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Thread: Naruto 104 Discussion

  1. #81
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    The rule of jounin strength doesn't apply to Aoi because he's just a filler character put in to buy some time for the directors.
    I'd like to think of the anime as a final cut, but I know it's a lost cause because Aoi will get whipped anyway despite his rank.

  2. #82

    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    yep, its kinda predictable...somehow sasuke and naruto will end up kicking his ass.

    as for the whole genin can beat a jounin!? like several ppl have said, if tehre IS a genin strong enuff to beat a jounin, then he wouldn't BE a genin anymore, he'd be considered a jounin. just look at kakashi....he was strong even when he was little, and im sure at teh age of 6 he could beat a chuunin, and so he BECAME a chuunin at the age of 6.

    oh ya, i rememebred something else that pissed me off about this ep....Aoi is a missing nin who stole the villages maybe its just me, but doesn't that sort of thing get the hunter nins on ur ass?? i mean, thats what they're for aren't they?

    and how could he just take the sword and prance into the rain village and just become a rain nin...1. he still has the "present" he stole, and 2. a village wouldn't provide refuge for a missing nin willingly or else it'd be an act of war wouldn't it? and considering the relative sizes and difference in power of konoha and the rain village, i dont think the hidden rain could take that chance.

    yet anotehr stupid mistake those idiot producers have made....god how i hate thier guts!

  3. #83

    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    Just b/c you're ranked #1 in a league doesn't mean the #1 team will win. Just b/c a special ops. person has been trained for years doesn't mean he can't be shot by a 13 yr old kid. You may have more skill and experience, but that doesn't necessarily give you a default win.

  4. #84

    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    How is it that a stupid lil gennin kid is able to steal the top secret scroll, and sacred items, i dont GET IT.

    but it will probably say something about Ibiki being a hunternin getting retrieving the things back next ep..

  5. #85

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    as for the whole genin can beat a jounin!? like several ppl have said, if tehre IS a genin strong enuff to beat a jounin, then he wouldn't BE a genin anymore, he'd be considered a jounin. just look at kakashi....he was strong even when he was little, and im sure at teh age of 6 he could beat a chuunin, and so he BECAME a chuunin at the age of 6.
    Not true.. Team 7 did an A rank mission, did that bump them up to Jounin since only Jounin can do those? No. Gaara's team did atleast an A rank and several B ranks, did he get promoted for them? Nope. Titles and strength do not always coincide with eachother.

    Naruto is a genin but most likely the most powerful character in the series right now (Chakra wise, doesn't mean he knows what the hell to do with it). But he can't be a Jounin, since he hasn't done whatever test it is they have to do to get that rank. I believe those ranks are only to hold the hierarchy, not to actually state a person's power.. Though they can give you a general idea for the most part.

  6. #86

    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    aoi's only a jonin because he betrayed konoha for the rank. he was like on iruka sensei's level and wasn't going to make it as a konoha jonin. so if they beat him up, it will only be like beating up a chuunin. Even konoha's geinins are better

  7. #87
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 104 Discussion

    "Just b/c you're ranked #1 in a league doesn't mean the #1 team will win. Just b/c a special ops. person has been trained for years doesn't mean he can't be shot by a 13 yr old kid. You may have more skill and experience, but that doesn't necessarily give you a default win."

    Bad examples. When it comes to league, positions are pending back and forth. It's more like a rank while the ninja hierarcy is like classes which are permanent. And remove that gun thing too, this is a freakin' anime. People don't die by gunshots here.

    @ZakuHan: This is filler. Naruto isn't supposed to be able to do A rank missions. I don't know what crack the producers smoked, but you can't include it as a fact. And Gaara's team only did B missions at most. He did ONE. And wasn't hurt during it, hence Kabuto's surprised reaction back during the early chuunin arc. And seriously wtf "they are just there to hold the hierarchy" have you even watched the series? The void between genins & jounins are infinite!

    All of you guys have the same problem. You keep seeing genin fight each other with cool moves and you fall under the false spell that the genin are mega mega powerful and can beat everything that moves. Sure, pit Naruto VS Chouji and you'll probably see Naruto whip him so easily that you'll think he's high rank. But pit Naruto VS a jounin and we can all laugh, because he will lose in an instant.

    I can't believe you guys keep going at this.

