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Thread: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

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  1. #1

    Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    I've got Final Fantasy XI right now, temp closed my City of Heroes acct, goofed off with World of Warcraft on the stress test, and occasionally play on Xbox Live.

    FFXI: I'm on world Diabolos, look for Kamrawn or Hobbz.

    Xbox Live: KaM FrYe, generally stick to Crimson Skies and Project Gotham 2, I'll be on for Halo 2 and NFS: Underground 2.

  2. #2

    Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    World of Warcraft (warcrack?) has owned my life for the last 6 months...

    So fun and addicting

  3. #3

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    I used to play Planetside (MMOFPS!) a lot, then I borrowed it (and a lot of Naruto eps) to my cousin. Stupidest thing I've ever done. I want, no, need it back!

  4. #4

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    I'm playin WoW now.... soooo great

    PvP horde - Kemerek

  5. #5

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    man, i'd love to play mmorpgs, but i need a better computer. if a mmorpg game doesnt run smooth on your comp it really kills the experience. monthly fees are a hassle too...though i've heard these games can take a chunk out of your life..

  6. #6
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    WoW is oficially out already? Damn!

    I'm still playing Warcraft3 Dota Dota. not online though, I don't have original cd. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Playing online is too expensive for me, exchange rates kills.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  7. #7

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    hey guys can anyone recomend me a good online RPG. i dont mind paying as i have a job and my pc is top of the line so i can play anything with everything turned on an no slowdown. i was interested in the starwars one a while back has anyone played that what are your thoughts on it? anything else thats good?

  8. #8

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    Originally posted by: chambers
    hey guys can anyone recomend me a good online RPG. i dont mind paying as i have a job and my pc is top of the line so i can play anything with everything turned on an no slowdown. i was interested in the starwars one a while back has anyone played that what are your thoughts on it? anything else thats good?
    I'd suggest World of Warcraft, when it comes out... and I heard City of Heroes is cool...

    WoW is in beta now, but should go retail soon... if there's any way you could get into the beta, its free... and its really good quality Maybe now you should just buy half life and download steam to get the CS: source, which is basically Counter Strike + pretty x physics engine not an MMO, but damned good anyways

    (go with world of warcraft, once you get a job, it should be out)

  9. #9

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    Online games - Unreal Tournament 2004. I've never really tried an MMORPG, I'd probably hate them anyway...especially since you have to keep paying and paying [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    I played Star Wars Galaxies for 2 weeks but it was very boring. All the "missions" (destroy this, kill that) are all almost the same. Crafting items is boring too. WoW would probably be much better.

  11. #11

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    I've played some, the last was Star Wars Galaxies. Don't play anymore. Don't have the money, or the time.

    I usually play ESF sometimes.

  12. #12
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    WoW isnt out yet, i play DAoC, the rvr (team based player vs. player) is addicting. the new expansion ruined the game though, so this is my last month playing it.

  13. #13
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Decided to resurrect this thread instead of opening a new one.

    Lucifus's reason: I know quite a bit of ?WooTers are into MMORPGs and to put it simply, we should have a giant WooT get together in one of em. Spend some time with what KitKat calls it, our "Online Family"

    It would be kools to get a bunch of WooTers all starting off as noobs and destroying the competition in the name of love and family...

    Thinking of getting GuildWars because it simply looks awesome.

    HellZ, even one of those free ones would be kool. Some of em are awesome. Others not so much.

    I like torrentleeched this new mmorpg "Silverfall" Haven't played it much yets though.

    Should any WooTers be playing any mmo's I don't know about. Tell me. I wanna join.

    Edit: After at most an hour and a half of Silverfall. I have determined it to be crap.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Tue, 03-13-2007 at 08:37 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  14. #14
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Well I only play World of Warcraft. :S

  15. #15
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    i have Guild Wars, not the expension though. (only the "original" guildwars)

    right now i'm playing Corum Online, still don't know if i like that game or not... because so far, it is mostly only hack and slash type game, i'm level19 and i only found 1 quest to do, which, to me, sucks. I like doing quest, getting rewards and stuff (like in guildwars)

    And... i'm still playing Unreal tournament 2004... (still quite fun, and still great graphics))

  16. #16
    Me too only world of warcraft. on maiev relm

  17. #17
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Does anyone else playing Ultima Online?

  18. #18

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    i play biosfear (germany, france, uk) aka savage eden (us) aka laghaim (korea, india)
    but each country has its own version, so you cant connect to the servers of the other countries.... that would be interesting

    main prioritie: lvling, get better items, party-play and guildwars, raise ya own pet
    gfx: hm, not compareable to current games, because its running in korea for a few years now
    updates: hm, we get major updates in packages, lot of time between them, that suxx

  19. #19

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    got a link to that biosphere? iam nto in any hurry as i have a tone of games (rome, farcry, doom if i can bring my self to play it...) i can tide me over till i find a suitable one.

    how is final fantasy 11??

  20. #20

    RE: Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?

    I still recommend FFXI, but that's me. I discourage anyone from playing Star Wars Galaxies, especially with their policies on duping (item duplication), a friend of mine was on the third or fourth end of passed off duped credits and was banned from FFXI for "receiving duped credits" for an item he legitametly made and sold, but because the credits were fake and neither party knew, they both got banned. Enough about that.

    WoW is nice, the crafting system is set up to where you never fail, and on some weapons and such your skill level in the craft as well as your actual level has to be high to use some of the more powerful crafted weapons. City of Heroes is nice, very diverse world. I remember one day, aliens attacked the city. That was hell, aliens everywhere. It's got a good system where you can party with someone who has a much higher level than you, and it pulls you up to their level (sidekick style).

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