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Thread: A use for each team?

  1. #1

    A use for each team?

    do you think that each team was put together so that it excells at one particular type of activity? for me the obvious two that stick out are shika-ino-choji and gai's team. the team mentored by gai is obvioulsy tailer made to......fuck people up, i mean three people who all specialize in some form of physical combat? shika-ino-choji are defo made for espionage missions, i mean look at it this way ino coudl control the president of a country and make an anouncement at a conference or somthing, shika assumes control of key delegates around the room making opposition to said annoucement minimal choji coudl act as a distraction should they be discovered.

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    no, the teams are based on the academy scores. using two teams out of the however many we had isn't a very good example.

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  3. #3

    RE: A use for each team?

    thats why iam asking other people to come up with there own, also as the academy scores arent real, and there skills are it could be assumed that kishimoto did infact pick teams suited for one task or another, it would also seem more logical.some teams such as hinata-shino-kiba look rather suspicius also as two out of three on the team use animals in there attacks, the only two in the series if iam correct (bar relatives of course) hinta obvioulsy assumes the role of medic as she shows some skill in alchemy (didnt she say she made the stuff she gave naruto?). the sound team present in the exam could act as a demolition squad.

  4. #4
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    why do you try to go against the truth?

    it was cleary said that the teams are based upon their academy scores to make each team balanced. there is no other way to go about this.

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  5. #5

    RE: A use for each team?

    so? people say things all the time. just because they were selected on there acadamey socre doesnt mean that they were selected so that they would all contain one strong weak and mediocre member.

  6. #6

    RE: A use for each team?

    I am sure Iruka sensei matched them up by academy results, its been said in episode 3?

  7. #7
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: chambers
    so? people say things all the time. just because they were selected on there acadamey socre doesnt mean that they were selected so that they would all contain one strong weak and mediocre member.
    oh my god...

    you still don't get it. and what the hell is 'people say things all the time.'??? that's so dumb. it's not like any random person gave an opinion about a topic. it was from a script written by the creator himself. there is no other way to acknowledge it. it would only be logical that if there is one REAL strong person, the rest would be composed of one weak and one mediocre person. and the teams don't always have to have one strong, one weak, and one mediocre person, it's all depended on test scores. a team couple be composed of any type of combination of very weak, weak, average, stronge, and very strong members (of course, there could be a bigger variety of types) as long as all the teams are balanced according to the academy scores.

    if you can't understand it by now, then... you must still believe that kakashi knows all jutsus in konoha.

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  8. #8
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    RE: A use for each team?

    ima have to agree with mutata dude if it clearly states its based on scores chances are they are what would they gain by lieing???

  9. #9
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    Uhhh, your stupidity amazes me...Mut@t@ answered your question. As for their "special" skill, could it possible be cause their teacher taught them all that? If you have a teacher who teaches math above all else in elementary school, then yu will excel in math in HS. All I have left to say is: You're a complete idiot who makes topics almost as stupid as posts, and tries to nitpick absolutely everything.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: A use for each team?

    it has been stated a few times though, that the 3rd hokage did take into account a few other factors when planning special arrangements of the teams, specifically naruto and sasuke both being under the guidance of kakashi.

    I think everything other than that was just based on test scores though.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #11
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    it has been stated a few times though, that the 3rd hokage did take into account a few other factors when planning special arrangements of the teams, specifically naruto and sasuke both being under the guidance of kakashi.

    I think everything other than that was just based on test scores though.
    Maybe more than that... he set up Ino-Shika-Chou under Kurenai on purpose as well.

  12. #12

    A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    no, the teams are based on the academy scores. using two teams out of the however many we had isn't a very good example.
    only in the leaf village.

  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: Souryusen
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    it has been stated a few times though, that the 3rd hokage did take into account a few other factors when planning special arrangements of the teams, specifically naruto and sasuke both being under the guidance of kakashi.

    I think everything other than that was just based on test scores though.
    Maybe more than that... he set up Ino-Shika-Chou under Kurenai on purpose as well.
    not necessarily
    that couldve happened by coincidence
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #14

    RE: A use for each team?

    /me laughs at the thought of Chouji sneaking up on someone

  15. #15

    RE: A use for each team?

    dont laugh, hes got a jutsu to make himself big, maybe hes got one to make himself small

    anyways i agree with assertn, based on test scores except naruto and sasuke, cos theyre the main characters duh, would u really have wanted hinata to be as main as sasuke is if the team was naruto sakura hinata

  16. #16

    RE: A use for each team?

    tsumade once said something about sarutobi forming the teams like their parents... like the shika-ino-chouji team

    otherwise naruto-sasuke-sakura team and gai's team would pretty much show how academy scores make similar teams (one strong ass, one ... smart girl, one bad scoring hardworking dude).

  17. #17

    RE: A use for each team?

    FFS i didnt ask for a fuckin discussion about if you think the teams were formed soley on there test scores did i? i asked if you thought teams were put together so that they excell at a cetain activity. now OBVIOULSY the anime states that they were put together for test scores besides a few glaring exceptions, but do you think maybe just MAYBE that kishimoto thought to himself hey if i take this person out and put this person in here they make a pretty nice physical fighting force. FFS i dont know why all the idiots here jump on every little post. EVEN IF it was compelete bullshit many of the teams DO seem to excell at certain tasks and there teams would be suited to diffrent missions so the question as a FUCKING DISCUSSION is 100% valid. remeber thats what these forums are for DISCUSSION.

  18. #18

    RE: A use for each team?

    Naruto (dead last), Sasuke (#1)...i think you could base this on test scores...
    Maybe more than that... he set up Ino-Shika-Chou under Kurenai on purpose as well
    i think you mean Asuma.

  19. #19

    RE: A use for each team?

    The teams are based on scores however teams got strong and weak spots..

    See Hinata-Kiba-BugFreak : This team is average but his Scout potential is greatest in Konoha due to the combination Hinata's Byakugan & Kiba's enemy detection .

    Shika-Ino-Chou : I think it is due to a request from the Older Ino-Shika-Chou team.

    Teams were created from the academy's tests results, so at this time the teams were balanced ...
    But now ... No need to explain just watch ...

  20. #20
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: chambers
    i asked if you thought teams were put together so that they excell at a cetain activity. now OBVIOULSY the anime states that they were put together for test scores besides a few glaring exceptions, but do you think maybe just MAYBE that kishimoto thought to himself hey if i take this person out and put this person in here they make a pretty nice physical fighting force.
    the answer to both of these statements is 'no.' since it was stated that all teams were set up according to the academy scores, there shouldn't even be another way of going about this unless the anime/manga has hinted to us that there is another way of looking at it. as for the 'few exceptions' i think the word you're looking for is 'coincidence.'

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