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Thread: Kerry eats babies.

  1. #1

    Kerry eats babies.

    Seriously, there was a guy in the background of Wolf Blitzer's post-debate analysis. He had a large white sign with the words "KERRY EATS BABIES" clearly written and held just to one side of Wolf's head (from the perspective of the camera).

    So you heard it. If you vote Kerry, you're killing babies. =P

    NOTE: On the off chance that someone might actually take this seriously, it's just a joke made at his expense. It was something funny, I posted. Don't even bother getting upset over it.

  2. #2

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    I had a teacher that did that once....

  3. #3

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    Had a friend with a wierd sense of humor that really enjoyed two jokes about babies:

    Q: What's the differrence between a trampoline and a baby?

    A: You have to take off your shoes before jumping on a trampoline.

    Q: What's the difference between a truck full of watermelons and a truck full of babies?

    A: You can't use a pitchfork to unload the watermelon.

    Sorry about those, just felt that they were close to being on-topic.

    Something related: Does W. Bush have the same hangups about brocolli that his father did?

  4. #4

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    Kerry eats babies--- thats rather harsh. i wonder what he has for a side dish. or are the babies the side dish??

    hahahai like the jokes..

  5. #5

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
    Had a friend with a wierd sense of humor that really enjoyed two jokes about babies:

    Q: What's the differrence between a trampoline and a baby?

    A: You have to take off your shoes before jumping on a trampoline.

    Q: What's the difference between a truck full of watermelons and a truck full of babies?

    A: You can't use a pitchfork to unload the watermelon.

    Sorry about those, just felt that they were close to being on-topic.

    Something related: Does W. Bush have the same hangups about brocolli that his father did?
    Here are some more bad baby jokes

  6. #6
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    Who do you think won last night's debate?

  7. #7

    Kerry eats babies.

    Mmmm... Babies...

    Seriously, though, we SHOULD eat babies. John Swift was a frelling genius when he wrote modest proposal. A two-fold answer to solving hunger and reducing population! XD

  8. #8

    Kerry eats babies.

    Frell? Farscape fan? Not many of those left. ^_^;;

    The problem with eating babies is that eventually, you would aquire a taste for them. This means that we would want them as a part of a regular meal, perhaps as often as 2-3 times a month. But it takes babies 9 months to grow, so if you eat more than 1 in 9 months, you're eating them to extinction. And, some of them have to grow up so that the species can survive. Not too many, but presumably at least one for every 2 people.

    As for the debate, I think it was pretty evenly split, and there doesn't really seem to be a clear winner. For the most part, if you were a supporter of either candidate before the debate, you still are. If you couldn't make up your mind before the debate, you probably still can't. They were both really all over the place, and left out what most people were looking for . . . details. They both make promises to make life better, but neither of them are giving a specific plan of how they want to do it.

    Basically, with Bush, we know pretty much exactly what he's going to do. He'll "stay the course" and continue what he's doing, which seems to be working.

    Kerry, on the other hand, has made a number of promises that both Democrats and Republicans admit will be hard, if not impossible, to follow through on. He's also done very little to spell out what the solutions are, even though he does not hesitate to point out problem after problem.

    It seems a pretty even race, at this point, and whoever wins, I just hope they know what they're doing.

    Though personally, I'm voting for Bush.

  9. #9

    Kerry eats babies.

    Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
    Mmmm... Babies...

    Seriously, though, we SHOULD eat babies. John Swift was a frelling genius when he wrote modest proposal. A two-fold answer to solving hunger and reducing population! XD
    I loved that essay. Read it back when I was in middle school. You wouldn't happen to have a link lying around, would you?

  10. #10
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    But you must factor in China and other over populated areas. They have 2-3 babies per person. Now if you ship them as livestock they will be at the border crossing for about 2-3 days plus the boat ride im thinking you need to pack these things as soon as they pop out for fresh baby. Now if you just wait a week or two then put them on Ice and fly them in your could put them in like Tv Dinners.

  11. #11

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    do you guys realize what your saying or just spouting random idiotic ideas? now ive said a good dead baby joke in my day, but this is a bit over the top

  12. #12

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    I'm sure they're idiotic, but it's far from random.

    A British writer named Jonathan Swift wrote an essay about solving hunger in the world. He suggested that we eat babies, thus helping the overcrowding of cities, as well. I believe he also included different methods of preparing them. It was entirely a joke, but is most likely one of the funniest stories to come from England in that time period (roughly 1720's).

    As for these people . . . well, it was a joke, now it's just dumb. See, even if China is considered a "stockpile," eventually we will eat our way through the "excess" or "overcrowding" children. We'll either have to develop a way to make babies in a matter of weeks, or dip into our "survival of the race" babies, and neither of those seem like a good idea. Regardless, have you ever tasted a baby? Eww . . . not enough meat on 'em. =P

    Note: this was again a joke. Lighten up. =P

  13. #13

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    lol i do find it somewhat funny, but some of the elaborations are a bit sick. like the tv dinner comment. funny, but sick.

  14. #14

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    Originally posted by: Xollence
    Who do you think won last night's debate?
    IMO kerry did, bush kinda went off topic a few times and coulnd really put a straight face and tried to crack a few jokes that wasnt even funny

  15. #15

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    Here's a video that shows Bush's intelligence:

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    class A bullshit right there. "it means ur...erm sovereign..." funny yet sad.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  17. #17

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    u ppl make me sick u baby killnig freaks!

    how can u eat innocent little babies......tehres perfectly old ppl we can eat. its alot more meat, and they're going to die eventually anyway. if 1 baby solves teh hunger problem for 1 person, an old person can solve it for 3 ppl! so we cure world hunger 3 times faster!

  18. #18
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    Imagine how gristly and stringy old people would be though! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] At least babies would be tender and juicy... to an extent.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  19. #19

    RE: Kerry eats babies.

    I hear babies taste of Chicken. At least, that's what Eddie Izzard claimed most cannibals will tell you.

  20. #20

    Kerry eats babies.

    Uzumaki Naruto: No, they both went way off topic. They both made corny jokes. While I will admit Kerry was the clear winner before, the other night they might as well have tied. They both had equal amounts of BS thrown into their arguments ("You've never met once with the Black Congressional Caucus"), and they both went well off topic ("What would you do to help the over-extension of the Nat'l Guard?" "We shouldn't have gone to Iraq, and I'm very disappointed in this administration for even going there").

    As I said, there didn't really seem to be a clear winner of this last debate, they pretty much broke even.

    And Eddy Izzard is "teh rock."

    "How's that manuever coming, Heimlich?" "It's coming along . . . it's really more of a gesture at the moment." =P

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