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Thread: Breast naruto theory ever

  1. #21
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Actually, I think Hinata could win against Ino in a combat. Ino's attacks are just average - as can be seen when she fights Sakura, who basically sucks at combat, and yet they were both at it during quite a while...

    Maybe Shizune's breasts can be seen better at the opening video of GO!, where they all appear with kimono...

    Oh, and Death Boo Z - the only giant boob reference I can think of is Woody Allen's "10 things you want to know about sex", in which a giant boob terrorizes the country by spewing milk and cream at its enemies.

    And maybe its not such a bad idea to measure the guy's strength by their pervertedness. As said, the 3rd was a pervert, Jiraiya is a self-declared pervert, Kakashi is too, Gai is most likely a closet pervert (I mean, lookathim!!!), and Itachi... well, why do you think he wears a coat?
    Even more, think of it like this - Naruto vs. Sasuke.
    Who has the most potential to grow without bucket-inducing pills?
    The one who has the most potential as a future pervert!

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
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  2. #22
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Gai is not a closet pervert. His pride is too big for him to that.

    the bigger the boobs, the stronger the character...ppl's minds work in weird ways...

    i doubt ino will be win against hinata. since ino's jutsu requires the person to stand still, it's not like hinata is just going to stand there and let her.

    I tried my best...

  3. #23

    Breast naruto theory ever

    Seriously think about it the system works out perfectly. Look at tsunade. She's a female hokage and the strongest female ninja and her breasts are the biggest in the series. This order works perfectly among the jounin and gennin female ninja to. When Temari made her big return with her two siblings she also had bigger breasts and more cleavage to show her increase in skill.

  4. #24
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    ok, ino had no trouble tricking sakura into her jutsu, and sakura not only knows ino more than anyone else, but is also the smartest out of all the girls as well.

    you guys are giving hinata way too much credit
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #25
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    sorry, Hinata wins this fight hands down,,,
    let's say that Ino uses her mind switch jutsu, Hinata could see it coming with the byakougan (i think Asume said that the mind switch is sending of chackra into someone elses body) and avoid it, which means that it comes down to taijutsu match, and lets face it, even if hinata didn't have the gentle fist, Ino still drawed with Sakura, which means her Taijutsu is the lowest of all genins,,,

    and yes, i'm aware of the fact ino has some few other jutsu (at least the hair thing), but i guess that Hinata has at least one of her own to counter ir...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #26

    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    I think the theory holds true. Tsunade has by far the biggest double E sized boobs in naruto and she's the current Hokage with extremely insane physical strength and skill. The other female jounins also hold their own in the boob area.
    Who ever came up with this theory is a genius.

    As for Ino vs Hinata, I think that Ino is the overall better ninja. She was said to be the best female genin in Konoha. In her fight with Sakura, she showed that she's a good strategist when she trapped Sakura in her mind transform technique even though Sakura is said to be the smartest and knows Ino's techniques very well. Even the jounins didn't see that coming when she did the hair cut act. Hinata might be superior to Ino in taijutsu and strength, but Ino is the smarter ninja and better strategist. I'd say Ino would win the fight.

    Although it did not quite surve the right purpose, I think the reason Kishimoto made Sakura tie with Ino was not to show that Ino was weak, but rather to show that Sakura became stronger and could hang with the best female genin in Konoha(Ino).

  7. #27

    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Hell yeah somone finally beleives my theory.

  8. #28

    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
    I think the theory holds true. Tsunade has by far the biggest double E sized boobs in naruto and she's the current Hokage with extremely insane physical strength and skill. The other female jounins also hold their own in the boob area.
    Who ever came up with this theory is a genius.

    As for Ino vs Hinata, I think that Ino is the overall better ninja. She was said to be the best female genin in Konoha. In her fight with Sakura, she showed that she's a good strategist when she trapped Sakura in her mind transform technique even though Sakura is said to be the smartest and knows Ino's techniques very well. Even the jounins didn't see that coming when she did the hair cut act. Hinata might be superior to Ino in taijutsu and strength, but Ino is the smarter ninja and better strategist. I'd say Ino would win the fight.

    Although it did not quite surve the right purpose, I think the reason Kishimoto made Sakura tie with Ino was not to show that Ino was weak, but rather to show that Sakura became stronger and could hang with the best female genin in Konoha(Ino).
    I think Tenten is the best female genin in Konoha.

  9. #29
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    I think he meant the best rookie genin,not the general best genin...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #30
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    sorry, Hinata wins this fight hands down,,,
    sorry, but while your theory is based on your opinions, mine is based on stuff that kishimoto presented to us directly in the storyline
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #31

    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Hinata would definately win against Ino... and it kinda bugs me to be honest... With the gentle fist, if you're hit by it, you're pretty much fsck'd for the rest of the match unless you're really outstanding like Naruto or something.

  12. #32
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    gai isnt a closet pervert its obvious that he's gay.

  13. #33

    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    sorry, Hinata wins this fight hands down,,,
    sorry, but while your theory is based on your opinions, mine is based on stuff that kishimoto presented to us directly in the storyline
    hinata > ino

    Anyone that ties against sakura is.. undescribably weak.

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    lol if you say so.......
    hinata sux though.....and unless ino walks right up to her, and just stands there like a noob, then i dont care what fancy bloodline she has, hinata isnt gonna be able to do jack
    and ohh yeah gentle fist, big deal.....a kunai to the chest will yield the same results.

    this reminds me of that argument about how neji could kill jounins because he has gentle fist
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #35

    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    lol if you say so.......
    hinata sux though.....and unless ino walks right up to her, and just stands there like a noob, then i dont care what fancy bloodline she has, hinata isnt gonna be able to do jack
    and ohh yeah gentle fist, big deal.....a kunai to the chest will yield the same results.

    this reminds me of that argument about how neji could kill jounins because he has gentle fist
    so tenten is better, due to elimination.

  16. #36

    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Hinita is better she has larger breasts. Do not defy the breast rule it is absolute. It even applies to the stupid movie and specials. The movie features a skilled pink haired large breasted cyber ninja women. The hidden falls village special also features a large breasted girl from the mist village. The breast rule reigns supreme over all.

    Do not defy the breast rule for it is kishimoto's unspoken will. Do not defy the rule of the breast.

  17. #37

    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    sorry, Hinata wins this fight hands down,,,
    sorry, but while your theory is based on your opinions, mine is based on stuff that kishimoto presented to us directly in the storyline
    your theory is also based on theory. none of the genins graduate based on live combat, but rather, the ability to use theoretical tactics/abilties/etc. why else hasnt a rookie genin participated in the chuunin exam in the last 4 years?

  18. #38
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    well, based on the recent sasuke flashbacks in the manga, the academy grades on taijutsu, ninjutsu, individual, team, and strategy (prolly genjutsu as well, but i dont think kishimoto put too much effort on the report card details).......they also seem to know the ninjas well enough to establish individualized stats on every ninja in the village.

    If judging whether a person is a good ninja or not is based on just theory, then wouldnt that make the academy tests pointless?

    And as ive stated before, most of the genins prolly improved, but its been clearly stated by hinata's own sensei that she hasnt improved much, and that she even fails on C and D level missions.

    why else hasnt a rookie genin participated in the chuunin exam in the last 4 years?
    i dont get what point you're trying to prove from this. Because.....if all the rookie genins participate at the same time, then it doesnt really categorize any one of them to be better than the others
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #39
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    Well if this thread's theory is correct, how come Tayuya didn't grow to gigantic proportions when she went level 2?
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  20. #40
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Breast naruto theory ever

    maybe it would be an ironing board w/o lvl 2.

    I tried my best...

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