains and Kakashi to over all attempt to save the day while reading a dirty book [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    EDIT:: Actually, I was thinking, better yet, trade Kiba for Sakura (joking) no, Rock Lee because I just realized the team needs a vary capable fighter with Taijutsu.

  15. #15
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Perfect team

    Itachi, Gaara, Naruto, Kabuto.

    Itachi and Kabuto are belong to the smart type ninja, Naruto is the lucky trump card, and gaara is just the offensive power behined them.

    sure, Itachi is a missing nin, Kabuto is a criminal and gaara might want to kill Naruto (or anyone else) just out of boredom. But they are the best you can get in this category.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #16

    RE: Perfect team

    I say the Sannin, because they might have worked together well in the pass and know how to coordinate with each other easily.

    but a team with pure offence, id pick, itachi, jiraya, and orochimaru.

  17. #17
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Perfect team

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    Itachi, Gaara, Naruto, Kabuto.

    Itachi and Kabuto are belong to the smart type ninja, Naruto is the lucky trump card, and gaara is just the offensive power behined them.

    sure, Itachi is a missing nin, Kabuto is a criminal and gaara might want to kill Naruto (or anyone else) just out of boredom. But they are the best you can get in this category.
    Kabuto is NOT a Genin. He is actually a Jounin from the Village of Sound.

  18. #18

    Perfect team

    Originally posted by: jing
    I say the Sannin, because they might have worked together well in the pass and know how to coordinate with each other easily.

    but a team with pure offence, id pick, itachi, jiraya, and orochimaru.
    was thinking the same... but maybe could add shikamaru for the battle brain..

    and tsunade i think is very useful cuz of her amazing healing techniques (i mean oro's damage seems incurable, but seems like tsunade would have been able to heal it...

    heh.. and summon snake, frog, and snail... they will do wonders [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] and the little froggy could work as a spy

  19. #19

    Perfect team

    Umm, well, the Sannin =/= Jounin, and Itachi is a missing-nin, so he'll not be joining with anyone. I like that you're posting, but you ignored both of my attempts to set the record straight.

    Since this is using the current characters, Kabuto is a Jounin, not a genin, and he cannot work with Naruto, as they are now enemies. The same goes for Orochimaru and pretty much anyone.

    And no, Lee will not go along with Gai if he is no longer on the team, so you do not get an extra member.

    Again, we're not trying to make the most powerful team, but the best team overall.

    Based on the guidelines of this thread, only 3 of the last 8 submitted teams were viable.

    I am pleased at these teams, however: KaneInferno, Kooshi, and Raposo.

    Some notes (again, feel free to critique anyone's teams):

    Kane: Excellent team. The only possible flaw I see is Neiji challenging Shikamaru based on "seniority," but I doubt it. Possibly the best team.

    Kooshi: You can't count on someone's "tight spot" response (Naruto's Kyubi chakra). Also, Sasuke and Kakashi are a bit of an overlap, and Sasuke does not currently have the training to mimic jutsu with his Sharingan (that we have seen). Again, this is the Anime up to 104.

    Raposo: Same as Kane, gotta agree. Very good team. Initial choice of Kiba is questionable, considering that he lost to a very weakened Naruto (just after a long fight, a trek through the woods, and Oro's seal). But yeah, the revised team is good. =P

    Anyone else want to try a team that fits the guidelines?

  20. #20

    RE: Perfect team

    just because, heres my worst team:
    genins: sakura, ino, hinata
    jounin: ebisu

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