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Thread: Bleach

  1. #161

    RE: Bleach

    Originally posted by: leslina
    Personally, I'm holding out for AonE to pick up this project *crosses fingers*. Until then, I'm dl IY4. It's the little things that matter most to me and they have the decency to leave it 'shinigami', 'gigai', etc. I also think, that Keep-ANBU's version was not up to standard, and they use the Viz manga tranlastion of shinigami, Soul Reaper, oh hell no.
    I got a great tip for you - watch the raws! It's unimageinable, but they are completely left in japanese!
    Oh, you don't understand japanese? But you do not want it translated either? Please, could you decide what you want. Thank you.

    In bleach shinigami is not a name, but a profession. Therefor it gets translated. You don't object "gakusei" (or whatever they actually use in bleach) being replaced with "high shool student" and most likely you wouldn't mind other jobs being translated. But this one you do and that's very inconsequent.

    Literal or direct translations from japanese into whatever_language seldom work. "God of death" doesn't work in christian western countries as we have no such thing. We have a monotheistic culture and our god is certainly not the "God of Death". "Death" itself doesn't work either, because there are many of them and our mythological/cultural background has "Death" as one entity. But we have expressions for Death's minions - the grim reapers. Whatever they are called in japanese, "grim reaper" (or soul reaper) is the best and single correct translation, because this is what they are in our language.

    Leaving japanese and describing the meaning in an editors note is useful for expressions that can't be translated because they have no equivalent in the language translated into. The rest is appropiatly translated and that is consequent. Leaving rather random words like "grim reaper", "replacement body" or "soul cutter blade" untranslated is imho idiotic. What expression should be translated, which should be left untranslated? Who decides and why translate at all?

    A good translation is a translation that translates as much as possible with the correct expressions so that the meaning is as preserved as possible and as understandable as possible. If the translator is even able to reflect the mood a japanese gets from the way it is said and its choice of words (like Naruto's cocky datte bayoo) that pushes him and his work from good to excellent.

    This isn't specific to leslina, it's for all in this topic. Please understand this before you ever again mock about the job a translator did. Thanks for your time.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  2. #162

    RE: Bleach

    Originally posted by: theblakeman
    Uhm, ever heard of polytheism?
    Well yeah... but usually, if not always, polytheism does have many gods, but each god is different...

    You have a god of the sun, a god of beauty, a god of war, a god of death.... but you dont have 2 gods of the sun, two gods of beauty, two gods of war, or two gods of death... so the translation of Shinigami to god of death is akward although it is literary...

    I was speaking with a japanese translator and presented him with this situation... He himself told me that god of death would seem inappropiate... and since Soul Reaper (or the equivalent) doesnt have a japanese word/phrase to represent it, the closest to use is Shinigami...

  3. #163

    RE: Bleach

    Originally posted by: Elessar
    Originally posted by: leslina
    Personally, I'm holding out for AonE to pick up this project *crosses fingers*. Until then, I'm dl IY4. It's the little things that matter most to me and they have the decency to leave it 'shinigami', 'gigai', etc. I also think, that Keep-ANBU's version was not up to standard, and they use the Viz manga tranlastion of shinigami, Soul Reaper, oh hell no.
    I got a great tip for you - watch the raws! It's unimageinable, but they are completely left in japanese!
    Oh, you don't understand japanese? But you do not want it translated either? Please, could you decide what you want. Thank you.

    In bleach shinigami is not a name, but a profession. Therefor it gets translated. You don't object "gakusei" (or whatever they actually use in bleach) being replaced with "high shool student" and most likely you wouldn't mind other jobs being translated. But this one you do and that's very inconsequent.

    Literal or direct translations from japanese into whatever_language seldom work. "God of death" doesn't work in christian western countries as we have no such thing. We have a monotheistic culture and our god is certainly not the "God of Death". "Death" itself doesn't work either, because there are many of them and our mythological/cultural background has "Death" as one entity. But we have expressions for Death's minions - the grim reapers. Whatever they are called in japanese, "grim reaper" (or soul reaper) is the best and single correct translation, because this is what they are in our language.

