Anyone know if anyone is still subbing it? It was a pretty promising series, and was looking to just start getting good.
Anyone else seen/ watched it on this forum?
Anyone know if anyone is still subbing it? It was a pretty promising series, and was looking to just start getting good.
Anyone else seen/ watched it on this forum?
I just heard that too which sucks since funimation dont release stuff over here. Someone will do it, maybe Spoon [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
anime-kraze is doing the series... so they'll probably finish it...
only proble is that they are on episode 3
inuyasha 4 ever is also doing it... they are in episode 10
Ow, it wasn't licensed already?
Hmm, thought it was..
Ah well, we all know it's gonna get subbed anyway [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I read that they are gonna do a full season with 26 eps. But someone should keep subbing it, its a great anime.
If you ahven't seen it, watch it, although it looks odd the first couple eps, it gets good.
you guys shouldnt be worried about this one .. this series is so good that it will be sub eventually for one of those phatom teams [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
well~~ there is still lots of other groups around that does it~~
so no worries about that one~~~
Links to these groups? The next two eps are getting to good fights as well...
only IY-F will continue subbing all other groups have stopped
man that sucks! now i hafta wait an eternity to find out bout heihachi's spasms and crap like that!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img] oh well.. guess it's a good thing coz i shouldn't be spending so much time watching anime neways....
but man, it seems so many people haven't heard of samurai7 i thought it wouldnt get licensed...
anime-kraze hasnt said they have stopped....
Hopefully Spoon can pick it up (Anbu-Keep)
yeah, hopefully some fansubbers would do it for the benefit of all. hehe [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I really hate it whenever an anime series is licensed while it is still being run or shown on TV. Why can't they wait til the end of the series before licensing it.... or a week after the last episode?! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]
anyway, as of now does anyone know if episodes later than 12 is available for download? where?
uh, damn. actually liked this anime. the intros like the best too.
i probably only 3 groups that will most likey continue/start subbing this series.
anyone got a link to IY4ever
or an irc channel
If Spoon picks it up, i'll be fine, I dl anbu-keep eps anyways.
I just need links, X_X.
But yeah, this series was great, animation was good (cept when they were the gambling town, then it got a lil odd), the opening was amazing, and the fights are amazing. posted by: Masamune
anyone got a link to IY4ever
or an irc channel
they say the will sub it, but their subs arnt as goon as akeeps for it, their inuyasha ones are great tho
the IRC channel is
i real bummer...
i wish anbu-keep would keep doin it..
but ahhh as long as i get to watch the whole series subbed im not to fussed really.
can some1 post from ep. 11 on up becuz i only got up to ep. 10 from Keep~ANBU or post up the link where we can get ep from