Which group do you think does the best quality with their episodes despite the time it takes? For me, its KAA.
Which group do you think does the best quality with their episodes despite the time it takes? For me, its KAA.
KAA. (lengthening to 10 characters.)
well KAA waits for DVD releases so obviously their quality will be better. For regular releases, i dont know. Each anime usually has one best releaser. Anime One, Anime Kraze, Anime Forever, Lunar, etc.
the scope of this question is a bit too broad.
"Which group is the best for quality" omits the fact that some series are just ... well ... crap. If you take a sketchily-drawn series from the early 90's (like, Daa Daa Daa) and you try to sub it in a modern context, like aone is doing, of course it's not going to look as good as modern, computer-assisted, non-sketchy stuff.
Even within a group, quality can vary widely. Some larger groups have specific teams of people that usually work together that produce particularly good or particularly mediocre results.
Generally, the bigger, older fansub groups can be counted on to do more consistent work than newer ones. And DVD rippers don't count as fansub groups, they're just encoders :-p.
I'd have to go with KAA, Anime One, and well, not sure about the last one but Eclipse. =S
animeforever for archiving purposes and anime one also KF not bad either.DB is you thinking about both speed and quality.
datteabayo is good right? they always have most downloads and everything with torrents! that means they're good, right?
they also superfast episode release!
Take two of these muchachos and call us in the morning. Yeah, call us, we'll be drunk.
DB is necessarily good, but decent and very fast.
Ive heard that Toriyama's World is supposedly one of the best. However, they are as slow as hell.
I never taught they were slow, but then again I only watched one anime that they were subbing. But ya, they are really good in my book.
At this moment, Anime-Kraze has to be the best group out there. This mainly stems from thinking they're providing the best translations of any group I've seen lately.
DB, good? Are you kidding me?
Lunar? They suck ass too.
Eclipse, they are doing fine with Shana (translated by static-subs), but their translation hasn't been as good with Fate/stay night.
I still think AonE is a pretty good group, always solid releases.
Mahou, I've liked a lot, but I thought their early efforts on Fantastic Children and Tsukiyomi have been leagues better than their current releases.
Froth-Bite is another of my favorites, though they do a lot of shitty series.
Some new group called Scramble! I like, they have some oldie staff members that I thought to be retired.
And I think I'll leave it there, to make it short, Anime-Kraze is the best right now.
I haven't watched many a-kraze releases lately ... but I'll agree, they've always been very solid and consistent. In the past, their biggest weakness has been styling, in my opinion... but that's totally subjective. What I think is a tacky, horrible font or karaoke job or color scheme, other people might think is the pinnacle of beauty and elegance. That said, they don't even do what I'd call tacky, horrible jobs there ... just maybe not the best possible. But then, not every group can have a styler like Eise, right?
I used to have an artificially inflated opinion of AonE, because I worked with them for like 3 years. But, they're sort of hit-or-miss. Some of their crew is really talented, and others are sort of mediocre -- consistency, especially early in a series, is one of their biggest weaknesses.
I have a lot of respect for Triad, Live-eviL and a.f.k. -- all three of them produce very high quality releases with simply incredible consistency. Having done the work I've done, I know that it's very VERY difficult to get that sort of consistency, and it reflects extremely well on all of their staff, and on the dedication of the groups.
I was being polite with AonE, I thought that their quality level has been an "up and down" marathon, with the current AonE being a bit on the down of it, but still much better from what I see most of these groups putting out.
For Anime-Kraze, I agree with you on the styling issue, but I mostly base my opinions on the way I perceive the translation acuracy and the editing that goes with it.
Triad I like, and Naisho and other groups that Dragonsmore translates for... Same goes with the groups that make up Triad, like Anime-Fansubs.
Live-Evil I have to disagree with you there. Only reason I like them is because they do all these old series, but some of those releases aren't even translation scripts from them, and that being so, you can notice some editing discrepancies if you pay attention. Their typesetting sucks badly, and so are their attempts at doing karaoke.
a.f.k. I don't know much about, since I haven't seen Full Moon wo Sagashite nor Aquarian Age yet, and their other releases I watched from other groups. But seeing their Karin, I'm not very impressed, but that's mainly because I don't like much how they edit, but that's probably because of how I like things, not that they are doing anything wrong. Thei early staff is probably better than the current one, but I have nothing to base this on.
Edit on Live-eviL:
They surely are a group that the community considers for quality. But that's mainly due for what they represent. They do a lot of old neglected series that no one dares to touch, and people are so happy that someone is releasing them that they are not critical of their release quality. But if you sit down and analyze some of their Yawara releases, you might notice some missing translations lines here and there, among other things.
Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 03-13-2006 at 04:42 PM.
what exactly is wrong with Lunar? i saw their Suzuka and it was pretty good.
and when i download new bleach episodes, i always wait for Lunar to sub them (probably because i had every other epizode subed by Lunar also)![]()
Questionable translations, shitty editing, shitty timing style among other things...
That should be enough.