    Leaving japanese and describing the meaning in an editors note is useful for expressions that can't be translated because they have no equivalent in the language translated into. The rest is appropiatly translated and that is consequent. Leaving rather random words like "grim reaper", "replacement body" or "soul cutter blade" untranslated is imho idiotic. What expression should be translated, which should be left untranslated? Who decides and why translate at all?

    A good translation is a translation that translates as much as possible with the correct expressions so that the meaning is as preserved as possible and as understandable as possible. If the translator is even able to reflect the mood a japanese gets from the way it is said and its choice of words (like Naruto's cocky datte bayoo) that pushes him and his work from good to excellent.

    This isn't specific to leslina, it's for all in this topic. Please understand this before you ever again mock about the job a translator did. Thanks for your time.
    yeah.. translating is quite an hard job.. and there is many translation even for one word.. ^_^ let's just appreciate the fansubbers who fansubs for free ^_^

    btw.. can't wait for the next one.. hope it comes out soon..

  4. #164

    RE: Bleach

    As far as the subbing, I do prefer the "Americanized" lingo over literal translations. The viz manga's are not that bad, but nothing Viz does is exactly great either. The pacing on the manga to show seems good, it remains to be seen how much will be taken from the manga and how much will be newly created material for the show. Honestly though, I feel like I'll love it all, whatever they decide to do; unless they do a ton of episodes similar to the See-What's-Under-Kakashi's-Mask Naruto type episodes, that would make me grumpy, heh. I personally don't care about fonting, as long as I can read it. I care more about typos and such, since I put a lot of effort into writing myself. I know I make mistakes in my writing from time to time, but poor spelling makes me stop watching an episode. I care more about grammar than anything, context of sentences (being non-literal translation) would be a close runner up though.

  5. #165
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Bleach

    The manga has just been pure storyline with no fillers at all so far. I have no reason to expect the anime will be any different. But then again, look at Naruto.

  6. #166


    I got a great tip for you - watch the raws! It's unimageinable, but they are completely left in japanese!
    Oh, you don't understand japanese? But you do not want it translated either? Please, could you decide what you want. Thank you.

    In bleach shinigami is not a name, but a profession. Therefor it gets translated. You don't object "gakusei" (or whatever they actually use in bleach) being replaced with "high shool student" and most likely you wouldn't mind other jobs being translated. But this one you do and that's very inconsequent.

    Literal or direct translations from japanese into whatever_language seldom work. "God of death" doesn't work in christian western countries as we have no such thing. We have a monotheistic culture and our god is certainly not the "God of Death". "Death" itself doesn't work either, because there are many of them and our mythological/cultural background has "Death" as one entity. But we have expressions for Death's minions - the grim reapers. Whatever they are called in japanese, "grim reaper" (or soul reaper) is the best and single correct translation, because this is what they are in our language.

    Leaving japanese and describing the meaning in an editors note is useful for expressions that can't be translated because they have no equivalent in the language translated into. The rest is appropiatly translated and that is consequent. Leaving rather random words like "grim reaper", "replacement body" or "soul cutter blade" untranslated is imho idiotic. What expression should be translated, which should be left untranslated? Who decides and why translate at all?

    A good translation is a translation that translates as much as possible with the correct expressions so that the meaning is as preserved as possible and as understandable as possible. If the translator is even able to reflect the mood a japanese gets from the way it is said and its choice of words (like Naruto's cocky datte bayoo) that pushes him and his work from good to excellent.