  8. #88

    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    @ Assassin: I think he stole the sword to give it to the rain that is why they accepted him maybe

  9. #89

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    @ZakuHan: This is filler. Naruto isn't supposed to be able to do A rank missions. I don't know what crack the producers smoked, but you can't include it as a fact. And Gaara's team only did B missions at most. He did ONE. And wasn't hurt during it, hence Kabuto's surprised reaction back during the early chuunin arc. And seriously wtf "they are just there to hold the hierarchy" have you even watched the series? The void between genins & jounins are infinite!
    I think you misunderstood me there, on atleast one account. The A rank mission I'm talking about was Zabuza's arc. He didn't defeat Zabuza, obviously, but the mission was STILL an A rank (Paid as a C rank due to the drunk old man), and I'm sure Kakashi filled in the Hokage on that upon return during the mission report.

  10. #90
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    did anyone catch that "lee vs gaara" remix song they were playing when aoi was messin with the kids?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #91

    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    No I'm not too keen on the music. The only theme I know is the Naruto-success theme, you know? The one with the drums and stuff.

  12. #92
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 104 Discussion

    ZakuHan: Oh. Well, they would all be dead meat without Kakashi there... so I wouldn't use that as an argument either though.

    Assertn: Yeah, I was going to say that a few posts back but I forgot it for some reason. It was a neat touch.

  13. #93

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    Originally posted by: ZakuHan
    Not true.. Team 7 did an A rank mission, did that bump them up to Jounin since only Jounin can do those? No. Gaara's team did atleast an A rank and several B ranks, did he get promoted for them? Nope. Titles and strength do not always coincide with eachother.

    Naruto is a genin but most likely the most powerful character in the series right now (Chakra wise, doesn't mean he knows what the hell to do with it). But he can't be a Jounin, since he hasn't done whatever test it is they have to do to get that rank. I believe those ranks are only to hold the hierarchy, not to actually state a person's power.. Though they can give you a general idea for the most part.
    dude, are u high? doing *one* A rank mission doesn't mean shit....hell it was an accident they did it anyway. if they had been GIVEN an A rank mission then u could say that yes, they're possibly higher then genin level. besides, just because they lucked out and didn't get slaughtered doesn't mean they're strong as jounins. a jounin would be able to beat zabuza and do A rank missions ALL the time.

    But he can't be a Jounin, since he hasn't done whatever test it is they have to do to get that rank
    no he can't be a jounin cuz hes not strong enuff to be a jounin. hes only the strongest GENIN in the series..and maybe a mid level chuunin at this point. lets look at all the fights naruto had with jounin level characters:

    1. Kakashi (during the training): he gets trapped several times and gets a finger up his ass.

    2. Zabuza: he gets kicked around alot and is only able to fool zabuza with the help of sasuke for an instant.

    3. Orochimaru (during chuunin exam): even with kyuubi chakra he can't do shit except stab a snake with a tiny kunai and get his ass sealed.

    4. Itachi/Kisame (at the hotel): hes too scared to even put up a fight, and when he tries to mold chakra, hes nullified by kisame.

    5. Tsunade (when they make the bet): he can't even lay a finger on her and she flicks him away.

    6. Kabuto: even after he's been knocked around my tsunade, naruto still can't do shit to him. he manages to surprise kabuto and pull off a renengan, but also gets badly hurt himself. if it wasn't for the fact that hes the main character, he would have died rite there, where as kabuto would survive.

    the record speaks for matter how strong naruto is, he can't beat any jounin no matter who it is

  14. #94

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    Don't think Naruto can ever beat a jounin alone (at least now) - not because he does not posses the chakra levels or powers as other jounins, but because he simply lacks the experiance in battle...
    Other Jounins can anticipate what Naruto is going to do a mile away, while he will not see it coming until its too late.

    From time to time he does manage to think of a cool trick (being the surprise ninja that he is) - and that may change the tide of the battle; but will never win him a 1 on 1 fight with a jounin imo.

