my little brother used to collect them. i asked him, and he was no idea what your talking about.
my little brother used to collect them. i asked him, and he was no idea what your talking about.
I do, but I only remember being told about the card but I don't remember what it was called...guess I have to see if I can find out
Originally posted by: Mr.X
my little brother used to collect them. i asked him, and he was no idea what your talking about.
I am also confused. Please explain what you are talking about =/. And also can't you use trap cards whenever you want? Place them on the field and flip them for whatever effect they have. T-T. *confuzzled
yes thats what i was thinking. jinzo's special ability is that your opponent cannot use trap cards.
Jinzo's special ability that is while he is on the field, trap cards (on both sides) can't be activated and the face up trap cards are negated. But like it was asked, there is supposedly a card that you can play that makes it so that the trap cards on your side of the field are not negated and can be activated while Jinzo is on the field.
That would be Amplifier. It's in the most recent expansion.
v_v a super rare card it seems
or doesnt exist at all ^^;Originally posted by: ShinobiNeko
v_v a super rare card it seems
just like ShinobiNeko say....when jinzo on the players can activate a trap card, but there a card that u can equip to jinzo(a magic card i think) in order for u to use trap but not for your opponent.Originally posted by: ShinobiNeko
Jinzo's special ability that is while he is on the field, trap cards (on both sides) can't be activated and the face up trap cards are negated. But like it was asked, there is supposedly a card that you can play that makes it so that the trap cards on your side of the field are not negated and can be activated while Jinzo is on the field.
*Summons 'Pikachu' *
*Pikachu Punishes all Yu Gi Oh Players with dazzle frazzle lightnings*
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
*Counters the Pikachu with a Quagsire*
What was that? You try what now? I don't think so. *Quagsire uses earthquake on the wimpy, useless lightning pokemon*
Seriously, Ampharos would be a much better choice for an electric than Pikachu.
And my mind is still back in gold edition...