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Thread: Official 232 Discussion!

  1. #161

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Sarcasm rox =)
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  2. #162

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    hahaz... oh man... just chill...

  3. #163
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Wow, I take a few days off to study and this turned into a flame fest!! That's just SURPRISING!!!!!11 </sarcasm>

    I'm with xtort in what he said about stupid, endless discussion. They are stupid.
    Sasuke's lipstick is definitely stupid, too!

    For the sake of actually saying something about the chapter, I'll say that uh... that the last four pages were a waste of space, since its only Naruto and Sasuke running (two pages for each of them), but the art in the last page (the double one, actually) was way too pretty. The shadowing looked just good, and Sasuke's expression was not as moronic as it looks with his transformation! Yep, good shadowing helps Sasuke. Good shadowing helps everyone.
    The shadowing 0wnz you.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  4. #164

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: kAi
    I dont really like the way the 'monsterness' the manga seems to be going as I liked the ninja on ninja battles much more, but the relationships between the characters is way to much to think about walking away from.
    didnt you know this was gunna turn monsternes...

    a demon stuck in a kids belly...
    then the summons...
    i thought it was a given it was gunna turn like this..

    yeah ninja on ninja battles are really cool but this well at least i thought was gunna turn in this direction because there are demons and huge ass summons in this manga.

    I enjoy the summons... it had history in japan, each creature being more powerful vs one but weak against another... 'trinity' type stuff.
    I enjoy it all... but that doesnt mean I like the way its going.

    Im just a little miffed about the freakshow its turning into. Sasuke is almost unrecognizable physically with this latest arc... though I think it has potential to be cool story stuff... its still pretty fooking different from where it was at the beginning.
    Maybe Kishimoto is getting tired of 'plain' stuff and they wont let him work on anything else... since naruto is popular - so hes changing Naruto so it still intrests him.

    The underlining story of naruto remains the same... just the way its being presented is different.

    just my thoughts anyway

  5. #165

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    While we're on the subject of mythlogical creatures in Japan, wasn't the Orochi (8-headed dragon) another very powerful creature? Actually, a god...

    That would be bad-ass if there was an Orochi in Naruto.

    Oh, and..

    Kyuubi from Yami to boushi to hon no Tabibito would rape the Kyuubi from Naruto. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  6. #166

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Yamato no Orochi (SP?)

    was an 8 headed river dragon - lots of anime's seem to use it as a generic reference for dragon enemies or attacks.

    Orochi just means "snake" depending on how it is written from what I can tell.

    meanwhile I have gazed into my crystal ball and here is a preview of chapter 233

    Page 1 - Kikashi Running through the forest - one of his summoned dogs is leading him.

    Kikashi (thought bubble) : what is this terrible pressure?

    Page 2 - he arrives at the top of the waterfall - from below come sound effects indicating cracking noises.

    Page 3 - far below we can see Uber-Kyubi Naruto and Level 2 boy george (I mean Sasuke) dashing at each other with the Rasengan and Chidori out.

    Page 4 - Kikashi spots the 2 and immediately begins performing a jutsu.

    Kikashi (thought Bubble): Please don't let me be too late.
    Kikashi (Spoken): summon no jutsu!

    Page 5 - Pakkun appears - Kikashi grabs him and winds up like a base ball pitcher

    Kikashi (spoken) : I'm sorry old friend - this is to save the future of Konohana!
    Pakkun (spoken) : What?!!

    Page 6 - Kikashi throws Pakkun almost straight down - he appears to be aiming for where Naruto and Sasuke are going to meet.

    Pakkun - unintelligible screaming.

    Page 7-8 - Two page spread very similar to the image at the end of 232 - the two boys have met and the energy of thier attacks is causing a huge reaction - only now we see Pakkun shooting towards the intersection of the two powers.

    Naruto (shouting) : Ransengan!
    Sasuke (shouting) : Chidori!
    Pakkun (Screaming) : Puri Puri DESU!!!!!

