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Thread: A use for each team?

  1. #21

    A use for each team?


    Okay, guys. Let me make sure I get this right.

    Some of you are saying that the guy that made this manga/show like, what? Rolled dice or something, to come up with everyone's scores, then went through and assigned teams SOLELY based on these 'test scores'?


    Hey, here's an idea. Maybe the original poster wasn't talking about how each team was put together by the fictional characters in the show. Maybe he was talking about how the show's creator did it. Gee! What a concept!

    "Wait, you mean the characters in the show aren't real, and can't think for themselves!? BLASPHEMY!"

    Give me a break, guys.

    So, it's just a coincidence that Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura ended up on the same team, right? Because, it was clearly just based on imaginary test scores, wasn't it?

    'cuz that makes PERFECT sense.

    (is there a roll eyes emote? because that would just be super right about now)

    So, let me clarify for those of you with sloped foreheads (I'd be willing to bet there's more than one reading this!):

    The Show's creator put together the teams in whatever form he wanted them. Then, to give some clarification in the show, he explained it by saying "oh, the teams were put together based on your test scores!" (remember, folks. this is tests that DON'T ACTUALLY EXIST, BECAUSE IT'S ALL MAKE-BELIEVE).

    Any questions?

  2. #22

    RE: A use for each team?

    no i think your narrowminded and idiotic in most of your posts. the few exceptions so far have amounted to over half the teams in the anime. of course teams were formed with certain mission in mind, if they had three ninjas in the academy who all got identical scores at the top but all complimented eachother then they would have been place together. right now mutata your in denile, your making an arguemnt out of a discussion that seems to fit pretty well indeed tbh. just because the anime/manga says somthign doesnt mean its true, didnt rock lee say neji was the best genin in konoha? yet naruto beat him, doesnt karankruo (bad sp) say no one can touch gaara? yet rock lee, sasuke AND naruto all do. not every thing in the manga or anime can be taken as gospel, some lateral thinking is rewuired to interpretate it, especially in a topic askingfor such thought. if you have nothing posative to add to this debate than kindly fuck off and post on one where you can actually make a worthwhile contribution.

  3. #23
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: chambers
    no i think your narrowminded and idiotic in most of your posts. the few exceptions so far have amounted to over half the teams in the anime. of course teams were formed with certain mission in mind, if they had three ninjas in the academy who all got identical scores at the top but all complimented eachother then they would have been place together. right now mutata your in denile, your making an arguemnt out of a discussion that seems to fit pretty well indeed tbh. just because the anime/manga says somthign doesnt mean its true, didnt rock lee say neji was the best genin in konoha? yet naruto beat him, doesnt karankruo (bad sp) say no one can touch gaara? yet rock lee, sasuke AND naruto all do. not every thing in the manga or anime can be taken as gospel, some lateral thinking is rewuired to interpretate it, especially in a topic askingfor such thought. if you have nothing posative to add to this debate than kindly fuck off and post on one where you can actually make a worthwhile contribution.
    don't ever call me or anyone idiotic after telling everyone that kakashi knows all jutsus in konoha, k?

    i'm not in denial cuz i'm not the one denying anything, it's you. i'm just telling you the truth and you just refuse to believe it.

    also, for those examples (gaara not being ever touched and neji being the best genin)... they were also FACTS and TRUTHS until proven otherwise lateron. so, until we have a concrete evidence that the teams are arranged in any other way besides based on academy scores, THE TEAMS ARE DECIDED ON ACCORDING TO ACADEMY SCORES. nothing can change that fact for now, ok?

    you're such a baby about this chambers. just accept the facts and truths and you won't be so pissy all the time.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  4. #24

    RE: A use for each team?

    your the one being pissy like i said if you have nothign to offer the topic stop trolling and fuck off. its nice to see some people actually get what iam talking about. and mutata why must you bring up that single one mistake every time you try to act like a whiney three year old kid. grow up, stop being such a fucking tit to EVERYONE on these forums who has less than a thousand posts.

