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Thread: New animes reviews

  1. #1
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    New animes reviews

    Hi all, since this new anime season seems to be filled with Kickass animes, I think it's best that instead of having 'i need a new anime' threads popping out, we'll have one thread with anime reviews about this season's new stuff.

    i know most of you are thinking that it's stupid cuz every new anime has a thread of it's own, but don't you think it's better that we'll have a no-spoilers thread where people can go to when they want basic information about new animes?

    anyway, i'll start, by writing about the new animes i've watched so far.

    Bleach (ep2)
    a good shonen anime, about a guy who gets the powers of a shinigami (deathgod\ soul reaper) and has to take over the responsabilities of the shinigami, fillied with humor and action, probably suited for the taste of Naruto watchers. Highly addictive (i read all the manga in the past few days), defintally a 'to-watch' anime.
    Group: Anbu & Anime-Keep, Lunar, IY4ever

    My\Mai Hime (ep1)
    a teenage superpowers anime, or something like that, seems to be about 3 girls with extraoridinary super powers in a superpowered academy, or something. seems funny, reminds me of Stellvia of the Universe in terms of art, the humor doesn't seem to be too low as well. another anime to the 'to-watch' list.
    Group: Anime-Keep, Static-Subs, Pantsu Kudasai

    Yakitate! japan (ep1)
    It's bread-making, baby! a kid who dreams about making the ultimate japanese bread goes off to tokyo, highly reminds me of PoT for some reason, charecters are all funny and weird, but hey, what can you expect from a bread-making anime? the op is also great. final word? the 'to-watch' list has gotten another member.
    Group: Anime Empire

    Gankutsuou (ep1)
    They say it's about the count of monte cristo, but this anime appears to be happenning o mar or some other distant planet. the only memorable thing about this anime so far was the art, which is painfull as a nine inch nail drilled into your skull. the rest seems quite dull, no humor, no action, nothing good. I'm going to keep track of it for a few more eps, but i don't think you'll see me praising it anytime soon.
    Group: Death-Squad, Anime-Keep, Anime Kraze

    Beck (ep1)
    A drama anime, based on some popular manga, seems to be about a rock band forming, not sure yet. nothing special to say about the anime, a slow first episode, and seems to be generally slow and traumatic. well, at least the main charecter has some good points, and isn't just the normal wimp dude. as with Gankutsuou, i'll keep track of Beck for now, but unlike it, i'm gonna probably end up watching the whole thing and enjoying it.
    Group : Anime Empire

    anyway, those are the animes i've watched so far, feel free to add your own comments about those five, and on other animes (school rumble, tsukiyomi, Grandier, hachiyosho) just follow these simple rules.

    1. No spoiling beyond the 2nd episode.
    2. Write what kind of anime is.
    3. Don't copy summeries of sites like animinfo, animedb, etc...
    secret super rule 4. Don't talk about sequals here, the last thing we need is for people to start screaming about FMP 3, RTA 2, Berserk 2, Hellsing 2 and Gundam seed destiney. Only new animes.

    Edit: stop talking about GSD, or i'll start talking about DBZ
    Edit 2: I updated the group list, i knew i had too many 'anime empire' over there...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  2. #2

    RE: New animes reviews

    Another request for the reviews Linkage to the groups that fan sub them or at lest a torrent site that carries them

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: New animes reviews

    Gundam Seed Destiny

    Oh it's a plus if you saw Seed first.

    Great review eh?

    It's true though[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    RE: New animes reviews

    Can you watch Gundam seed Destiny without have seen Gundam seed?

  5. #5
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: New animes reviews

    Yes you can, but you won't understand all references... and you won't orgasm when you see your fave chars come back.

  6. #6
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: New animes reviews

    lol good way of showing that you are a complete seed fan "orgasm" nice choice of words. but its true it had that kind of feeling when you started ep 1. damn that was nice.

    oh a review well watch seed destiny its the best show ever!!! seeing seed first would be very good, the downside is that its hard to get a hold of.

  7. #7

    RE: New animes reviews

    My\Mai Hime (ep1)
    a teenage superpowers anime, or something like that, seems to be about 3 girls with extraoridinary super powers in a superpowered academy, or something. seems funny, reminds me of Stellvia of the Universe in terms of art, the humor doesn't seem to be too low as well. another anime to the 'to-watch' list.
    Group: ton's of them far only A-keep and Static are subbing I don't think you can call two groups "ton's" lol

  8. #8

    RE: New animes reviews

    Looks like a decent serise at any rate thought. The serise Final Approach is a bizzar one. Not only for the situation but the eps are actually rather short. The whole plot is japan is going to go thought a Massive population decline. so the govenment steps in with a program to match Genetically well suited people. and a young man is choosen to be the Trial Run. Without any prior info the One they pair him with Literally busts in thought the window. I know i could do a better review but thats all for now

  9. #9

    RE: New animes reviews

    Originally posted by: Kumiriko
    Looks like a decent serise at any rate thought. The serise Final Approach is a bizzar one. Not only for the situation but the eps are actually rather short. The whole plot is japan is going to go thought a Massive population decline. so the govenment steps in with a program to match Genetically well suited people. and a young man is choosen to be the Trial Run. Without any prior info the One they pair him with Literally busts in thought the window. I know i could do a better review but thats all for now
    it was funny when he turned into the lion and started to breathe fire.

  10. #10

    RE: New animes reviews

    *L* true true.

  11. #11

    RE: New animes reviews

    thnx for that Death Boo Z..
    terra you funny ass!!!! "orgasm".
    im sure to get into bleach and GSD

  12. #12

    RE: New animes reviews

    I actually really liked beck... the music is great! art style kinda hints and reminds me of FLCL. its actually the only NEW epiosede ive watched twice so far.

    My-Hime. The action from the first episode caught my eye. The lil girl swinging around that huge ass sword with all the sparks and everything looked awesome, as well as uncunventional (suprpower anime's seem to have characters who can control their weapon/powers to look badass) I thought this character kinda had a "drunken fist" badass-ness about her... dunno htough, i hope it doesnt get into a "day by day at school" rut though, keep the action coming!

    Gankutsuou - i watched it, i saw that it was from gonzo (gonzo also does gantz and i LOVE gantz) then i was dissapointed. not going to download more.

    Tsukuyomi. - i was hopein for something like tsukhime (another "vampire" anime) i loved tsukhime, but this started out ok. the intro is really, um,... cute? yeah. first 2 eps take place at a "haunted" castle in germany, the rest will take place back in japan, (girl moves in with boy, comedy ensues???) , i recomend at least watching the first 2 for sure.

    Bleach - well theres enough hype about this show allready, i wont add to it, you decide for urself (im still deciding if it lives up to the hype yet or not myself [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    New animes reviews

    Gunguster 2 (ep1) - While Gunbuster's final mission destroyed the space monsters' star system, the intergalactic war still continues. Earth's only hope lies in the hands of "TOPLESS", an elite mecha group with children possessing supernatural powers and new Buster Machines. Among their ranks is a rookie named Nono and the ace pilot Raruku - whom Nono looks at as a "big sister." Together with their teammates Nichola and Tykho, they must aim for the top and protect all of mankind from the wrath of the space monsters. - ripped from Anime news cause im too lazy to type it myself

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