Originally posted by: rickytan
Originally posted by: Haku_san
You fucking little cunt. Some ppl that have cancer or other shit, dont have a choice about it. Most cancers are not like skin cancer, you shithead. You dont have any way of preventing it. The thing about it is that it can effect anyone, because its simply your own cells mutated to the point were there is no longer programmed death to stop the division of damage or wrong cells. So when you get it, or when someone close to you gets it, tell me if they should die.
I see what maddox saying that Reeves only did the research because he was paralysied but that still doesnt take away from the fact that he did do something. Before you start running your mouth about shit that you have no understanding, place your dads cock back there and keep it there.
So far, you're the only post I read due to the fact you actually speak english, unlike the other quintessential schnooks. And tell me, what method of getting cancer is there, that cannot be prevented? And people that don't have cancer to start with, but get it later on, it completely due to their impeding intellect.
People born with it? It's called abstinence! You can't blame anyone else, but your father/mother for your suffering. These things happen to people who are idiots. If you got cancer, then don't have sex, jackasses. It's that simple. And don't give me this bullshit about it being incoherent and go kill yourself with your father/mother (both would be better). It's not like 3 people are important to the 10 billions+ around the world. It's not like you are yourself, you're just small piece of shit that some guy created in his testicles. And if it's just a limb, do something called "be a man," and cut it off.
Radiation? Why the hell are you going near radiation (ex. gamma rays, dolts) without protective gear? And where the hell would you find this kind of radiation along with the UV rays highly concentrated without precautions? If you're too much a dolt and go near it, then again, go screw yourself. Smoking? Self-explanatory. You think I'd list every single way to get cancer and how to prevent it? Why don't you do something called "research," shit-head. Not to mention that anyone before you, most likely flaming me, wouldn't understand how to do such a thing.
And if you think cancer "just developes for no reason," then again, you are a complete jackass.
"So when you get it, or when someone close to you gets it, tell me if they should die."
That's the problem, I'm not stupid enough to go ahead get cancer like the other idiots. And also, I don't hang around any friends who are stupid enough to get it either. And sure, some of my family members smoke, and they know they'll get cancer. That's their problem, not mine. It's expected, so I don't give a rat's ass. I warned them, and again, if they're stupid enough to do it, then they won't be close to me.
And again, most of you who disagree with maddox, completely, yet again, missed his point. But, those who can't read will of course, miss his point, and think he's a jackass. That's because YOU are the jackass, who, by the way, is too pissed off to even understand what he's saying. So again, if you are going to flame me, do it with english. And for once, if this is even possible to any of you, try READING it and COMPREHENDING the words.
And btw, those who died from cancer. Guess what? Nobody gives a shit. And don't start this bullshit about naming famous people who died from cancer. People from Europe and Asia, too, give a rat's ass about it.
So I was thinking, and maybe I should just explain every single thing to each and everyone of you. But then, that'd take forever. I always assumed that the people here were intelligent enough to find out the meaning of why I said things. Unfortunately, many of you are just dolls that can only comprehend through 1 word with dictionaries at 1 time. Having to explain all the thinking and reasoning behind 1 thing, just takes too long. So, I won't debate anymore issues as much of you are too dumb-ass to see points without a long explanation.
If everything was so straight forward, and you all acted like that on the 'rules for the girls' list, then yes, this place would be retard planet.