    Page 9-10 Wide angle shot - forest - a river runs through it and Mountains are seen in the distance - A glow of energy seems to be coming from down river.

    Page 11-12 Same as above - only now a giant mushroom cloud is where the glow was on 9-10

    Page 13 - Remains of the waterfall - the statues have been almost completely destroyed; a giant crater lake - filled with boulders and roaring water is forming - none of the ninjas are visible in the shot.

    Page 14-15 - Edge of the new lake - water can be seen rippling near one shore - a torn segement of a blue vest can be seen floating to the surface.

    Page 16 - a badly wounded Pakkun drags himself out of the water and collapses.
    Splash at bottom of page - "Only Pakkun Survives! What is the Power of the Soft-soft Paws?!?"

  7. #167

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Man, Sasuke needs to get his butt kicked, seriously. I meant, what's with the entire 'I'm an Avenger, boo hoo, I need to kill my brother and go to the dark side, bla bla bla" anway? We all know that Naruto's going to kick his ass - could they please hurry up with it, already? Maybe we need a guest appearance by Kyuubi (although that's not really possible, is it? - mhe, that's just the wishing of some weird fanfiction writer...)

  8. #168

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: Noonan
    Yamato no Orochi (SP?)

    was an 8 headed river dragon - lots of anime's seem to use it as a generic reference for dragon enemies or attacks.

    Orochi just means "snake" depending on how it is written from what I can tell.

    meanwhile I have gazed into my crystal ball and here is a preview of chapter 233

    Page 1 - Kikashi Running through the forest - one of his summoned dogs is leading him.

    Kikashi (thought bubble) : what is this terrible pressure?

    Page 2 - he arrives at the top of the waterfall - from below come sound effects indicating cracking noises.

    Page 3 - far below we can see Uber-Kyubi Naruto and Level 2 boy george (I mean Sasuke) dashing at each other with the Rasengan and Chidori out.

    Page 4 - Kikashi spots the 2 and immediately begins performing a jutsu.

    Kikashi (thought Bubble): Please don't let me be too late.
    Kikashi (Spoken): summon no jutsu!

    Page 5 - Pakkun appears - Kikashi grabs him and winds up like a base ball pitcher

    Kikashi (spoken) : I'm sorry old friend - this is to save the future of Konohana!
    Pakkun (spoken) : What?!!

    Page 6 - Kikashi throws Pakkun almost straight down - he appears to be aiming for where Naruto and Sasuke are going to meet.

    Pakkun - unintelligible screaming.

    Page 7-8 - Two page spread very similar to the image at the end of 232 - the two boys have met and the energy of thier attacks is causing a huge reaction - only now we see Pakkun shooting towards the intersection of the two powers.

    Naruto (shouting) : Ransengan!
    Sasuke (shouting) : Chidori!
    Pakkun (Screaming) : Puri Puri DESU!!!!!

    Page 9-10 Wide angle shot - forest - a river runs through it and Mountains are seen in the distance - A glow of energy seems to be coming from down river.

    Page 11-12 Same as above - only now a giant mushroom cloud is where the glow was on 9-10

    Page 13 - Remains of the waterfall - the statues have been almost completely destroyed; a giant crater lake - filled with boulders and roaring water is forming - none of the ninjas are visible in the shot.

    Page 14-15 - Edge of the new lake - water can be seen rippling near one shore - a torn segement of a blue vest can be seen floating to the surface.

    Page 16 - a badly wounded Pakkun drags himself out of the water and collapses.
    Splash at bottom of page - "Only Pakkun Survives! What is the Power of the Soft-soft Paws?!?"

    Kakashi [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  9. #169

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!


    i guess watching them power up is cool, but taking a whole week's chapter just to see another of the same cliffhanger was dissapointing.!!


    you sasuke luvrs want sasuke to win and naruto fans want naruto to win.

