Okay. That... was gay. Which wasn't very unexpected.

Where did I see this before? Mysterious bishounen villain (green-haired ninja) wreaks havoc. Obnoxious guy starts a fight with Naruto (rest assured they'll be best friends at the end of the arc). Naruto is being stupid. Sasuke is being silent. Yay. And still no other characters involved. And wtf, B-mission "with the possability of A-mission" WITHOUT Kakashi and they didn't even flinch?! I thought a freakin' C-mission was rare for a genin.

However, it's interesting that Idate has a relation with Ibiki (the chuunin examiner during the written test, with all the scars) because they both have the surname Morino and Sasuke made a remark on it. So who do you think he is, his bastard son?

Oh and Kagari and his jolly pack of masked moron ninjas with disturbing outfits will be back next week! Should make a particular poster happy...

Again I must stress that it's interesting that a filler character has a relation with a character who appears in the manga. This makes the filler lots more interesting even though the character in question is minor.