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Thread: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

  1. #1

  2. #2

    RE: Chapter 233 RAW

    i cant believe this chidori beats rasengan and is naruto dead?? and what happened to sasuke's arm?

  3. #3

    RE: Chapter 233 RAW

    naruto is probably ko, chidori didn't beat the rasengan sasuke was just better plus he had that wing covering him, sasuke's arm must've been after effects of using lvl2, i loved that scene where the light broke trough the clouds great chapter

  4. #4

    RE: Chapter 233 RAW

    from what i saw of the thing it looks like naruto missed sasuke and caused the massive explosion while sasuke hit causing naruto to get KO.

  5. #5

    Chapter 233 RAW

    [Edit 2]
    @Ryllharu: true.

    If you haven't already noticed, Spoilers above and below.
    ****** SPOIL ******* SPOIL ******** SPOIL ******** SPOIL *******

    [/Edit 2]
    Ok, where Sasuke hits Naruto, Naruto's clothes are intact. No hole in his chest, so probably not dead but exhausted.

    But Sasuke seems to "hit" Naruto earlier what causes Naruto to lose his focus on rasengan. The uncontrolled rasengan then scratches Sasuke's forehead-protector and causes the explosion. So, telling from the explosion, i would say Sasuke would have been decapitated if the rasengan had connected.
    His arm, either Lvl 2 or the results of automatic-kyuubi-chakra defense.

    [Edit 1]
    And think about it:
    (a) Naruto got Sasuke's forehead
    (b) Konoha (well, its forehead-protector) most likely saved Sasuke's life.
    Should give him sth to thing about. Also, they don't losne their bond as far as I can interpret the image. Looks like Sasuke won the fight but lost the war (the "Naruto.... I have... " [lost??] by Sasuke fits in too).
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  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Chapter 233 RAW

    Ahh, a NBZ explosion ball!!!

    In all seriousness, the Rasengan cut through the Konoha mark on Sasuke's forehead protector, that brings in a large parallel to Itachi, who also has the shamed/abandoned forehead protector, like, the ones we've seen anyway, any member of Akatsuki (or whatever its called).

    That would probably be the most signifigant part of this chapter. It looks like this arc is finally about to end.

    On a side note, despite the fact that this chapter had all of 5 lines of dialogue, shouldn't we wait until a translated version comes out before making these threads? I don't recall any raw threads before, but in the last two months or so, it's been getting really bad.

  7. #7
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chapter 233 RAW

    hah, i knew this would happen. take that all you "i know naruto is gonna kick sasuke's ass" fan boys.


    oh yeah, damn, kakashi got there real quick.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #8

    Chapter 233 RAW

    I can't say i'm not glad this has come to an ending. I liked the fact that Sasuke didn't own Naruto because his chidori was stronger, but just because Naruto didn't get a good hit.

  9. #9

    Chapter 233 RAW

    Damn, im glad it ended this way, that kicks ass.
    Anyways im pretty sure Sasuke's arm is all f'd up now from the combination of using Lvl 2 for too long, and fo using the Chidori 3 times.

  10. #10

    Chapter 233 RAW

    wow that was actually a pretty decent chapter, and sasuke didnt even have to strike out the leaf symbol on his forehead protector, he got naruto to do that for him

  11. #11
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 233 RAW

    Well, you want me to translate?
    How about I translate the only three lines Sasuke says? Actually, its two words:

    "Naruto... I..." ::Barf::

    And Kakashi! The one which speaks the most, and he says nothing. This is the first time I've seen a such a silent, philosophic-ly chapter. I kinda liked it, too.

    My thoughts on it:

    Naruto is basically just exhausted. Think of it this way - not only was he woken up at 5 in the morning (remember last year?), which can exhaust anyone, but he has been running all day long, was trapped inside Jiroubo's chakra-eating cage/molehill, fought against basically all the Sound guys for at least a few seconds, fought against Kimimaro and used stupid amounts of chakras in making a stupid amount of clones, and finally got to Sasuke and got engaged in one of the most repetitive fights ever, his body was kinda used by the Kyubi and even his hand lost sensibility because of way too much chakra.

    So he's not dead.

    Also, while Sasuke seems unscathed, he did throw up blood. A la Kabuto! And he bent and looked all angsty and above everything, he didnd't kill Naruto. He could have, too - Naruto just couldn't wake up anymore. But he didn't. Instead, we got a picture of the two of them, younger, holding er, fingers.
    And he left Naruto alone.

    What I see there is that Sasuke is not evil!Sasuke anymore. Sure, he'll go to Orochimaru, and he'll still want to kill Itachi, but he wont be the best-friend-killer moron we all loved for the last four chapters.

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  12. #12

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Ill wait for the translation before I add any comment ..all I want to say for now ..Damn that scan was small ._.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  13. #13

    RE: Chapter 233 RAW

    im glad it ended this way. i said it a million times before and i will say it again: naruto had to lose this fight. its over, but is naruto dead? does sasuke have the mangekyou? what happened to chouji and neji? these are the question we should all be asking. luckyly i feel the next weeks chapter will will those question.

  14. #14

    Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    well that was a great way to end it...very good..
    seems sasuke is in a bit of trouble...
    well naruto's promise is on hold...he didnt say WHEN he would bring him back...lolz

    EDIT: I also say that when the translated version comes post in here then the topic creator can put get from IRC or get from where ever..or a link.

  15. #15
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Yeah, I agree. I mean, sure, my inner fangirl would've loved to see Naruto kicking Sasuke's ass, but I knew it had to end this way or then the whole last year would've been a waste of time.

    Besides, I'm glad it ended. It means that in a week we'll start to wrap everything up and see what happened to Neji, Chouji, the Sand Nins, Rock Lee, etc, etc, AND Sakura's reaction, and when Sasuke gets to Orochimaru.
    Yep, can't wait for the wrap up! And then the next arc! Finally!!

    @?igma -> Believe me, the translation is close to not needed in this one. Kakashi's lines are something like
    "This chakra... this is bad!!"
    And then
    "We have to hurry! This rain could wash the scent away!"
    Pakkun - "There's no problem... with the amount of chakra being used, its easy to follow the trail."
    And finally, once they get to Naruto,
    " we were late, uh..."

    And those are the big conversations. As I mentioned above, Sasuke says "Naruto... I..." before barfing blood.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  16. #16

    RE: Chapter 233 RAW

    yea really that was the best way to finish it, also wen i was reading it i had totally forgotten about sasuke wanting super sharingan(i know ts not called that but i cfb looking how to spell) maybe he realised he cant kill naruto like that because they are friends

  17. #17

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    yeah it seems kakashi missed all the other genins...well its good that this fight is now over.
    yeah im really waiting to see what sakuras reaction is going to be and even the people of konoha...
    will they be angry with sasuke? will they be angry with naruto? will sakura hate naruto? and what will her thoughts be towards sasuke?
    and also see what has happened to the other genins that are on this mission.
    well now we gotta wait another week. cant wait for inanes version. i want better quality.

  18. #18
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    Maybe it's just me, but it seemed like Sasuke thought he'd killed Naruto and was sorry about it, rather than not being able to bring himself to do it. That's probably how he'll get his Mange, because he's fooled into thinking Naruto's dead.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
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  19. #19
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    I'm glad Sasuke won.

  20. #20

    RE: Official Chapter 233 Discussion

    This chapter has given me renewed faith in Kishimoto. I think this is one of the most emotional chapters he has ever done... I have never found myself enjoying silence so much. Excellent chapter. Now, to wait for the aftermath.

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