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Thread: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

  1. #61

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    i think naruto and sasuki are too exhaust to fight. i think sasuki might lose the arm since i see blood coming out of sasuki's arm. dont think any of them have any chikra left to fight so its a tie. maybe sasuki left because he might of notice kakashi coming

  2. #62
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    you idiots. it's not a draw. how the hellcan it be a draw when one is standing and the other is one the ground UNCONSCIOUS???

    sasuke kicked naruto's ass. fucking face it. naruto ass kissers.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #63

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    sasuke kicked naruto's ass. fucking face it. naruto ass kissers.
    That'll never happen. Should Sasuke completely manhandle Naruto, Gotwoot will STILL say that Naruto won. (or had a tie)

    I'm glad Sasuke won this fight. It shuts all the Kyuubi fans up.

  4. #64

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Actually - re-reading the chapter doesn't it look like they BOTH pulled their attacks?

    Sasuke's hit should have blown Naruto's liver into the water Country.

    Narutos Hit should have qualified sasuke for the sequel to sleepy hollow.

    Instead Naruto is KO and Sasuke has a scratch on his armor.

    I think the frame with them doing the finger promise thing was supposed to be both of them realizing that they couldn't kill each other - in the end they were friends, not enemies, even if Sasuke is still leaving the leaf to persue his goals.

  5. #65
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    sasuke kicked naruto's ass. fucking face it. naruto ass kissers.
    Can't agree with you there Mut@t@ [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] . Naruto got Sasuke's head. I think he pulled back thats why it just melted his forehead protecter.

    Either the forehead protector is made of some super solid adamantium stuff, or Naruto held back his attack.

    Sasuke can kill Naruto willingly, but I don't think Naruto can do the same to Sasuke.

    If not, Sasuke's brains would be all over the floor if you ask me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  6. #66

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    I think both attacks did connect, somewhere along the lines. I mean, the explosion was hella big. Maybe Sasuke's level 2 form is simply THAT strong.

    That or the Kyuubi Rasengan ain't all that. heh.

  7. #67
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Noonan
    Actually - re-reading the chapter doesn't it look like they BOTH pulled their attacks?

    Sasuke's hit should have blown Naruto's liver into the water Country.

    Narutos Hit should have qualified sasuke for the sequel to sleepy hollow.

    Instead Naruto is KO and Sasuke has a scratch on his armor.

    I think the frame with them doing the finger promise thing was supposed to be both of them realizing that they couldn't kill each other - in the end they were friends, not enemies, even if Sasuke is still leaving the leaf to persue his goals.
    if you notice just before sasuke's chidori makes contact, he closes his fist.....Normally chidori would go straight through the person's body, but this time it didnt even tear through the clothes. Obviously, sasuke softened the blow because he couldnt bring himself to kill naruto.

    However, since it was a direct hit on naruto's heart, this is why naruto lost the kyubi mode and went unconscious
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #68

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Ok just remember... this is the same kyuubi that tore up a whole village full of the best ninja. not just 1 little boy with a super power. so imo... I think kyuubi woulda tore sasuke a new set of lips, hence Naruto still being in control and pulling back and purposely "just" scratching the protector. sasuke will have a flashback of this moment, knowing... Naruto could have killed him, but didnt.

  9. #69

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    The Pinky swear/Finger Promise was a tad bit TOO poetic, unless they both pulled their punches.

    I like Noonan's take.

    Normal Rasengan couldn't leave JUST a scratch...let alone Super Kyubi Rasengan.

    Same for Chidori...LVL 2 Black Lightning Chidori gut shot = Naruto sauce

    Not the case as we can see.

  10. #70
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Sasuke was aiming for the kill and Naruto was aiming for Sasuke's forehead. How is this all of a sudden "SASUKE RAPED NARUTO LAFFSAUCE!!!ONE"

  11. #71

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    I keep hearing how Naruto hed back, how a Kyuubi Powered Rasengan would "rip Sasuke's head off." However, realize that Sasuke did NOT kill Naruto. Its not that he cannot, he DID not. Remember, the Chidori is not some bs move. its is also an extremely powerful attack. It punches holes in just about everything, whether it be rock wall and people. I refuse to believe that a jacket could stop a LV2 curse seal Sasuke chidori, which is especially designed to pierce stuff.

  12. #72

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    naruto lost the fight in terms of TKO. since one is on the ground the other isnt.
    however both wouldve died if they connected their hits.

    this means that both pulled their hits and niether won in truth. however i still think it would have been a different matter if naruto was 100%. more even fight i would think, both probably would have knocked each other out aka gaara vs naruto.

    btw according to anime naruto will only have to wait one day to be fully healed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  13. #73

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    OK now this is gettin ridiculous.. lemme go over this Sh1t....

    1. Jiryia, kakashi stated that rasegan was stronger than chirdori. i mean hell it was created by the 4th hokage. It was even shown stronger than chirdori in that one chapter where chirdori hit the water tank and rasegan did.. big difference.. THERE IS NO WAY THAT BULLSH1T COULD COMPETE WITH RASEGAN.. i mean it was made by a anbu , kakashi, which couldnt even compete with the 4th hokage.

    2. how the hell does a stupid lil boy that can only think over revenge compete with a demon. i mean seriously the 9 tails destroyed hella sh1t in the leaf one could whoop that things as$ accept for the 4th hokage.. but.. no.. u got this lil reject child of a kid competeing with it with a 2nd lvl seal. yea right his power is bein way over-exagerated..

    3.the battle is bein over-exagerated.. these kids are gennins.. there not even chunnins or jounins. and they got chakra lvls of hokages.. i mean shit if naruto were to fight the 3rd hokage with that much power way back in the chapters... u would most definently would think he would whoop his a$s if u analyze that sh1t. they shouldnt be that strong.