  15. #95

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    I dunno why but this kinda caught my attention. During the intro when it shows Sakura and Naruto, then the arm in the middle holding onto the forhead protector, is that supposed to be Sasuke? kinda like trying to hold on to his self but then it shows Oro and Itachi and then he lets the Forhead protector drop, the lyrics of that part of the song made me think it was Sasuke. I dunno what this means cuz i was stoned when i watched it and i just felt like checking if anyone else noticed that?
    well bye

  16. #96

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    definitely wouldn't make any sense if naruto beat a jounin

  17. #97

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    Honestly, I haven't scrolled through more than a third of this, and it seems most people are hating this arc. My thoughts:

    1) Of recent, I have only seen one episode of "filler". That one episode where Naruto's team tried to see under Kakashi's mask... A-H's subs pegged that one when the bird kept saying "ever".

    2) When I started watching this show over a year and a half ago, this is exactly what I wanted and expected from the show. I won't complain about what I received in return (Gaara vs. Rock Lee anyone?), but I expected a series of short missions of varying content, with a good dash of character development on the part of those the team would be assigned to protect. If they decide to do more of things like this and add in a dash of 30 episodes of manga-true story, great. But I enjoy the nibble-size stories over the buffet of angst that this show gave me through several heavy, non-mission arcs. I don't believe you can claim to love the character of this show yet hate this arc because it isn't what you wanted to see based from the manga. This show still decimates on character development + showing the individual talents develop in the characters. This episode, for instance, showing Naruto performing his Rasengan with multiple shadow replications; that was something I wanted to see him develop, and it was awesome to see he can use his attacks without it being an all out assault. He used an attack to moreso elevate him and his teammates over doing it to cause someone physical damage. That was a nice touch.

    3) If you don't like this arc, then don't watch it. I cut myself off on the manga back when it hit the point where Tsunade was being sought out for Hokage. I still d/l the mangas, and sadly enough I even buy the American releases of the mangas. I honestly don't care about the difference in the manga/anime, I enjoy both as a stand alone product. This is true of many, if not all, shows that are run from mangas. There are parts the animators feel is necessary, and there are parts they don't feel the time is right to explore, if it is at all. You aren't making the show, and you are entitled to your opinion; I simply don't feel that it is valid to bitch over differences. American cinema is true of this too; movies based off already established written works can not always be %100 translated. Some films (i.e. Fight Club) have to make detours from the work simply because an idea presented in the novel does not translate well to the screen. If you were to ever work on adapting a script to screen, you would learn this in an introductory class. But for those of you bitching, I sincerely doubt there is anyone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to download the episodes. If all you can do is bitch, save yourself the frustration and take a Naruto break. Don't worry, we will tell you when it is over.

    4) I care jack shit about openings/closings on Naruto, with exception to the Chibi ending they had several episodes ago. I enjoyed that one at random. Otherwise, it's a 7mb waste to me. I'm re-editing the d/ls I have in order to clump episodes together without opening/endings/episode previews. Being more excited about a new opening/closing to a show moreso than the show itself is a little weird to me, although there are other shows I liked the change up on. FMA, for instance, had solid opening/closings. Naruto simply doesn't do it for me.
    Edit: forgot to say this, but the opening was pretty cool. I'll still skip it from now on, simply because it's 2 minutes longer than I care to wait for the episode, but I will watch it at random, as I do with the Chibi ending.

  18. #98

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    About all this naruto>jounin thing, he hasn't even fought him yet. When/if naruto does beat that jounin, then everybody can start bitching. But just wait and see.

  19. #99

    Naruto 104 Discussion

    so has the anime resume back to the manga now? or is it stiller the fillers?

  20. #100
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Naruto 104 Discussion

    Just watched this episode and it's a pretty good one, although the new opening was probably the best part, lol. It seems like there's this big argument about Naruto being greater/worse than a Jounin. I'll just say this: chances of a Genin winning against a Jounin are very SLIM, no matter who the fighters are. Just remember that it's a 1v1 fight I'm talking about. If Naruto's team all fought together against that Aoi person (btw, I freaking hate him. Looks stupid and acts so damn cocky), then the odds improve for the team, although I dunno how much of a factor.
    Heh, I was quite surprised when Naruto did his kage bunshin/rasengan trick, but then again, he is the number 1 ninja at surprising people, lol. I just loved Sasuke's look when he saw Naruto make the hugeass tornado and running on the water (THERE!! If Sasuke was able to walk on water, why didn't he do so right there? I remember someone said that Sasuke was capable of walking on water, but I forget who). And YES, we finally find out what does masks the Rain Genins are for (kinda logical since they live in a water environment).

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