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Thread: The Army

  1. #21
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: The Army

    Every swede must when he turns 18 attend some kind of military evaluation where they check your intelligence, physique etc. If they have a spot in the country where you are needed then you're sent there. If they don't have any use for you, i.e if you are a fat stupid guy for example, you may skip it.

  2. #22

    RE: The Army

    Ah, for us in the US, when you turn 18, you have to go register for the draft. That basically just means filling out some paperwork. It's so that if there is a draft, they know who's available. A lot of people just sign up for the military or go to ROTC (reserve officer training camp) in college. If you sign up for ROTC, and have them pay for your college, there is a X-year long (don't know exactly how long, I think maybe 4?) comittment, but you join as a comissioned officer.

  3. #23

    RE: The Army

    hmm... i guess you guys are somewhat guys have a choice... in singapore all healthy males must go through NS when they are 18... its compulsory...

  4. #24

    RE: The Army

    (edit) Oh, and r3n, the fact that suicide bombers exist is one of the reasons we need armed forces. If we weren't there to stop most of them, there would be a lot more civilian casualties than there are now.
    to be completely honest, the only suicide bombing i know of happen in the occupied areas or palestine, and there are no american or other armed forces tehre. only the isreali army, which is y the bombings happen in the first place.

    i dont wanna start some stupid political discussion, so if someone doesnt' agree with me, plz refrain from flamming and/or typing lengthy msgs explaining how i dont know what im talking about.

  5. #25
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    RE: The Army

    Originally posted by: r3n
    yeah with a president like bush ull get sent somewhere within the next five years to go blow up some innocents for oil. so, ur conscience wont be very clean. but have fun!

    </anti american rant>
    r3n I am Canadian, but I never knew you were such an idiot.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  6. #26

    RE: The Army

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Ehh... so is Sweden the only country in which army is actually obligatory if they need your abilities? [img][/img]
    No, don't think so, Korea has something similar.. all males have to go into the army after graduating college or after high school if they don't go to college.. it has something to do with north korea and needing protection

    [this is what my friend told me, because her brother was supposed to go and if not they had to pay thousands of dollars (even though they lived in the US) ..lucky didn't have to since they eventually got a green card.]

  7. #27

    RE: The Army

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    (edit) Oh, and r3n, the fact that suicide bombers exist is one of the reasons we need armed forces. If we weren't there to stop most of them, there would be a lot more civilian casualties than there are now.
    to be completely honest, the only suicide bombing i know of happen in the occupied areas or palestine, and there are no american or other armed forces tehre. only the isreali army, which is y the bombings happen in the first place.

    i dont wanna start some stupid political discussion, so if someone doesnt' agree with me, plz refrain from flamming and/or typing lengthy msgs explaining how i dont know what im talking about.
    I'm not going to type a lengthy message, or flame you. But, I will say that there are suicide bombers in other areas.

  8. #28
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: The Army

    you have your opinions and i have mine, no need to try and flame me.
    i think the military is an honorable career, and newsflash, you can take college courses in the military. and no, im not a hick, where the fuck you get that from?

  9. #29
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    RE: The Army

    I have some friends who are in the Canadian army. It's actually a pretty good deal because the army will pay for your university education. Plus, Canada isn't involved in many serious conflicts, so it's one of the safer countries to join the army (not counting accidental injury from outdated equipment due to lack of government funding). Also the Canadian army is involved in a lot of humanitarian efforts, such as disaster relief. I wouldn't join myself, and I don't agree with everything they do, but a lot of what they do is helpful and beneficial.

    Oh, and in Azerbaijan military service is compulsory as well. Each guy has to serve for one year, unless he has some disability, or enough money to bribe his way out.

  10. #30
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: The Army

    Originally posted by: r3n
    armies dont kill ppl, clever scientists who invent A-bombs do.
    you do realize, that einstein wasnt from america, right?

    and yeah, r3n is one of those media blinded tree huggers that dont really know how to look through the perspectives of people other than himself
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #31

    RE: The Army

    All I'm gonna say is that its not for me.
    But from family experience (eldest brother, grandad) its a solid career. Just make sure you get comissioned as an officer, so they will pay you tons of money, send you around the world, even if sometimes that involves zones of conflict but hey you just get payed even more. You can get on to courses throughout ur stay in the army, and at the end you get a nice big thankyou cheque and a fat pension at the sweet age of 45 (if you've no desire to go above colonel that is). You just have to put up with the initial few years of shit a the start. How many other jobs can u think of that give you as much? Bet there aren't many.

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