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Thread: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

  1. #21

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    That was bull im so damn sick of Sasgay winning everything I agree that Naruto shouldnt have been able to stop him but id much more prefered Kabuto showing up and knocking naruto out

  2. #22

    Chapter 233 RAW

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    hah, i knew this would happen. take that all you "i know naruto is gonna kick sasuke's ass" fan boys.


  3. #23
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Not a bad ending to the fight. Naruto sucessfully hit Sucksgay's forehead protector which is all I've really wanted to see since the fight on the roof of the hospital.

    They will fight again... and it'll be fantastic. No transformations (I'm hoping), just two equally skilled (hopefully by that point) ninjas of conflicting ideology struggling to come to a final understanding.

  4. #24
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #25
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Really good chapter, the best fight so far(after I saw who one) Now we get to see Naruto come back and say sorry to all the people who he let down, and most of all we get what most of us wanted...a time jump(maybe but most likely)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  6. #26

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    nah i think the next bit is gonna be hospital, we will have something next issue then the one after that will start with naruto waking up in the hospital in between chouji and neji(who are both alive, or chouji is dead)

  7. #27
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: JerV
    That was bull im so damn sick of Sasgay winning everything I agree that Naruto shouldnt have been able to stop him but id much more prefered Kabuto showing up and knocking naruto out
    Shut up. If Naruto won then you would be complaining about how naruto was all super strong and unbeatable and we would never hear the end DBZ this and DBZ that. He had to lose if not to his greatest rival then who, Sakura? THink not It's going to be Sasuke(not sasgay, stop using it you sound like an eight year old). This has been the most emotional chapter in while and I loved it. Kishimoto had put some major thought into how to tatsefully end the arc.

  8. #28

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    but also as sasuke said...
    i dont need my forehead protector coz you want lay a finger on my forehead....something along those lines...
    and with the protector there luckily...he did get him on the forehead....heh i found that good.

  9. #29
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    This chapter was really well done. There is basically no need to translate it at all. Most of what was said is conveyed through the panels better than it could be said in words. There are still some questions:

    Does Sasuke think he killed Naruto? If not, is the intent of killing your best friend good enough to awaken the Mangekyou? Or will Sasuke do without it?

    It's pretty clear though that Sasuke is NEVER going back to Konoha, at least at this time. Him dropping the slashed forehead protector is very symoblic.

  10. #30
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    i guess it was ok for sasuke to win.....since then it will make the next time they battle all the more significant.

    although it still fails to follow the moralistic implications that kishimoto likes to integrate into all the sagas thus far
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #31

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    naruto is not dead lol, if he dies than the naruto anime is over daaah...
    and HimizujinEternia, how do u read when u read this? it seems like ur making an anime in your head or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] i just watch the pictures fast and understand whats happening, nothing more.. any tips on how i can enjoy the manga more?

  12. #32

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    That's actually what I do; I look at the pictures and imagine how it will look in the anime. The beams of light and the rain both remind me of Haku and Zabuza's death. I'm quite certain this scene will have either it's own new music or perhaps use similar music to the kind that was played in the ORochimaru/Sandaime fight. As for other ways to enjoy the manga more... reread the current arc every once in a while, and simply look for new things. You might come up with new ideas.

  13. #33

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    I never complained about the power upping AND I call Sasgay Sasgay cause I hate the bastard and the fact that he won on his own after all the BS hes said and done is a BIG disapointment the fact that you regard me as an 8 year old doesnt bother me a bit

  14. #34

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Well, that was a great chapter. i haven't been able to post for a while cause of school and work. But yeah, i'm happy the way it ended. i had a feeling naruto would lose. he had to anyway. so now after we find out what has happened to the other guys. i guess we'll see the members of team 7 are going their seperate ways to start training with the sannins. though, we're still not sure about useless sakura. hopefully she won't be so useless for too long. man is she gonna throw a fit when she finds out that sasuke is gone. the crying and whining is just about to begin. but on the bright side, lee might have a chance with her now. maybe

  15. #35

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    ok i dont think you could reallly say sasuke won on that one if anything that was as draw as it gets in fight. First off i havent seen anyone say what obviously happened in that chapter. For one sasuke couldnt kill naruto if he wanted to and if he tried kakashi would have showed up. For one i know ive been there before when your really messed up like that you cant do anything sasuke could barly stand at that. In fact im wondering how he got away with the way it looks he fell to the ground at that last sceen . Then what happened with naruto is that the kyuubi went back and he passed out he really dosnt look hurt at all.[btw this happens like every time happens he uses the kyuubi a bunch] My guess he'll sleep a number of days and wake up without a sratch on him while sasuke on the other hand... Well with sasuke he has to use up his own body unlike naruto so he got pretty messed up from that battle but on the other hand the reason he was consious at the end of the fight cause the power was from his body. From the looks of it he'll pass out on oro doorstep. Well it was a really good chapter but dont go saying retarded things like "did naruto die or did sasuke think naruto was dead" or "sasuke pwned nartuo" cause there both filthy lies.

    Oh and btw i cant wait to see the new arc in the manga and hope it has lots in store story wise, cause normall it seems in manga like this once something like this finshes the manga enters a high story section until the next fighting elimation section.

