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Thread: Genshiken

  1. #21


    hehe ok thanx! hm...lately these past few days not much has been terms of episodes of series...generally...

  2. #22

  3. #23
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    New Jersey

    RE: genshiken

    Episode 9 is out!

  4. #24


    Do you mean its only Irc release after episode 9? I have downloaded the first episodes from is a directlink: if the link dont work,just search for Genshiken.But who said its only irc release? is it after episode 9? I thought they had only 9 episodes out.

    Edit: Sorry disregard this post then,I posted this as a reply to the posts on page one,didnt check page 2.

  5. #25


    Genshiken has been licenced! can't believe it. And anime-faith stopped subbing the series.
    Does anybody know other groups that are working on genshiken? where could i get the latest release or the episode 12 or the its final episode?

  6. #26

    RE: genshiken

    episode 12 is the final episode and a-faith released it....

    they stopped doing Kubijiki Unbalaced though... 1 episode released

  7. #27

    RE: genshiken

    Does it really end just after 12 eps?

  8. #28


    Well, Anime-Faith released episode 12 not too long ago, and that was the final episode, so they did finish it, but the files have been removed since it was lisenced

  9. #29


    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    Does it really end just after 12 eps?
    apparently yes... i havent watched the episodes so i wouldnt know about how it ended

  10. #30


    yeah, it does end on the 12th episode.

  11. #31


    is there another season? cause that wasnt really a ending

  12. #32


    Well..I didn't expect it to be long, it wasn't like there was a hard core story to it , but as far as there being more episodes, as far as I know that was the end of it. There has been no news saying there would be more than just the 12 episodes.

  13. #33


    Genshiken Season 2 Announced (2006-01-12 21:42:13)
    Media Factory announced at Comiket 69 that a second season of Genshiken will premiere in October. Thanks to Ian for this item. Source: Heissei [ discuss (4 posts) ]

  14. #34


    Awesome. This is my favorite comedy series.

  15. #35


    whats this series about im interested.

  16. #36


    It's about an anime nerd club.

  17. #37


    Finally decided to watch the last 4 episodes... Fun stuff... I wish the anime had some sort of story, some sort of real plot...

    Glad there's gonna be a second season...

  18. #38


    just picked this up when I saw the thread come up... pretty good stuff really. now that i know there will be a season 2, well that's a good thing...
    one thing though... what's the difference between Genshiken in kanji or in hiragana? (why does that make it shady?)

  19. #39


    When does that happen, in the last episode when they are thinking on how to name their stand?

    Or in what episode?

  20. #40


    Yeap... talking about the last episode...

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