Downloading it now..
Downloading it now..
ME TOO! hope this one is better then the last one.
Nope, its not.
this anime gone so sh*tty that i don't think it can go worse, at least i cay say "it can only be better" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
i don't really care if it's filler or not, but it's again about the same thing - u can't win, but u will, because naruto told u so and will help ya, arggghh!! *banging his head to a wall*
and again, there are holes in it, like behavior of sasuke (again) - what happened to him ?? he's just standing there waiting for naruto to do everything, at least sakura did her job perfectly - as a burden and trouble, she's priceless.
i've got a vision - idate wins somehow, naruto beats rain jounin aoi (or what his name was) and of course - idate and naruto make friends, mmmm, great story <sarcasm> (yeah, this ep made me angry, once more we'll have a filler, or maybe 2..., no wonder i've chosen to read the manga, it's at least kishimoto's and in that 1 chapter a week [anime covers from 1 to 2 chapter usually, something in between] there really are more things happening than in anime, well... at least now)
You said it ..Sasuke is way out of behavior .. they just delegated the whole series to take a 6 week vacation I bet ._.
Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.
they are just trying to make naruto look good and make sasuke jealous so that the manga story line can continue, i can''t believe noone said anything about the sweet ass OP animation, my hopes for the next arc are high
yeah this ep was FARRRRRR worse than the last to boot.
really? i liked this ep better than the last ep. but yea its pretty predictable but it wasnt too bad was it. yea sasuke seems so have lost his flair and naruto is doing everything now but i think its getting a little better.
new op song wasnt that great but ill bet itll grow on me animation was absolutely awesome though, infact i think ill watch the op again right now
You people are totally retarded. This episode owned. And the people complaining about it are the obvious usual groups of elitists who go into it thinking every filler episode has to suck, and force themselves to think it sucked even when it was great.
If this episode hadn't been filler right now everyone would be talking about how sweet that giant whirlpool move was, and how it was a perfect example of Naruto using his techniques in surprising ways. There were TWO battles in this episode, Idate's backstory is slightly less one-dimentional than before, there was some sweet remixed Garaa battle music, and Sakura is already stating to play squad medic. It was also cool how the rain ninjas breathed underwater. Explains what those masks were for beyond simply giving them distinctive appearances.
The new opening was cool. Animation was great. Though, prefer earlier songs. Ending was, meh.
Stop thinking of it as a filler and just enjoy it, people... the story isn't that bad. It could be a lot worse... and its believable. Very Naruto-esque, truth to be told.
As for the new opening and ending songs - the op video was like OMFG!!!11 for me, a manga reader. Specially the last part, with Naruto going berserk, overlapping Sharingan!Sasuke, that looks way too cool...
The ending video was trippy. I didn't like the video as much (Naruto's hair looks weirder every time!! More and more spiky.) but I liked the song quite some.
...though nothing beats Wind and Ima Made Nandomo, which for some reason drives me crazy.
The ending was like a beatles video, I did like the part in the opening with Sasuke picking up his protector when he thought about his friends(showing hope) and then dropping it when he thought about oro and itachi(losing it), I didnt even bother watching the ep, but I guess Ill eventually have to.
R.I.P Captain America.
lmao it's believable? they will probably kick that aoi guy's ass he's a jounin how does that make it believable this is crap
Yeah it is. Truth to be told I don't think they'll kick his ass. For some reason or other he'll see the light, become a good guy or at least say something like "My mission ends here" and stop bothering them.
Sure, maybe Naruto will fight, but it'll end up being a little like Zabuza - ho wont be beaten, but he'll turn good.
'sides, he can't be killed by them. No genin has killed anything so far, and they wont have something as important as the first kill in a filler saga.
i guess i alreayd know how this will play out, sasuke fights with aoi gets beat up naruto shows up and kicks aoi's ass, sasuke mad, sasuke wants to fight naruto next arc finally begins
Just be happy they try to turn filler into a seperate arc, because when they catch up no the manga, or wouldve caught up on the manga, you'll be out of Naruto for half a year.
Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.
I can't beleive you people. All you want to discuss is how crappy the episode was when THERE WAS A NEW OPENING AND ENDING. Somone please describe the new opening to me I'm downloading now but it won't be finished for another hour or two. Please I want to hear what the opening and ending are like. How does the new opening stack up to the others? Somone please give me a review of it.
Well its different(alot differnt from the others), if you read the M then you would understand the opening a lot better they show a lot of characters(even if it is for a second), like I said before the ending looks like a hippie music video that has some sort of beatles feel to it, and for some odd reason it also feel like thats the last ending(i dont know)
Im still deciding whether or not I will dl either of them, b/c they didnt hit me like the other ones did
R.I.P Captain America.
yup.. opening was sweet.. great animation and an interesting choice of song.. and i suspect they'll do a similar deal as they did with the last opening - change scenes according to the story developments...
anyone know what the song was? i doubt it will be out for a while though..
the ending was disappointing.. both in animation and music.. oh well, naruto seems to have very hit or miss endings...
I didnt mind this episode, it gets u into whats happening a little more, finally the series has a meaning again, loved the preview for the next episode when naruto says he doesnt care if AOI is a Jounin, he will kick his ass anyway, that was class, and the new opening etc is cool.
Its coming to an end aswell, bring on Itachi [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]