  16. #36

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Uchiha.haz
    naruto is not dead lol, if he dies than the naruto anime is over daaah...
    and HimizujinEternia, how do u read when u read this? it seems like ur making an anime in your head or something [img][/img] i just watch the pictures fast and understand whats happening, nothing more.. any tips on how i can enjoy the manga more?
    you could read scott mcclouds understanding comics it analyses (sp?) some of the artisitic techneques and discribes the psychology of a comib book in complete detail. i must have for those that wish to make there own comics someday (like myself), and good general reading for those that enjoy comics books and want to have more understanding about them beyond looking at pretty pictures.

    hey jerv, i dont understand whats up with you not liking the ending to this fight. it should have been obvious that sasuke would win. its simply apperent that you hate sasuke so much (proven by the fact that you wont grow up and use a lame homosexulaity joke thats not funny to anyone beyond the 8th grade) that you are willing to sacrifice good story telling. after reading the sub par chapters leading up to this conclusion i was nearly to the point that if naruto won this fight and wasted a good year of our lives, i would stop reading naruto.

  17. #37

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    It'd be better if Naruto actually died.

  18. #38

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    i cant see naruto dying...first the series would have to be rename "sasuke" and there is still the unresolved issue of the akatsuki

  19. #39

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    i cant see naruto dying...first the series would have to be rename "sasuke" and there is still the unresolved issue of the akatsuki
    I can see it working. Then Naruto would act as a martyr for the rest of the characters to do something extraordinary.

    I'm a little confused about the Rasengan against Sasuke's forehead. Did it just nick his forehead, or did it actually connect? If it connected, shouldn't it have pierced Sasuke's head, instead of just cutting his protector like that? I was always under the impression that Rasengan was more like a bullet, as opposed to a blade.

    Anyways... for this first time, in like a fucking month, we see some actual, REAL progress.Thank you Kishimoto. You're finally starting to get your game together. I'm glad Sasuke won this one, because it means we're that much closer to some closure with Oro.

    On a flipside, though... Naruto *might* have won this fight, not physically, but more spiritually (for lack of better words). I think, with this, Sasuke might start to pull his head out of his ass, and realize what's really important. It's not entirely impossible (specially after that long silence) that Sasuke can see what's really important, and goes to deal with Oro one last time.

    I see this as reminscient of the Kyoto arc in Rurouni Kenshin.

    Sasuke = Aoshi = Angry guy who has revenge in mind and becomes "evil" because of it. Both lost a large part of their family, and eventually forsakes what little is left of it, to exact that revenge. Both are ninjas, and seen as geniuses too.

    Naruto = Kenshin = Main character who goes from fight to fight, helping people redeem themselves. Wants to protect important people. Also has an unbeatable power (Kyuubi/ougi), a bad-ass master, and is generally friendly. Both also has no family.

    Orochimaru = Shishio = Ultimate bad guy, who is at quite a disadvantage, but still strong. (Oro's is a second rate body, Shishio is his time limit) Both hate their own home banishing them. Manipulates weak minded people like Sasuke/Aoshi, to help them serve their purpose. Both also have their own respective domain, followers, and views.

    Kabuto = Yumi (Haha) = Person at the side of said bad guy, and is his bitch.

    Kimimaro = Soujirou = Number one pupil of said bad guy, and is seen as the chosen next generation. Greatly respects the bad guy, probably because both had a rough past, and the bad guy happened to be the first one to support them.

    Sakura = Misao = Girl back at home, who sees the good in vengeful guy, and wants the good guy to bring him back in one piece.

  20. #40
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Hennyo
    ok i dont think you could reallly say sasuke won on that one if anything that was as draw as it gets in fight. First off i havent seen anyone say what obviously happened in that chapter. For one sasuke couldnt kill naruto if he wanted to and if he tried kakashi would have showed up. For one i know ive been there before when your really messed up like that you cant do anything sasuke could barly stand at that. In fact im wondering how he got away with the way it looks he fell to the ground at that last sceen . Then what happened with naruto is that the kyuubi went back and he passed out he really dosnt look hurt at all.[btw this happens like every time happens he uses the kyuubi a bunch] My guess he'll sleep a number of days and wake up without a sratch on him while sasuke on the other hand... Well with sasuke he has to use up his own body unlike naruto so he got pretty messed up from that battle but on the other hand the reason he was consious at the end of the fight cause the power was from his body. From the looks of it he'll pass out on oro doorstep. Well it was a really good chapter but dont go saying retarded things like "did naruto die or did sasuke think naruto was dead" or "sasuke pwned nartuo" cause there both filthy lies.

    Oh and btw i cant wait to see the new arc in the manga and hope it has lots in store story wise, cause normall it seems in manga like this once something like this finshes the manga enters a high story section until the next fighting elimation section.
    naruto got ko'd, and sasuke won. there is no other way of going about that. it can't be a draw cuz naruto was unconscious and sasuke wasn't.

    damnit, i knew lvl 2 sasuke was gonna whoop super kyubi naruto's ass. I FUCKING KNEW IT. that just shows you how much power lvl 2 is able to give to someone like sasuke. not even the super kyubi chakra couldn't stop sasuke. god damn, sasuke is such a bigger badass now.

    btw, naruto isn't and can't be dead for ANYONE that thinks otherwise.

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