  5. #25
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    Mut@t@ isn't a "tit" to everyone under 1000 posts, he's just a "tit" to idiotic n00bs like yourself. As I have said many times in the past, Noob isn't the amount of time you have been here, or the amount of posts, it's your attitude. Also you are both idiots, cause IN THE SHOW the teams were put together by test scores, who the heck knows what the writer was thinking, he obviously planned for all the teams to excel in something according to their leader.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  6. #26

    RE: A use for each team?

    well there you go "he obviously planned for all the teams to excel in something according to their leader. " thats what iam asking, what do you think the teams excell at. like the guy above said the scores were never made public or even elaborated on apart form narutos. with that in mind do you think the teams were formed with any kind of skill in mind, now the answer is obvioulsy YES. but what do other people think that skill is? what mutata is sayin is close to me asking why a particular family was moved into a street in a soap and mutata says "dont you know its because they were persacuted in there last house!! they even tell you!!" when in some obvious cases it coudl be because one person on the soap is a racist so they have been moved in to create a feud.

  7. #27
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: kAi
    i think you mean Asuma.
    Yeah, I did.

  8. #28
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: 010577
    tsumade once said something about sarutobi forming the teams like their parents... like the shika-ino-chouji team

    otherwise naruto-sasuke-sakura team and gai's team would pretty much show how academy scores make similar teams (one strong ass, one ... smart girl, one bad scoring hardworking dude).
    i was under the impression taht it was more along the lines of "oh what a coincidence, they're on the same team as their parents were" Tsunade had no idea of whether it was intentional or not. And i doubt that the grouping of your parents teams factored into the grouping of your own teams.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #29
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    RE: A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: chambers
    well there you go "he obviously planned for all the teams to excel in something according to their leader. " thats what iam asking, what do you think the teams excell at. like the guy above said the scores were never made public or even elaborated on apart form narutos. with that in mind do you think the teams were formed with any kind of skill in mind, now the answer is obvioulsy YES. but what do other people think that skill is? what mutata is sayin is close to me asking why a particular family was moved into a street in a soap and mutata says "dont you know its because they were persacuted in there last house!! they even tell you!!" when in some obvious cases it coudl be because one person on the soap is a racist so they have been moved in to create a feud.
    That's the whole point though, with the writer (forget his name) yes, he had skills in mind for the groups, but in the show, no there wasn't, it was based on scores, but the writer planned for each team to be special in something according to their group leader, in the show, te teams were picked for the sole reason of scores.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  10. #30

    RE: A use for each team?

    FFS i never asked "why where the teams formed and the answer has to be rationalised IN character and IN the anime/manga!!!". i asked if you thought that the teams where formed to excell at somthing and what that somthing was.

  11. #31
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    chambers, i don't get what your problem is. can you not respond to my post without calling me names like a 12 year old? i'm trying to be understanding and civil here, yet you explode in everyone's face.

    and how am i not contributing to this thread? you asked a question and i answered it with the correct answer. however, you are unable to fully understand the answer and that is why i keep posting more and more explaining it over and over again in greater detail each time.

    so, let's start again. your question was: "if you (we) thought that the teams were formed to excell at something and what that something was."

    here is the answer, again:

    no, we have no concrete reason to believe that because nothing solid enough has been presented to us that teams were formed to excell at something. the only clear and truthful evidence about how the teams are formed was already told to us. the teams are formed according to the academy scores. we can only assume that the few teams that do contain members with abilities that can be used for similar purposes were merely a coincidence. until something solid is presented to us, we have no reason to believe otherwise that the teams are based on academy scores.

    if you want me to explain this in deeper detail or anything else you are confused about, let me know.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  12. #32

    RE: A use for each team?

    you NEED to STFU and stop taking everything so literal. are you telling me that naruto-sakura-sasuke were put into the same group and NOT because kishimoto thought hey this is going to be one boring as fuck manga if we get this guy naruto and throw him in a group with choji and shino. but maybe.... if we put him with the top ninja WHO JUST SO HAPPENS TO HAVE THE POLAR OPPOSITE ATTITUDE TO NARUTO this may just work, then he says hey you knwo whatif we put a girl in there maybe..... i dunno sakura we can have her like sasuke, sasuke not care and naruto like sakura!!! OMG this stuff is DYNAMITE!!!!! wait a second what if i do this for ALL teams!!! i could have one hell of a story on my hand especially if each team has a speciality.

