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Thread: A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

  1. #21

    RE: A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: Xollence
    Hehe be careful when you pull the fire alarm, the ones in my school shoot black ink at the person.
    LOL. that's one way of keeping ppl from not settin the alarms off.

    and good for you KitKat.
    i believe my high school had something like that.. so the adm were saying it wouldn't be hard to find the culprit..and that they were gloves to do fire drills but i dont' think they found the person...... they are just quite smart i guess [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  2. #22
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    why do you need gloves I really don't think there going to finger print everyone. My school has about 6000 freashmen alone.

    Edit: @ below: Ok that makes more sence
    I Don't like to say anything twice

  3. #23

    A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    the ones in my school shoot black ink at the person.<- this is why...

    ink stains your hand... they said...

  4. #24

    A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    does it just leak onto your hands or does it like spray onto your clothes?

  5. #25
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    Hahahah!! Good luck if you were at my school!!

    A fire would have cooked us all alive and the fire alarms not going to ring for a thousand years.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  6. #26

    A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    does it just leak onto your hands or does it like spray onto your clothes?
    hmm not sure... but said it will make your hand purple.. since that's all they said.. i m guesing it wouldn't get on the clothes.. and they did say they need to wear gloves cause of that.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] but didn't say anything about having to wear an apron or a rain gear [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #27
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    RE: A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    hmm thats incredibly lucky kitkat wish stuff like that happened at my school.... anyone heard of some funny senior pranks???? the year before i came to my high school my dads bosses son got a bunch of ppl together and they got scaffolding and put tires all the way up the flagpole and put a boombox on top playing we are the champions over and over.... wish i coulda seen it..... then freshmen year they put fish in all the coke machines and it kinda spoiled and smelled horrible.... oh yeah some kids cemented a palm tree into the 50 yrd. line of the football field the same year as the tires.... i dont think anyones gunna match that year for a while the school was furious about the tree thing but luckily the kids got lucky and didnt get caught

  8. #28
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    I had a friend who once on his other shool he put a potted plant in the teachers lounge microwave and left it there for like twenty minutes.

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    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  9. #29

    RE: A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    all year twelves got to trash the school and pull pranks on the last week of school erm... i think it was maybe a month ago? or maybe more.
    we did the traditional t.p. the school and we stuck sticky tape across the doorways so people couldn't get into class and along the stairwells.
    we made obstacle courses and made all the juniors jump over, under them..
    erm.. we drew all over the school and walked along the roof and stuff... dunno wot the effect of that was... but it was kinda fun?
    oh yah.. and one girl brought their junior uniform and went into a class of juniors and the teacher didnt even realise it was a senior until the class of juniors started laughing ... (screeching more like.. damn children)
    it was a fun day... cept for the fact that it after bout 2hrs it started sprinkling so we had to get the t.p. down so it wouldn't stick to the trees and stuff... that sucked balls [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    Originally posted by: miaka
    wow... yes i would have hugged that trouble maker if that happened to me... T_T... why am i not lucky like you kitkat?

    [img][/img] i guess not all trouble makes are bad... some could benefit us.. ^_^
    I have done it 2 times.. first i got away, but second time to many ppl knew that it was me and after they had gathered everyone in the yard stuppid ppl came and hugged me openly and shit so the hole school new it was me after that and so the principal said to everyone to go back to class.. And later he came and looked in to my classroom to se if i was there and after that he waited outside my classroom.. so when class ended and saw him i knew why he sat there, so he did not even have to say anything.. And hald the scool saw when i had to explain myself.. that was pretty embaricing.. And then he said I was going to tell my mother first.. That was hard (actually i did not and manage to get away without telling her)..

  11. #31

    RE: A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    That's pretty stupid. I really don't see the fun in pulling the fire alarm twice. There's really no andrenaline until you get caught and embarassed like you. It's just stupid if you do it but remain anonomous while everyone is, as always, wondering "Where's the fire?"

  12. #32
    Join Date
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    RE: A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    Oh but i did not do it twice that day.. it was like a year apart ^^

    But if anyone wants to do it make sure no one or very few know about it.. If to many knows they will just tell everyone until someone tells a teacher..

    1st time only 2 others knew about it..
    2nd time like 15 ppl knew about it..

    oh and i was 14 and 15 years old when i did it..

  13. #33

    RE: A Salute to Pranksters and Troublemakers

    You know, a fire alarm is hardly a true prank. Any fool can do it, and I wouldn't necessarily salute something any fool can do. True pranksters, such as myself, have earned the respect of others through our nefarious acts and ingenious plans, such as this one:

    When I was in high school many years ago, me and several other cohorts banded together and screwed with our school office. All it took was about 6,000 ft of fishing line. All of our classrooms had an intercom system, where the intercoms all had call buttons in the classrooms, in case of medical emergencies, civil disturbances, or what have you. We tied fishing line to the call buttons, loose stapled them to the walls, over carpet, behind/around desks, and had the lines set up to where all you had to do was tug the line to activate the call lever. It's not exactly easy, since you have to keep the line hidden from being tripped over accidentally, which means you have to run around the room away from the main door and also avoid running the line amidst the pathway between desks. But the way the lines were set, you could not tell a point of origin, as far as who had pulled the line, in a room full of 15-25 students. Sure, you'd have some rooms with your usual suspects, but we also enlisted Valedictorians help as well as the social miscreants alongside the football players. It was an act of beauty I got to witness first hand in the office, having 40+ rooms all randomly calling into the office via intercom, watching the 10th grade office girl flipping out because she didn't know what was going on. They had service people running around, and one found the fishing wire. None of the guilty parties got caught, although students were encouraged to come forward about the event. Accusations were made, but no one got in trouble at all. This was one of my better pranks, but hardly my best.

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