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Thread: hyuuga neji discussion

  1. #1

    hyuuga neji discussion

    Please, talk about Hyuuga Neji in here for the time being. Leave the other threads on this forum alone. I am sick of all of them ending up into an Neji debate. I am not being mean, it is just annoying at times how threads get sidetracked because of this guy who we have seen like a million times. I know he is cool and you all want to be friend, but please keep it in here. Don't come into the weekly Chapter discussions and ask how Neji would fair against the new characters that show up. It just snowballs into an Nejidebate.

    uh...wait...this never happens. well...any ways go a head and make any comments you want about the greatest member of the greatest clan here. i shall begin

    of all the genins in the manga so far, neji is the most skilled. unlike other characters with bloodline limits and cheap birthrights (sasuke, naruto, gaara), nejis power is far beyond his bloodline limit. neji has mastered moves that were never supposed to be taught to him, on his own. sure, naruto learned the kage bunshin by himself, but neji didnt have a scroll to help him along the way. that is pure genious.

    feel free to add

    (walks away trying to contain laughter)

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    hyuuga neji discussion

    if excluded sasuke out of that list, it might make sense. but until then, no.

    but yeah, neji is badass. i hope he kills hinata soon.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #3

    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    thats kinda i the only neji fan that like hinata as well? ok... so i only like her because shes a hyuuga. if she didnt have that she would fall in the same group as ino and sakura: useless trash.

  4. #4
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    thats kinda i the only neji fan that like hinata as well? ok... so i only like her because shes a hyuuga. if she didnt have that she would fall in the same group as ino and sakura: useless trash.
    Untrue, I also like both Neji and Hinata, infact, I disliked Neji at first, he just grew on me I guess.

  5. #5
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    I'll say this for Neji, he's probably the best ventilated genin in Konoha.

  6. #6

    hyuuga neji discussion

    Nice finally a Neji discussion thread. Neji is a genius and I hope he's not dead, because I'll quit reading this manga.

  7. #7
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    I know this is probably more of a joke thread, but it is kind of unnecessary isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I like Neji and all, but generally threads don't turn into a discussion about him, which is the reason the Itachi thread was created. This is just another form of spam, am I right?
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  8. #8
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    this thread will have more posts about whether or not it's useless than actual relevant posts.

    btw, neji isn't dead.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #9

    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    I doubt hes dead also but I can never be 100% certain since the shoker of sasuke beating naruto.

  10. #10

    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    I know this is probably more of a joke thread, but it is kind of unnecessary isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I like Neji and all, but generally threads don't turn into a discussion about him, which is the reason the Itachi thread was created. This is just another form of spam, am I right?
    you got me there

    Originally posted by: kinD4rkness
    I doubt hes dead also but I can never be 100% certain since the shoker of sasuke beating naruto.
    but this thread will only become useless if the "dead or not dead" discussion continues. then again, since the outcome of neji and choujis fights are sure to be revealed within the next chapter, it may be best to have aa few heated arguments on the subject agains because now there is a diffinate count down to the truth and someone will be wrong.

  11. #11
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    No doubt Neji will die, removing his seal thing on his head, then be revived somehow and become a member of the Souke.

  12. #12
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    hyuuga neji discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    if excluded sasuke out of that list, it might make sense. but until then, no.

    but yeah, neji is badass. i hope he kills hinata soon.
    Best post ever.

    And this is the best topic ever.

  13. #13

    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    Neji is bad ass... almost as good as Gaara.

  14. #14

    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    almost as good as garra? gaaras an overratted loser whose talent is on par with naruto. sure, i cant tell you how neji would fair in a match up against him. you know... since he developed those cheap ass moves he used against kimimaro, and has a demon inside of him. man... what a cheap ass.

  15. #15

    hyuuga neji discussion

    Rasendori dont kill this topic by calling all the other characters cheep and stuff. Neji was a bastard in the begining(if he hurts Hinata agian im gonna smoke him)[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] but after Naruto kicked his ass he stopped being a jerk and became a cool char.

    I just hope he is back in the manga next chapter cause i havent seen him in a long long time.

  16. #16

    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    Neji > Sasuke

  17. #17

    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    neji is the shit

  18. #18
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    hyuuga neji discussion

    Neji is certainly the most skilled of the genins in terms of actual technique, though obviously not power anymore.

    Well, we know this is true:

    Neji > Hinata
    Hanabi > Hinata
    Neji will be > Hinata's father

    But Hanabi is only like 5. So will she be greater than Neji is now when she is his age?

    The real question is, does this even matter?

    Edit: spacing issues

  19. #19

    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    The fact that Neji was able to develop Main house jutsus on his own always perplexed me. Unless he was spying on the main house or something.

  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: hyuuga neji discussion

    im not sure if that even matters whether the branch family is stronger than the main family.

    It's just that the main family is supposed to be more advanced (i.e. the kaiten and 64 hands of hakke are main branch justsus)

    i believe hizashi was supposed to be a little stronger than hiashi, btw
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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