    This isn't specific to leslina, it's for all in this topic. Please understand this before you ever again mock about the job a translator did. Thanks for your time.
    Firstly, I wasn't mocking. However, I was was critical, with good reason. Secondly, I happen to be a foreign language teacher and on top of my pet peeves list, in any of my classrooms, is a student attempting a literal or direct translation of a text. Literal translations do no always work or convey appropriate meaning. I am also a student of Japanese and I appreciate what a difficult endeavor fansubbing is. Even so, I'm particular. I rather certain phrases and words be left as is, with liner notes included at the margins. Keeping it as authentic as possible is what's most important--to me. Not butchering for sake of Americanizing or what have you. So even though IYF may not meet the standard of quality of the other groups mentioned, they have the courtesy of trying to maintain that authenticity of the Japanese experience. And I do watch the RAWs before dl the fansub. I view manga in the same way. At any rate, with various groups working on a project, one is free to choose on a version that's more to their liking.

  7. #167
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Are you thinking of people who are new to anime? As a foreign language teacher, you are used to students who are not fresh into the material before some of the harder translations get started. Of course you don't want a literal translation because they end up sounding wrong. But sometimes the only way to figure out what you need to translate it to is by first doing a literal translation. I took Latin for 4 years and there was no way I could have figured out some of the poems without the aid of the literally translation I did moments before.

    Not everyone knows what Shinigami are. I know I didn't for years. Notes do solve these problems and I truly prefer them over literally translations, but the fact of the matter is, I don't really want to have to constantly test my Japanese knowledge when watching the 14th eps of a series, after the notes have stopped or worse, having to look at the same note for the 400th time. Notes clutter up a lot of space and after a while, you DO get tired of seeing one you've finally learned.

    I really don't like looking at fansubs that are 70% Japanese (I've seen some naruto ones like that). THAT takes considerable effort to mull through and sorta destoyed the enjoyable experience of some of those eps. Most fansub groups don't Americanize, they just take a lot of phrases that don't necessarily have english or western analogs and turn them literally (which is the best for those situations in order to not alienate new watchers).

  8. #168
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Bleach

    oh my god just saw ep 1 this show is amazing it was mad cool!!

  9. #169
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Bleach

    who cares how shinigami is translated to? it doesnt really affect the plot of the series in any way.

    In fact, alot of anime tend to be rather.....uncreative with the names they give to people of unworldly strength as it is.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #170

    RE: Bleach

    just wondering
    whats the difference between iy-f's ep 2 in each versions?

  11. #171

    RE: Bleach

    indeed its like shinobi and ninja most of us prefe ninja instead os shinobi (example from naruto)

  12. #172

    RE: Bleach

    Originally posted by: tensai
    just wondering
    whats the difference between iy-f's ep 2 in each versions?
    there was a mis timed line in v1

  13. #173

  14. #174

    RE: Bleach

    Don't recall thier names, but does anyone else find it highly entertaining that the blonde guy's sister is always wearing the chef apron.

  15. #175

    RE: Bleach

    not really, i didnt really notice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  16. #176

  17. #177

    RE: Bleach

    Best episode so far... very cool turn of events... and the blood is always a plus

  18. #178

    RE: Bleach

    yeah great episode they changed around some scenes but they kept most of the original intact

  19. #179

    RE: Bleach

    Can you put in as a spoiler warning what what changed...?

  20. #180

    RE: Bleach

    SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

    well in the manga the piece of the mask the hollow wears wasn't restored so it was still broken off
    ichigo and the hollow didn't fight outside, the hollow was facing off against him in the house then attacked orihime and practically the same scene was displayed with orihime jumping inside her brothers mouth
    the hollows mask didn't explode into pieces it broke down and fell to the floor
    ichigo was still holding the sword in his hand when the hollow grabbed for it to stab himself with it, so no big things were changed they probably just made it a little more exciting with the hollow slamming ichigo out of the house and then chasing after him which he didn't do in the manga cuz ichigo jumped back up into the house

    so only minor things were changed but the intergrity of the manga was kept in tact they changed much more in the first 2 eps then this one, a lot of jokes were left out or were more funny in the manga

    SPOILERS END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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