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Thread: Bleach

  1. #221


    I have finaly seen ep 1 and read almost vol.1 and just got one thing to say: SUPAH-EXCELLENT

    about A-keeps translations. They are recruting new translators ^_^ i wonder why.. =P

  2. #222

    RE: Bleach

    it will get released... just in 2-3 weeks, maybe even months

    thier at ep 60 with naruto i think
    only over half a year behind everyone else

  3. #223


    And im also voting for fansubers to use Shinigami instead or Soul Reaper or Death God /god of death whatever...

  4. #224

    RE: Bleach

    Originally posted by: Bloodhybrid
    it will get released... just in 2-3 weeks, maybe even months

    thier at ep 60 with naruto i think
    only over half a year behind everyone else
    they dropped naruto after finishing ep 53

  5. #225


    Originally posted by: Reita
    I have finaly seen ep 1 and read almost vol.1 and just got one thing to say: SUPAH-EXCELLENT

    about A-keeps translations. They are recruting new translators ^_^ i wonder why.. =P
    Show me a group that it's not recruiting translators and i'll show you a cock sucker from Guatemala (no insult intended, im just a George Carlin fan)

  6. #226


    Enough of the Shinigami debate. Everyone has their own preference, it shouldn't matter if it doesn't match up with your own.

  7. #227


    Yes, it really does not matter. Just download the one you prefer.

  8. #228
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Yes, please, stop discussing the translation dispute. It's just all a matter of opinion. If you don't like a subgroup's translation, don't d/l it then.

    Anyways, back onto the episode discussion, I liked ep. 3 (but then again, this series is turning out to be awesome). Although it was quite serious during most of the episode, I just loved the ending where Kuchiki used that memory eraser. Lol, how can you not laugh at rag doll characters right after all the serious drama between Inoue and her brother, haha.

  9. #229

  10. #230

    RE: Bleach

    The structure of Japanese language versus the structure of American language is completely different. Some things as said in Japanese just don't flow right, so they are reworded by some subbers. Others pride on keeping it authentic, and others take great amounts of artistic license. It's good that there are more groups working on the sub, since that also gives more people an choice on who they enjoy. I don't say any one group is better than another, since I watch the raw before I even see a sub. But as long as they have a basic knowledge of the English language (read: not Engrish) and can form decent sentences, I'll live with anything for subs. I don't have an official stance on preferrence of Death God/Soul Reaper, either one really works for me.

    As for the show, loving it. Just got through with four. Given the current load of manga vs TV, I would guess they currently can make 75-80 episodes with the current amount of mangas. The TV itself does not seem to stray from the manga, although they have abridged a little bit from the story. I'm definitely not complaining about it, as I enjoy the show. They have changed a few little things from the manga, but nothing to piss your pants about.

    So, when are we getting a Bleach forum, eh? =b

  11. #231
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Bleach

    I think there's gonna be a Bleach forum once the anime's popularity rises. Dunno if many people still know about it yet.

  12. #232

  13. #233
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    RE: Bleach

    I doubt this will turn out to be a personal favorite series of mine, but it's a good watch and hopefully will be even more so now when more characters are getting introduced...

  14. #234

    RE: Bleach

    It's certainly a very shonen anime! I enjoyed it a lot, especially the way that machismo didn't mean it had to lack style - it's very stylish! I liked the real 'guys' vibe to it, though. Especially in the end of Ep 1 when it's like SHINIGAMI! all hardcore style.

    The animation can be crude - main problem being the recklessness with dubbing. Not on the fansubbers part, but the animation studio's.

  15. #235

    RE: Bleach

    episode for was great stayed true to most of the manga once again next ep should be a good one[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  16. #236

    RE: Bleach

    ey terra u just wait till it gets into the series more, then we'll see how good it is

  17. #237
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    RE: Bleach

    I can usually feel if a show is going to rape my world or not, from the first few eps.
    But yeah, we'll see. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  18. #238

    RE: Bleach

    4 was yet again a great episode....but DAMN i hate cliffhangers....

  19. #239
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    RE: Bleach

    Episode 4 by A-Keep and ANBU is out.

  20. #240

    RE: Bleach

    Shit, episode 6-7 should be pretty decent, 8+ is when it begins to get nuts. It'll have a little pocket of fun after that, then it's all hell in a blender after the T.V. show invasion episodes... =b

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