narutofan or irc has it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
narutofan or irc has it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
you beat me to it.
excellent chapter
i think the raw topics alrdy covered all this chapter enough and a whole lot of more too....
good ch. nonetheless
any1 else think that page 2 and 4 looks wierd?
could just be me... (haveing some problem with my grafik card)
the only problem Im having is the page right before sasuke goes lvl 1, cant really follow that
R.I.P Captain America.
Looking at that chapter, something new dawned on me.
What if the Kyuubi was never an actual, physical beast? I kinda get the impression that it was just one, GIANT manifestation of a creature of that's true form is chakra.
Anyways. The chapter was boring and predictable. Not too spectacular, except revealing even more of Sasuke's insecurities.
edit - And I don't know if Sasuke can handle that strength, automatically. It just seemed to come out of nowhere, accidentally (while the other 4 could bring it out when they wanted) So, the fight might be a few more chapters than predicted.
Wow, for the first time in my life I actually enjoyed reading it in the original japanese... for the first time, I can seriously doubt some of Inane's translations. Which means I'm getting better. Which makes me real happy.
Other than that, the Kyuubi must have had a physical body at some point - remember back in episode one, how the shinobi were attacking it with weapons and taijutsu?
So either the Kyubi had a physical body or the shinobi were a bunch of idiots back then.
/me goes off to celebrate via dowloading hentai...
Sasuke wasn't even much power does orochimaru have to be able to give that riduculous power to Sasuke with no problems at all? Either way, it looks like the power ups have reached a cap. Though I've loved the DBZ tribute these past few chapters have been giving, I'm very eager to see this return to a battle of ninjas, not just fighters. If that doesn't happen, I would like to see Kakashi beat the living shit out of both of them. Kakashi warned Sasuke that he would stop growing if he relied on the power of the cursed seal. He's doing that now. It would be nice if kakashi proved what he said to be true, and showing Sasuke (and Naruto, cuz he's relying on the kyubi power, which isn't very different than what Sasuke is doing) what real strenght is, through a vicious beating. I would be even nicer if he did it without the use of his sharingan, and made it a point to make sure those two noticed it.
Saw all the arguing in the other threads...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh dear god I hadn't laughed that hard in awhile. It was much needed.
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
- Inquisitor Czevak
Well they could not beat it so it is a possibility.
Anywas since not everone knows japanes. what Sasuka Sead Last Really shows how Much Of a knob he is. "I'm more Specale" He wasnt hugged nuf as a child. He cant win this Battle. He thinks too much of himself. thats his Major Flaw as a person.
since i didn't read the raw, i thought 231 was awesome.
I tried my best...
I really doubt he was saying that... really really doubt it.Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Sasuke wasn't even hurt...
In japanese he was saying "shou ga nee na..." which usually means "no other option" or "no other way." There were no kanji on those sentences, so I'm pretty sure of that... I think that was Inane taking a very creative license, such as when Itachi and Kisame were talking and Kisame said "Gaara de mo nai", it was translated as "Gaara is not here" while it meant "That's out of character".
So, yeah. Sasuke was hurt to at least some degree... pretty sure of that.
/end rant.
whoa man. you need to really read what you type. so many typos, i had a hard time reading it, and why do you capitalise is stupid spots?Originally posted by: Kumiriko
Well they could not beat it so it is a possibility.
Anywas since not everone knows japanes. what Sasuka Sead Last Really shows how Much Of a knob he is. "I'm more Specale" He wasnt hugged nuf as a child. He cant win this Battle. He thinks too much of himself. thats his Major Flaw as a person.
"i'm more special" was actually kinda funny tho.
Since i have got up to 774 posts and you still havent come to the realization i am just a bad Speller who capitalizes at random there is nothing i can do for you. I am thinking i might have a Mild case of Dislexia. Never been tested but alwas been a crappy speller. but back on topic. I never really Went out of my way to say he was a winey Bitch. but now it cant be helped
Eh...I can only go by what's in the anime. But thanks for the heads up. Either way, the cursed seal's power is putting Sasuke on par with Naruto. Perhaps even higher. That's pretty powerful.
Oh, and about that Sakura picture... She should do porno. She looks like she should, and it would completely in character. What a whore.
Edit: By anime, I mean manga.
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
- Inquisitor Czevak
he was getting smacked around by a supercharged naruto (how much can 12 year olds take anyway?) for two chapters, he HAD to be hurt. Unless the cursed seal heals you like the kyubi, which i dont think it does.Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
I really doubt he was saying that... really really doubt it.Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Sasuke wasn't even hurt...
