Let's sort the facts:
[*]Kishimoto-san creates Naruto[*]Kishimoto-san likes DBZ[*]Naruto adapts themes that are commonly associated with DBZ[*]people won't ever stop to make posts about obvious similarities[*]other kinds of people won't ever stop argueing that this is not true[*]there won't be a cold night in hell[*]the "flames" will not stop[*]discussions get unnecesserily cluttered by individuals discussing the meaning of life and it's relation to DBZ[*]massive amounts of rather private discussions cluttering the topics turn down the usefullness of and fun here in the forums to a large extend[*]something needs to be done. Period.

Alright, let's check possible options:
[*]a rules posting telling people not to make Naruto<->DBZ comparisons
- people do not read postings about forum rules
- people want to "discuss" it
[*]a sticky topic here in Naruto Manga just for comparing Naruto and DBZ every week
The forum right now has a sticky problem, otherwise I would consider this to be the best option
[*]a new forum section "Naruto Comparisons"
The way to go. As a moderator I vote for Hotsuma, this way about 60% of the posts in that forum will be automatically checked by a moderator in real time upon writing.

So, hence this poll:
Shallt we humbly pledge thee forum lords to bestow a new forum upon us unworthy subjects?