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Thread: Does reading the manga decrease your satisfaction of watching the Anime?

  1. #41

    RE: Does reading the manga decrease your satisfaction of watching the Anime?

    if i have to continue watching capy fillers, the manga is my only option to getting my dosage of naruto

  2. #42

    RE: Does reading the manga decrease your satisfaction of watching the Anime?

    rethe manga is better then the anime, but it doesnt really ruin nothing for me, i pretty much feel the same watching it animated and reading it

  3. #43

    RE: Does reading the manga decrease your satisfaction of watching the Anime?

    when reading the manga, it definately makes the anime dull. i read the manga up until the part where gaara and the other sand ninjas come back, but now i stopped. i recall watching the anime unspoiled was much more exciting and entertaining, so im waiting for the manga to catch up to be unspoiled again. hopefully i will be satisfied.

  4. #44
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Does reading the manga decrease your satisfaction of watching the Anime?

    It really doesnt matter to me i watch it all the same

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  5. #45

    Does reading the manga decrease your satisfaction of watching the Anime?

    Damn I forgot to hit quote but OSCAR this is towards you.

    Dude I know its hard but don't do it(Its gonna be sooooo hard). Don't get me wrong reading the manga is badass BUT when you watch the anime afterwards the gone(50%). No more "suprises". You already know whats to come. But on the flip side the anime does sometimes have some scenes which are not in the manga depending on the episode of course. With all this being said thou I have to admit episode 71(the 1st, and 2nd Hokage vs. Sarutobi) the fight scenes were beautiful in the anime.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

  6. #46

    Does reading the manga decrease your satisfaction of watching the Anime?

    i would treat the anime and magna as two separate entities. You cna complain that the anime does not follow the magna, but thats about as retarded as complaining that book X was way better than its movie redition.

    IMHO i would say the anime (when they are actually trying) is better than the magna, for me mere purpose that you get an illusion of how fast the hits are happening, and the music adds to the atmosphere. the best example of this is the rock lee vs garra fight. damn i still watch that one.

  7. #47

    RE: Does reading the manga decrease your satisfaction of watching the Anime?

    I read 'em both. Well, watch one and read the other....erm.....Read AND watch one and read the other XD.
    It builds up the excitement KNOWING whats coming and getting to see it animated. CLASSIC. (for me anyway....Jeeze I'm old...)

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