    4. i mean holy sh1t 6 chapters of them figthing and 34534634763 chapters of them talkin... and it ends with this shit.. hell naw that man sasuke needs to die.. he is seriously prolonging this story...

    5. juss because sasuke got this lvl 2 seal dont mean he on the same lvl as one of the most powerful demons in that world, that only the 4th hokage could beat.

  14. #74
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: RiCeCrAcKa69
    OK now this is gettin ridiculous.. lemme go over this Sh1t....

    1. Jiryia, kakashi stated that rasegan was stronger than chirdori. i mean hell it was created by the 4th hokage. It was even shown stronger than chirdori in that one chapter where chirdori hit the water tank and rasegan did.. big difference.. THERE IS NO WAY THAT BULLSH1T COULD COMPETE WITH RASEGAN.. i mean it was made by a anbu , kakashi, which couldnt even compete with the 4th hokage.
    for the 124th time.......
    a killing move is a killing move

    a person running at you with a rasengan can still be killed by a doesnt matter.
    It's moreso the fact that sasuke dodged the rasengan, and landed the chidori
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #75

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    And I'm sure the rasengan was made for parlor games. I mean, it's just so pretty! Also, I belive the reason the chidoi didn't get a blow was becuase of the chakra surronding Naruto's body.

  16. #76

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    id ont mean that it cant be countered i mean the fact that both chirdori and rasegan connected.. rasegan should automatically ovepowered chirdori because
    1. its a more powerful jitsu
    2. demon chakra > 2nd lvl seal

  17. #77
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    if a person with a kunai connected at the same time as a person with rasengan, then it doesnt matter which is stronger.....
    edit: correction, it doesnt matter unless the person has crazy healing like naruto or kabuto. But regardless, a direct blow to the heart, naruto's source of kyubi chakra, can still knock him out of it

    and apparently 2nd lvl seal isnt < demon chakra if naruto failed to do anything whatsoever against sasuke in that form
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #78

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    You're basicly saying it just matters who hit first, right? I was under the impression that they hit each other at the same time. Although I find it absurd that sasukes level 2 seal is just all that uber and can even stack up to Naruto like that. And here I thought the other sound people went to level 2 and/or 3 and they still got their ass handed to them by people that we know are weaker then Naruto. But then again, none of them went Super Sayajin...

    Oh and yes, That even if the kunai connected first, the rasengan would still do more damage. Mostly becuase that a pointly object requires enterting the skin a considerible distance and pericing something vital to life, like, a brain, for instant death. Rasengan can still reach high damage with low surface area contact as shown when Naruto beat the crap out of that water tower.

  19. #79
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: VertigO
    Ok just remember... this is the same kyuubi that tore up a whole village full of the best ninja. not just 1 little boy with a super power. so imo... I think kyuubi woulda tore sasuke a new set of lips, hence Naruto still being in control and pulling back and purposely "just" scratching the protector. sasuke will have a flashback of this moment, knowing... Naruto could have killed him, but didnt.
    no, this isn't the same kyubi that tore up konoha, this is just a very tiny version of it cuz naruto can't use all of the kyubi's chakra.

    Originally posted by: fremeer
    naruto lost the fight in terms of TKO. since one is on the ground the other isnt.
    however both wouldve died if they connected their hits.
    thanks, captain no shit.

    this means that both pulled their hits and niether won in truth. however i still think it would have been a different matter if naruto was 100%. more even fight i would think, both probably would have knocked each other out aka gaara vs naruto.
    it's not like sasuke was at 100%. not only did sasuke 'die,' his body wasn't even at 100% either from developing to lvl 2. sasuke was definitely in worse shape than naruto because naruto has infinite chakra.

    Originally posted by: RiCeCrAcKa69
    OK now this is gettin ridiculous.. lemme go over this Sh1t....

    1. Jiryia, kakashi stated that rasegan was stronger than chirdori. i mean hell it was created by the 4th hokage. It was even shown stronger than chirdori in that one chapter where chirdori hit the water tank and rasegan did.. big difference.. THERE IS NO WAY THAT BULLSH1T COULD COMPETE WITH RASEGAN.. i mean it was made by a anbu , kakashi, which couldnt even compete with the 4th hokage.
    you're just not thinking this through. i'm sure the rasengan is more powerful than chidori when it's fully mastered. i can hardly believe that naruto's rasengan is mastered. that's probably the main reason why i think sasuke's chidori can whoop naruto's rasengan.

    2. how the hell does a stupid lil boy that can only think over revenge compete with a demon. i mean seriously the 9 tails destroyed hella sh1t in the leaf one could whoop that things as$ accept for the 4th hokage.. but.. no.. u got this lil reject child of a kid competeing with it with a 2nd lvl seal. yea right his power is bein way over-exagerated..
    no, it's actually not. naruto obviously can't even use a good amount of kyubi chakra. like i said before, the kyubi that attacked konoha is way different than the kyubi released from within naruto.

    5. juss because sasuke got this lvl 2 seal dont mean he on the same lvl as one of the most powerful demons in that world, that only the 4th hokage could beat.
    like i said before, the kyubi that attacked konoha isn't the same kyubi that can be partially released from naruto. OK???

    Originally posted by: RiCeCrAcKa69
    id ont mean that it cant be countered i mean the fact that both chirdori and rasegan connected.. rasegan should automatically ovepowered chirdori because
    1. its a more powerful jitsu
    2. demon chakra > 2nd lvl seal
    read what i said above.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #80

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Do you think that a gennin even holds a fraction of the 1000+ year old demon's power? I still think that the Naruto is stronger even if Naruto could not yet yield the power completely.

    grammar errors fixed.. it's late...ish...

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