    I would like naruto to win. I was watching the Rasagen training eps on the anime again and it seems to me that naruto + nine tails super unlimited chakra + rasagen chakra massive compression should own sasuske!!!!!!!

    but what will likely happen, is like what happened before they will colide to see who is more stronger and blow up and be pushed away again like in older chapters

    or kakashi would interfere some how, possilbly die or get injured, that woudl make them stop for a while.
    or sasuke could or should be able to predict naruto's hand movements like he did and kill him
    or naruto's nine tails chakra claw might do a dirty trick and atk sasuke first in that instant..
    or sasuke has a shadow clone ready...
    or they'll see who's technique is stronger and just go head on to see who's better.

    so many possbilities, so many Ors. I wonder who will win.

  10. #170

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: Noonan
    Yamato no Orochi (SP?)

    was an 8 headed river dragon - lots of anime's seem to use it as a generic reference for dragon enemies or attacks.

    Orochi just means "snake" depending on how it is written from what I can tell.

    meanwhile I have gazed into my crystal ball and here is a preview of chapter 233

    Page 1 - Kikashi Running through the forest - one of his summoned dogs is leading him.

    Kikashi (thought bubble) : what is this terrible pressure?

    Page 2 - he arrives at the top of the waterfall - from below come sound effects indicating cracking noises.

    Page 3 - far below we can see Uber-Kyubi Naruto and Level 2 boy george (I mean Sasuke) dashing at each other with the Rasengan and Chidori out.

    Page 4 - Kikashi spots the 2 and immediately begins performing a jutsu.

    Kikashi (thought Bubble): Please don't let me be too late.
    Kikashi (Spoken): summon no jutsu!

    Page 5 - Pakkun appears - Kikashi grabs him and winds up like a base ball pitcher

    Kikashi (spoken) : I'm sorry old friend - this is to save the future of Konohana!
    Pakkun (spoken) : What?!!

    Page 6 - Kikashi throws Pakkun almost straight down - he appears to be aiming for where Naruto and Sasuke are going to meet.

    Pakkun - unintelligible screaming.

    Page 7-8 - Two page spread very similar to the image at the end of 232 - the two boys have met and the energy of thier attacks is causing a huge reaction - only now we see Pakkun shooting towards the intersection of the two powers.

    Naruto (shouting) : Ransengan!
    Sasuke (shouting) : Chidori!
    Pakkun (Screaming) : Puri Puri DESU!!!!!

    Page 9-10 Wide angle shot - forest - a river runs through it and Mountains are seen in the distance - A glow of energy seems to be coming from down river.

    Page 11-12 Same as above - only now a giant mushroom cloud is where the glow was on 9-10

    Page 13 - Remains of the waterfall - the statues have been almost completely destroyed; a giant crater lake - filled with boulders and roaring water is forming - none of the ninjas are visible in the shot.

    Page 14-15 - Edge of the new lake - water can be seen rippling near one shore - a torn segement of a blue vest can be seen floating to the surface.

    Page 16 - a badly wounded Pakkun drags himself out of the water and collapses.
    Splash at bottom of page - "Only Pakkun Survives! What is the Power of the Soft-soft Paws?!?"

    Sorry buddy, but you're wrong. Here's how it goes.

    Chapter 233 preview



    Chapter 233 end.

  11. #171

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: martintopsecret
    Most everyone on this board seems really pro Itachi, Kakashi sux. I think Kakashi will be able to jump into the middle of these two and fling them to the side like on the roof of the hospital.

    I think he might get a chakra burn from Naruto, and Sasuke might get in a slight grazing taijutsu shot, but that is all.

    Kakashi has never been touched. He has been ninjutsud by Zabuza's water prison and Itachi's Mangekyou, but that is it. (I will give Kakashi the benefit of the doubt and say that he really did let Zabs tag him just to get his scent on him. Plot device, but still adequate to say that he has never been out taijutsu'd)

    Yeah, Kakashi cowered in the face of Oro, and Oro kind of cowers in the face of Itachi but...