In japanese he was saying "shou ga nee na..." which usually means "no other option" or "no other way." There were no kanji on those sentences, so I'm pretty sure of that... I think that was Inane taking a very creative license, such as when Itachi and Kisame were talking and Kisame said "Gaara de mo nai", it was translated as "Gaara is not here" while it meant "That's out of character".
So, yeah. Sasuke was hurt to at least some degree... pretty sure of that.
/end rant.
cant we just make one topic for each chapter and call it..
Chapter XXX Discussion...instead of have 2 or 3 topics about raws, inane and whatever...and just post inside it if the chapter is out or what, and who ever made the topic just edits his first post with
Raw is out @ (irc server/channel) (http)...
Inane version out @ (irc server/channel) (http)...
its just the same discussions get discussed and such...
well any way back to the topic...good chapter all in all, wonder when kakashi will get there i dont think there is goin to be much left of this fight...i think the next chapter will basically some this fight up...and see what there capable of...
Chapter 232 prediction: i think we will see them fighting pretty hard ones really got the advantage there both about even, and near the end of the chapter we see someone else...
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Sasuke wasn't even much power does orochimaru have to be able to give that riduculous power to Sasuke with no problems at all?
This is something that has been bugging me ever since Orochimaru gave the seal to Sasuke during the exam. I can only come up with 2 hypothesis, feel free to discuss:
1- The curse doesn't actually give power but rather unlocks it from the individual, something hidden and dangereous to use (hence the 9/10 chance of death Oro mentionned when he gave it). What, why and where this power actually come from is hard to explain but my guess is that is has to do with demonic powers of some sort. Maybe the Curse Seal is actually a demonic mark of some sort. I assume it's demonic because every level 2 Cursel Seal we've seen so far transformed the user into some sort of demonic alter-ego of itself (I wonder how Anko would look like).
This would explain why Orochimaru has a certain ''talent'' to see thru a person's potential, maybe he somehow sense/detect potential Curse Seal candidate. Then again it leaves a lot room of interpretation.
2- Like the first one, the Curse Seal doesn't actually give but rather converts it from the user (any user... who survive). We all know chakra is a mixture of the spirit and the body energies. Maybe the Curse Seal actually allows the user to convert his spirit, or rather will, into physical energy (instead of spending time training your body). One of the sound's four (sanko?) mentionned something about losing your will as you use more power. It would explain how Sasuke was pretty much unphased by Naruto's sucker punch when this encounter started along with a myrad of other occurence (crushing Zaku's arms, Ziroubou withstanding a giant Chouji, etc...).
Whatever the curse seal really is, it might prove important for story later on in one way or another.
Sorry if this as already been discussed or assumed years ago, I'm a newcomer :/
Good chapter.
Does anybody play the Street Fighter Alpha games, or just know the original canon (never explained in the game)? I think it's safe to bet that this seal is like the Satsui no Hadou. (Hadou of Murderous intent) Same principles.
In the official canon, ONLY Ryu and Akuma/Gouki have it (but Sakura could grow it, too) What this does is unlock a fighters true potential, without restraint on their attacks. Akuma/Gouki embraced it (like Sasuke is doing now), and because of it, he's INCREDIBLY FREAKING powerful (He can total an island with ONE punch). It's not an additional source of power, like the Kyuubi, but just him using his maximum potential. In order to even be able to possess it, you need an incredible will to win (like Sasuke, over his brother). And because of that, only a select few are able to even have the capacity to do it. Akuma and Ryu fit that, because they just want to become strong. Only, Akuma doesn't mind killing others to further improve his skill, whereas, Ryu has hesitation, making him unable to really tap into it, like Akuma can.
I see Sasuke now, as a version of Ryu, on the verge of giving into that power, and losing humanity in order to accomplish his goal. When Oro said that 9/10 people are able to wield such power, I assume that he meant that their minds have a big part in it. Can they truly be able to kill another? Will they give up their own sanity for their goals? Notice his followers had no problem killing/hurting other people. And the same w/Sasuke. He's gradually giving into that angst and resentment, ultimately fueling his drive to kill his brother, thus sacrificing humanity to do it.
Man, I feel like a geek, explaining that.
Holy shit dude. He didn't complain about anything. He was responding to a statement I made and used his knowledge of japanese and that fact that inane *possibly* made an error (as a matter of fact, not of bitching). Why are racking at this guys nuts?
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
- Inquisitor Czevak