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Thread: Naruto 316

  1. #1
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Naruto 316

    Last edited by LaZie; Thu, 07-20-2006 at 08:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Kishimoto must really think we're dumb if he has to make Naruto ask "What's mokuton?" It did allow Kakashi to explain two natures=bloodline, though. Of course that begs the question, what two natures are things like Sharingan and Byakugan?

    EDIT: Well, I guess it does make sense that he would ask that since it's not one of the five elements, but it should be fucking obvious? Kishi also dodged another bullet by making it to where he doesn't have to explain other jutsu like shadow, baika, and genjutsus, too, which was pretty gay.

    Hopefully the story is about to pick up since Asuma is talking about Naruto being the "king" of Konoha like a king in shougi.

    "The Nightmare Begins" is the next chapter title. That better be fucking good or im going to go break something beautiful.
    Last edited by mage; Thu, 07-20-2006 at 06:17 AM.

  3. #3
    nice chapter, the whole shikimaru asuma thing was done greatly

  4. #4
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    What was the point of having Naruto show a tiny bit of analytical thinking only to make Kakashi refuse to answer him? Damn you, plot devices.

  5. #5
    I think Kishi was like

    "What happens if the reader wonders about shadow and baiku and all that other non element related stuffs?"

    "Well...I better aknowledge it, but I don't feel like pulling anything out of my ass right now to explain it. Maybe later"

  6. #6
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Nice way of explaining why wood jutsus aren't part of the 5 elements.

    The part between Shikamaru and Asuma was great.

    The title of the next chapter is promising. Hopefully all the ge... err... ex-rookie 8 + 3 will participate on this battle.

  7. #7
    MQ Scan

    Good chapter compared to the recent ones, looks like this training won't take forever.

    Go Shikamaru!

  8. #8
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    I think Asuma will die sometime soon.


    - The talk about him being a sacrifical shougi piece

    But mostly because,

    - Recently he's been appearing more (it was revealed that he's the hokage's son, that he used to be one of the 12 guardians, etc)

    You know what it often means when a side character suddenly gets focused on more...

  9. #9
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    It usually means that they'll start talking about what they believe in before they die or something. And if that's the case then Hidan and Kazuku will be messing with him in the next couple of chs.

    If Asuma dies I can live with that. He's cool and all but we didn't really get to know him up till now.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  10. #10
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Wait, I forgot that this is Naruto.
    He will only be fatally injured and then healed by Tsunade/Sakura at the cost of 3 additional chapters. And of course another mandatory loss when it comes to the series' believability.

  11. #11
    Im thinking he dies.

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    so basically this means that the 1st was water and earth.......
    which kinda discredits the 2nd, who was known for being water type

    All of a sudden, all the jounins feel alot stronger than they perhaps should be.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Everything is pretty much foreshadowing Asuma's death, or near death since Kishimoto's a faggot.

    - Hidan and Kazuku killed one of the 12 guardians of whatever he was (don't feel like looking that shit up), and Asuma is also one of them.
    - He's being compared to a sacrificial shougi piece.
    - Sandaime is really the only main character that has died, and Asuma is his son (this may not mean anything at all).

    I have a feeling he may die protecting Naruto since he refers to Naruto as the "king" and himself as the piece that is sacrificed to protect the king. Also, since he is Sandaime's son, he may try to take on the role of protecting Naruto.

  14. #14
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    Hopefully the story is about to pick up since Asuma is talking about Naruto being the "king" of Konoha like a king in shougi.
    Naruto is the king piece? i dont think thats the case. I think the king is something more lame and stupid like personal beliefs or one's "way of the ninja" that a person must protect at all costs. Or maybe Konoha itself is the 'king', metaphorically speaking
    Last edited by Splash!; Thu, 07-20-2006 at 12:01 PM.

  15. #15
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splash
    Naruto is the king piece? i dont think thats the case. I think the king is something more lame and stupid like personal beliefs or one's "way of the ninja" that a person must protect at all costs
    He was referring to Naruto as the king piece when Shikamaru asked him if the king piece of Konoha was the hokage, and Asuma said "No, You'll understand soon enough." The fact that this scene was spliced in with Naruto's training makes it pretty obvious. No other character is important enough to be the "king" besides the hokage, and he already said that's not who he was referring to.
    Last edited by mage; Thu, 07-20-2006 at 12:02 PM.

  16. #16
    Missing Nin
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    Good chapter overall I'm really glad that the manga seems to have a very clear direction right now.

    Also it seems that all that having a affinity for a aspect means is that you can use a ability from one of the 5 main schools. Its pretty clear jounins all have most if not all available to them as we have clearly seen Kakashi use atleast Lightning, Fire and Water already. It also makes the sharingan much less powerful as you can only use abilities you have a affinity for.

  17. #17
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    It would have been so much cooler if this elemental stuff had been in the series since the beginning and not just blatantly inserted.

  18. #18
    If all jounins have atleast two elements, I wonder what Neji's and Gaara's are.


  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    No other character is important enough to be the "king" besides the hokage, and he already said that's not who he was referring to.
    I think that this is exactly what spalsh was saying, that king thing is too important to be only one person, its obvious that there are "important" persons but none of them are irreplaceable (something similar to what the 3rd hokage said). I too think that it is some kind of idea or feeling, like konoha as whole thing or that thing they talked about when hokage died the fire of konoha or that bs he was refering continuously when he was fighting orochimaru.

    I have to say that I get a different feeling when I read this chapter. I get the feeling that this chapter is for the readers, to explain them (and prove them) that kishimoto knows what he is doing. He doesnt just take out new things from his hat without thinking, he is proving that everything is conected and that this 5 element shit wich some of us thought was crap that invented a few weeks before its connected to the begining of the series.

    And that part about kagemane and other strange jutsus etc is like saying: "I can explain this too with some ying yang basics, is it really neccesary for to explain it to make you believe that I know what im talking about? Do I have to waste my time explaining myself?"

    When I was reading this chapter it felt like a slap. He just silenced all those voices that where saying that this new 5 element thing is bullshit and that he is just doing as he wants without any coherence.

    About someone saying that jounins feel powerfull now, I say: it was time! Throughout the manga I always had the feeling that there was almost no difference between gennin and chunnin and that 2 or 3 (or even 1 of the "especial" genins) could defeat any no "especial" jounin. Now jounins seem like what they are supposed to be, the elite.

    P.D: Sasuke has an electrified blade and naruto is learning how to cut things with his chakra (wich seems like a blade)... are we going to see a blade confrontation between electric blade and wind blade in the future?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    EDIT: Well, I guess it does make sense that he would ask that since it's not one of the five elements, but it should be fucking obvious? Kishi also dodged another bullet by making it to where he doesn't have to explain other jutsu like shadow, baika, and genjutsus, too, which was pretty gay.
    I'd have to agree with this. As it stands, this element system explanation thus far has been, well, overdue and rather threadbare. No doubt due to Naruto being a slow learner, the remainder of the logic behind vague jutsus will just have to wait.

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