    Gai considers Kakashi THE ELITE ninja to compete with, and Itachi gave a warning regarding taking the threat of Guy seriously.

    I tend to think that the x vs y things on this board are silly.

    First off, the storytelling motivation will be the bottom line

    second off, I think a Rock Paper Scissors relationship is just as plausible. Who knows what the elder Hyuga would do against Itachi. Enough people have said that they are THE ELITE Konoha blood limit, His body was a point of contention that almost led to a war, and did lead to the willing suicide of his hateful brother.

    ...where was I.

    Kakashi will break these two up like the gennin they are.
    hyuugas can own uchihas end of story. hinatas father could school itachi [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  12. #172

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    hmm... it was said that the uchiha clan is a sub-family of the hyuuga clan and that hyuuga is the original right? can somebody explain what happened and how come uchiha is not classified under the branch family?

  13. #173

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    hasnt been explained but i would say they just went against them and said we have different ability and dont want you to be in control then the hyuga got pissed and put curse seals on all there members after that..

  14. #174
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: shinichi69
    hmm... it was said that the uchiha clan is a sub-family of the hyuuga clan and that hyuuga is the original right? can somebody explain what happened and how come uchiha is not classified under the branch family?
    thats merely a theory. It's not a proven fact that the uchiha originated from the hyuuga. And even if it did, it was through a gradual process of evolution, not some sudden thing. It mightve even happened before the head/branch status ever existed.

    besides, in this point in time, the byakugan is byakugan and sharingan is sharingan. The purpose of the branch family is to preserve the byakugan bloodlimit, not the sharingan bloodlimit.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #175

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    oh... thanx assertn... cos i was confused when one of the episodes introduced hyuuga as the oldest clan while uchiha as the strongest one? then the episode also proposed that uchiha was sort of part of the hyuuga through evolution...

    then how about the difference in abilities? what exactly can byakugan do other than visualising chakra acupoints as well as chakra flow?

  16. #176

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: shinichi69
    oh... thanx assertn... cos i was confused when one of the episodes introduced hyuuga as the oldest clan while uchiha as the strongest one? then the episode also proposed that uchiha was sort of part of the hyuuga through evolution...

    then how about the difference in abilities? what exactly can byakugan do other than visualising chakra acupoints as well as chakra flow?
    They can almost see nearly 360 degrees. NEARLY.

  17. #177

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    byakugan users also have their own fighting stlye that focuses on chakra control since they can see the tenketsu points. sharingan users are masters of the fire type jutsu for some reason. its been speculated that the black flame itachi used may have something to do with the mangekyou sharingan.

  18. #178

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: jing
    Originally posted by: shinichi69
    oh... thanx assertn... cos i was confused when one of the episodes introduced hyuuga as the oldest clan while uchiha as the strongest one? then the episode also proposed that uchiha was sort of part of the hyuuga through evolution...

    then how about the difference in abilities? what exactly can byakugan do other than visualising chakra acupoints as well as chakra flow?
    They can almost see nearly 360 degrees. NEARLY.
    No, that's just Neji's Byakugan. Hisashi Hyuuga can probably see all around the, in perfect 360 degrees.

  19. #179
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    American Empire

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    Please not ANOTHER sharigan versus byakuugan thread.

    EVERYBODY knows that in Naruto: Gekitou Ninjataisen 2 Neji totally PWNS Sasuke, Kakashi, and Sharigan Kakashi. oh, Hinata does too.

    And that is of course the most definitive source on all Naruto versus threads.

    *If you take this seriously, please invest in some sort of help...or grow up*

  20. #180

    RE: Official 232 Discussion!

    so true, so true. which is why neji is my favorite character in that game. its a shame he has difficulty beating my friends kyuubi naruto, but my naruto can handle it. but ... this is a little off topic...

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