Anime-Keep ep 6 for those who are interested
Anime-Keep ep 6 for those who are interested
Well, good to know that they are up and running, even though they are a couple weeks late.
9 is up raw from Yey Raws now, although Yey haven't updated their site for a few weeks now. It could be that the site just doesnt update on my comp, but *shrug*
Question: anyone know where I can get the full version song of the ending? I know the opening isn't out yet, but any chance someone knows where the ending is? I know for sure it is out.
you can get the ending at but u need to register to download
Decent episode (#9), but, as usual for the Bleach anime, the reduced production values and artistic dedication really make the show suffer.
Do not talk about upcoming arcs.
Alright Alright..... you dont have to explain in every single one of your posts how the arcs are gonna play out and so on.... lets just watch Bleach without any hints on the arcs comming up...
I consider his explanation a spoiler and there are no tags in his post...Originally posted by: Budweineken
Alright Alright..... you dont have to explain in every single one of your posts how the arcs are gonna play out and so on.... lets just watch Bleach without any hints on the arcs comming up...
Ban? [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
Thats one of the big problems with everyone thats a manga fan discussing what they know happens in the manga, spoiling what may happen in the series.
You make your post, you take your chances.
I think the series is coming alomg great, but its feels like its missing something though. I think the animation could try to look a little more like the manga i guess.
I hated the art in bleach at first- everyone as too skinny and lanky, but its grown on me after awhile and I guess I want to see the charactes look more like the manga. Especialy Ruika- it just seams like part of her character is missing, not finished.
I love they way theyve handled kon though- hes one of my favorite characters.
Does anyone else thats a manga fan feel like theyve inserted alot of eplanitory secenes and extra characters that dont ruin the show, but kind of dumb it down a litlle bit?
Hmm, episode 9 was pretty good. Yeah, not much action, but storywise, pretty good.
One thing I don't really get: that other shinigami took all those blows, but why he fall asleep? If it's gonna be explained later on, don't spoil.
he isnt from the manga apparently... so no one knows...
It's not like it needs to be explained... it was just some bad joke
It's just like how on One Piece, Zoro never dies from his wounds. Instead he just falls asleep like in his last fight against Mr.1.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
might be in the wrong place but rather than make an entirely new thread for this, i'll post here.
Bleach fans MUST SEE THIS NOW!
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Hmm, looks really interesting. Reminds me of the Naruto game. Damn, wish I could have those.
This blows. I'm going to have to get a PSP for this. Anyone know if it is going to have regional lockouts or if it'll be open a la Nintendo's systems?
ALSO, oh my god. Capcom, how I love thee. Nothing against TOEI, they've done nice with Naruto and all. But c'mon, who can really do fighters like Capcom? Rival Schools/Project Justice, anyone?
Sorry if this is technically a DP, but Bleach #10 is up on tokyotoshoko from Lunar; 11 is also up raw on there.
damnit.....i guess any large-scale series involving battles between inhuman forces wouldnt be complete without a "Mr. Satan" type character
10/4/04 - 8/20/07