    now why mutat my i ask you are you the ONLY person on the whole board who couldnt take the topic the way it was supposed to be? and perhaps answer and speculate on something? now of course there were reasons other than the test scores as to why the teams were put together.........the reason? because kishimoto wanted them to be. now once again i refere you to my soap opera analogy. sure things happen for the reason given but when the said reason is fictional and could have been made up any number of ways.....well that means that an outside force must have had some motivation to do it......GASP!!!! perhaps the author?

  13. #33
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    wow, calm down. there is no need to spazz out like that, relax.

    obviously kishimoto is behind all of the stuff that happened and will happen in naruto. so, basically, kishimoto wanted the teams to be decided on academy scores. therefore, the teams are decided on acamedy scores because kishimoto made it that way. simple.

    you know, it'd be nice if you could respond back to me without cursing or flipping out on me for once. come on, you can do it.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #34

    A use for each team?

    okay.. they also DID say they did that to complement each other. using the academy scores.. that's why sasuke #1 rookie got teamed up with naruto(one that had to stay 1 (or 2?)more year. .. so you guys are both right

    they said that in early episode.. when they were putting them on teams

  15. #35

    RE: A use for each team?

    your right i can so it, sorry if i offended you however (doubt it liek but still). the point remians that kishimoto would have been slated if the 4th had just flat out stated that the teams were put into groups acording to there skills, especially when there skills were barley even developed at the time.

  16. #36

    RE: A use for each team?

    What are the test scores based on? I mean its a ninja school not a regular school. I dont think everyone in the school got 1 basic grade "A B C D F". I think it may have been more like grades based on maybe survival skills, infiltration skills, replication type skills ect... So saying groups are based on Test scores may indeed group people who have similar skills in teams and with teachers that will take advantage of those skills. To ME it would make sence. It would give the school a meaning of testing future ninjas and better understand what there best uses would be to the ninja community.

    well thats my 2 cents.

  17. #37

    RE: A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: Burg
    What are the test scores based on? I mean its a ninja school not a regular school. I dont think everyone in the school got 1 basic grade "A B C D F". I think it may have been more like grades based on maybe survival skills, infiltration skills, replication type skills ect... So saying groups are based on Test scores may indeed group people who have similar skills in teams and with teachers that will take advantage of those skills. To ME it would make sence. It would give the school a meaning of testing future ninjas and better understand what there best uses would be to the ninja community.

    well thats my 2 cents.
    So you are saying that the sensei, already knew that hinata had amazing scout visions with her eyes, kiba with her amazing scence of smell, shino who has a farm of insects in his body, BEFORE he picked the teams?

    so you are saying that the sensei already knew of the Ino-Shika-Cho formations BEFORE HE PICKED THE TEAMS?

    So you are saying that they group people with amazing scouting skills, with eachother. Good at scouting, but weak at offence and defence??? then the sensei would send them to death. of course the teams are picked by academy report cards.

  18. #38
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    A use for each team?

    Originally posted by: miaka
    okay.. they also DID say they did that to complement each other. using the academy scores.. that's why sasuke #1 rookie got teamed up with naruto(one that had to stay 1 (or 2?)more year. .. so you guys are both right

    they said that in early episode.. when they were putting them on teams
    no no no......naruto couldnt have been held back a year or more, because he's always been in the same grade as the other rookies
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #39

    A use for each team?

    @ assertin.. yes naruto did held back a year or two.. he couldn't even do a bunshin back then.

    @ burg:. well.. so far the test we seen is the "bunshin test" one that were needed to graduate.. but they might have also done some paper test about ninja facts too maybe? like in the chuunin exam..

  20. #40

    A use for each team?

    edit: Naruto failed the final test 3 times

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