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Thread: photoshop snap to edge thing..

  1. #1

    photoshop snap to edge thing..

    how do i disable the snap to edge option? like, when i move things close the the edge of my image it moves like a magnet onto the side. thanks.

    EDIT: NVM im stupid...its always in the spot i least expect, which is the most obvious place it would be...sorry.

  2. #2

    RE: photoshop snap to edge thing..

    can u share that answer with me please, cause I'd like to know also.

  3. #3

    photoshop snap to edge thing..

    1. First of all you gotta start photoshop.
    2. Next you wanna open or make a new project (File>New...or Open...)
    3. Then click "View" at the top and uncheck "Snap."

    The hotkey for this is Shift+Ctrl+;

    sorry about the late reply, i didnt visit the forums much yesterday.

    EDIT: Fixed/organized some steps.

  4. #4

    RE: photoshop snap to edge thing..

    I pulled the exact same thing you did. I posted, then looked in photoshop and found it.
    But, now I know the hotkey. Thank you very much! ^_^

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