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Thread: Naruto on [adultswim]

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  1. #1

    Naruto on [adultswim]

    Originally posted by: Jakins
    The only anime that wasever any good being subbed was trigun. Otherwise, subbing can just got hell!
    You don't even hear the Japanese voices after a while anyway, you just sort of hear the subtitles in you r head anyway, and thats gotta be a major plus over grossly poor dubbed american versions.

    Fansubbing rocks!!!!!

    Actually I think cowboy bebop was a good job as well...

    Honestly think the original voices for bebop were even better, spike sounded awesome, but still decent for american.

  2. #2

    Naruto on [adultswim]

    I'm going to have to agree with those that said not to dub it at all. Instead, air it with subs.. Fansubs or professional, it doesn't matter to me, I can decipher the grammar and such on my own. I'd rather do that than listen to dubbed voices.

    Oh, and they should not cut anything out or censor stuff. That's one way to ruin it for sure. Like how TBS aired "Office Space" a little while back.. why bother? Half the movie was muted due to censoring [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Naruto on [adultswim]

    Honestly... if Naruto does come to the networks dubbed, AdultSwim would be the best place cause you wouldnt really want them to be dubbed on WB or FoxBox would you...? Many people will most likely watch the first episode to see how'd they dub it..

    Btw... fansubbing is still the way to go

  4. #4

    Naruto on [adultswim]

    Quite frankly, you're kinda stupid if you think fansubs will stop WHEN it's licensed. Look at FMA, there are fansubs all over the place still, and the Gotwoot admins apparenly don't care that we're distrubuting all over the place. You all need to stop being such hard-asses about it and just take it with humour. Honestly, I wouldn't mind a bit if it was licensed, the dubs on TV would entertain me to no end, and I'd STILL have fansubs coming in. If anything, it makes enjoying Naruto even more enjoyable.

    Oh, and I can't wait until FMA is on Cartoon Network XD

    P.S.: You'd all be SOL if it wasn't for dubbed Anime. How popular do you think Anime would be if it didn't exist in America?

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