well not necessarily, someone try to post in another topic and see if it bumps above this one
i placed a temp sticky on it yesterday
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
yep, its a sticky...this one is always on top.
good job assertn, u finally got the sticky's to work
editings bumps? when did editing start doing that?Originally posted by: chambers
hey is sticky finally working on these forums? or is somone repeatdly editing there posts??
editing always bumped threads. it actually makes sense when you think about it. what's the point of revising your post in an old thread if no ones gonna see it?
and yes, i believe the stickies work to some extent. not sure if they 100% correctly though.
Anbu's 104 is out but i dont know if it is working. I started the torrent and it hasnt connected yet. Odds are youre best bet is getting it from there IRC.
well, i dont think all forums do that. i never realized that editing did that. the point of editing is because people are going to see it. you wouldnt edit it if you thought no one would look at it.Originally posted by: Mut@t@
editing always bumped threads. it actually makes sense when you think about it. what's the point of revising your post in an old thread if no ones gonna see it?
and yes, i believe the stickies work to some extent. not sure if they 100% correctly though.
http://a.scarywater.net/anbu/Originally posted by: Kumiriko
Anbu's 104 is out but i dont know if it is working. I started the torrent and it hasnt connected yet. Odds are youre best bet is getting it from there IRC.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
For those of you who are still interested, AonE's sub of Naruto 104 is out. You can grab it from their Scarywater site. Hope I could help.
Just saw it myslef a few hours ago. Aone opening is assome! I love there work and it worth the 3 week wait. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
did it take ages for you to download? cos i just started and id like an idea
edit: :/ it ended up taking 3 and a half hours, the new intro has amazing subtitles with that cool burn effect, but i cant see what they say at the start of each new line cos its already burnt off. too bad ep 104 is crap though.
Only took 30mins for me. I'm seeding it now.
Well well someone's got a fast connection alright... ^^
Anyways great job with the karaoke guys! Really impressive - quite worth the wait. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]