Waiting for them to sub Bleach is fine, since DB is even shittier.
Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 03-13-2006 at 07:16 PM.
which fansub would have the best translations?
ty psj for this sig
Lunar's Suzuka was ok, but not particularly spectacular. Just that they were the only ones really .. you know ... doing it. So it's not like there was anything to compare with. I'm not saying they did a bad job or anything, just that they aren't particularly outstanding either.
Compare their bleach with DB's and anime-keep's (or conclave's). Their video quality is usually not great, their op styling is generally terrible, their translation and editing are both pretty mediocre. The only thing they really had going for them was speed, and DB housed them on that the moment they fell off a consistent weekly release schedule.
On a similar note, if you watch other series that Lunar finished that other people maybe didn't (or didn't as fast, or whatever), you'll notice the same sort of quality trend. They do generally decent work, but it's just not spectacular.
Lunar doesn't belong in a conversation about "best groups for quality" (and if you think they do, then I daresay you don't belong in such a conversation either -- you don't have the necessary background to objectively judge the quality of a release or a group as a whole). As a group, they're mediocre. Not that there's anything wrong with that, they make very watchable releases, and usually do a better job making timely releases than most.
All that said, "best" is really subjective too. I think that, for example, Live-eviL's quality in my mind gets bonus points for doing stuff that nobody else has even thought of doing... even if they aren't categorically the best, they're peerless when it comes to what they actually do. My comments about a.f.k. are more based on their consistency than an objective quality -- I haven't found anything about their work to really strongly object to, which puts them at a better place than most groups.
It's all a matter of what you consider most important though. Many people don't have a firm understanding of the nuances of language, and don't notice when someone mismatches tenses, or botches agreement, or just screws up the flow of a scene.
I think it's a reflection on the theory of marginal utility. By consuming something (in this case, a mediocre release of an anime episode) now, you get a fairly big dose of satisfaction out of it. By waiting an unknown amount of time longer, you might get a slightly better dose of satisfaction from a better quality release, but it probably won't be that much different of an experience, and probably won't get you that much more satisfaction. And since you don't know when, or even if that dose of happiness is coming, you'd rather take the sure thing.
It's like, if you are given the choice between getting a sure-thing $100, or a coin-flip where you get nothing on heads and $200 on tails. The $200 probably isn't twice as satisfying as the $100, so you'll probably take the sure thing. There's a pretty interesting chapter on this in Barry Schwartz's book The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less -- which comes with my highest recommendation.
In that light, I think the only time you would choose the "best" release over the first is if you found the first release to be of such poor quality that it was a negative experience rather than a positive one for you.
And this is why I usually wait. When watching something I tend to focus on the negative points of the group that released it, that it's rarely enjoyable. So, I wait for the group that I think is putting the best release out. If I'm not watching the best, I tend to think that what I'm watching has no truth in it, so why bother?Originally Posted by complich8
I got countless shit to watch, read, and do anyways, so the wait is not that bad.
hehe, i have to agree with this aboveOriginally Posted by complich8
Lunar may not be the "best" as you say but they do a decent work and they are constant. that's why i think they are good. agree with me or not, but consistency is very important to me. one a group subs one show great and other poor, i won't say they are good, but mediocre. however, if they constantly do decent job, i'll say they are good. see my point?
A couple of groups worth mentioning that I forgot about.
Rice-box, before Onigiri broke away from them, they were awesome with Stellvia of the Universe, Witch Hunter Robin, and Shadow Skill. Onigiri became good on their own, well they had great translators, they did a great job with AonE on This Ugly and Beautiful World and finishing up Shadow Skill.
Central-Anime, they do alot of old neglected anime, some that have become my favorites (Touch and Legend of Galactic Heroes). They pay for translation services, but their editing is top notch. They don't always sub the previews, which kinda bothers me. They always use some pale blue and yellow fonts, but they fit the anime with a readable font. They always translated the OP and ED, but they don't karaoke it, just like most groups that work on old series. What I most like about the group, is that the owner is always interactive with the fans, and giving them updates on when they should expect series to be released.
Ayu, I liked when they did Kurau Phantom Memory as Sora, and when they did Rozen Maiden Season 1 (haven't seen their season 2). They had good editing with solid translations. Their OP and ED karaoke's were awesome, plus they did the karaoke for the most awesome insert song in Kurau Phantom Memory, and forever I'll be greatful to them (they worked under the name Sora). This days, I don't think their main translator is still translating, so I don't know if they are still putting out the same quality.
Koi, though they only worked on Air, their work was awesome. Great karaoke, encoding, typesetting, translations, timing, you name it. They made me fall in love with the Flora font, now I use it for everywhere. It was curious because for some reason they didn't include credits on their releases, and few people know who they are. I talk alot with the guy who lent them their name, Koidemona, though he always tells me he didn't work in the group. From what I hear they are a bunch of assholes, but whatever, they did awesome releases on Air. I wish they did another series.
Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 09-15-2006 at 12:59 AM.