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  1. #1

    Naruto Comparisons

    Let's sort the facts:
    [*]Kishimoto-san creates Naruto[*]Kishimoto-san likes DBZ[*]Naruto adapts themes that are commonly associated with DBZ[*]people won't ever stop to make posts about obvious similarities[*]other kinds of people won't ever stop argueing that this is not true[*]there won't be a cold night in hell[*]the "flames" will not stop[*]discussions get unnecesserily cluttered by individuals discussing the meaning of life and it's relation to DBZ[*]massive amounts of rather private discussions cluttering the topics turn down the usefullness of and fun here in the forums to a large extend[*]something needs to be done. Period.

    Alright, let's check possible options:
    [*]a rules posting telling people not to make Naruto<->DBZ comparisons
    - people do not read postings about forum rules
    - people want to "discuss" it
    [*]a sticky topic here in Naruto Manga just for comparing Naruto and DBZ every week
    The forum right now has a sticky problem, otherwise I would consider this to be the best option
    [*]a new forum section "Naruto Comparisons"
    The way to go. As a moderator I vote for Hotsuma, this way about 60% of the posts in that forum will be automatically checked by a moderator in real time upon writing.

    So, hence this poll:
    Shallt we humbly pledge thee forum lords to bestow a new forum upon us unworthy subjects?
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Naruto Comparisons you're saying to have.....
    Naruto Anime
    Naruto Open Discussion
    Naruto Manga
    Naruto Comparisons
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #3

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    I really don't care.......i see the comparsion, i know naruto may have that corny power up thing

    but it all really comes down to depth, naruto is deeper than DBZ, better character building and hence i like it better.

    meh, do whatever, i guess make a thread for them to post in.
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  4. #4
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    couldn't it be discussed in the threads or whatever?

    I tried my best...

  5. #5

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
    I really don't care.......i see the comparsion, i know naruto may have that corny power up thing

    but it all really comes down to depth, naruto is deeper than DBZ, better character building and hence i like it better.

    meh, do whatever, i guess make a thread for them to post in.
    I completely agree. The scar of DBZ will always be around but Naruto differs in many ways if attentioned is payed.

  6. #6

    Naruto Comparisons

    I disagree w/the forum thing. And the rule thing.

    Nothing wrong w/making a few comparisons between Naruto and any other anime. It's just a part of criticsm. Good or bad, doesn't really matter. It's just when people start taking it too far, and begin to gripe at us for doing so that things get blown into a discussion. Same thing could be said about making fun of things in Naruto. People do it for fun, but others (I'm looking at you, fanboys) bitch and moan, because it's "the same ol, same ol."

    The sticky thing isn't a bad idea, though. I'm sure we'll be seeing many more DBZ similarities in the future, so there should be a sticky for it. And, of course, fanboys should stay out of it, and go about their way.

  7. #7
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    adding the new forum would only be useful if people werent already bored with dbz discussions
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #8

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    i think it's just a cycle that the anime is going through to make certain story arcs possible in the future. Once the cycle stops, the comparisons will stop (albeit it IS annoying seeing every thread hijacked by the same thing)

  9. #9

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    We should just sticky the Naruto Ball Z thread. That thread rocks.

  10. #10

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    @Eurasian: It's a different topic so it gets its own topic.

    I know that a fourth naruto forum would be overkill, but I think of it as an appropriate point of start for a discussion. It is a clearly isolated and separated entity that everyone who is bored of the endless comparisons can avoid without much hassle. As I said before, the sticky would have been my wish but stickies have some problems right now iirc.

    People want to discuss it so a rule isn't a solution and I acknowledge these comparisons as valid criticism, I just think they should be collected somewhere seperate, not inline the chapter discussions. Personally, I think the chapter discussions should be rather story-centric. What happened, what will that change for the future, which new questions arise and which questions were concluded. The well known comparisons are imho more general observations that just happen to manifest themself in certain chapters (if they wouldn't, they wouldn't occur).

    Over the last few weeks I think these debates on principles took overhand. It's an alarm signal when you can find a "back to topic" in every fourth or fifth posting. That's why I started this principle debate. Leave it as it is, or seperate them. We, the members of this forum, need to make that decision (the more the better). Sticking with hotsuma's Naruto Ball Z topic is fine from my point of view, maybe even making it sticky if possible - or keeping it alive in other ways. Applying an (un)written, member evolved, forum rule to discuss these things here and that things there.

    Once a critical mass has been (made) aware of and realized the problem, the solution isn't far away anymore.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  11. #11
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Naruto Comparisons

    Lemme revise this
    [*]Kishimoto-san creates Naruto[*]Kishimoto-san likes DBZ[*]Naruto adapts themes that are commonly associated with DBZ[*]people won't ever stop to make posts about obvious similarities[*]other kinds of people won't ever stop argueing that this is not true[*]there won't be a cold night in hell[*]the "flames" will not stop[*]discussions get unnecesserily cluttered by individuals discussing the meaning of life and it's relation to DBZ[*]massive amounts of rather private discussions cluttering the topics turn down the usefullness of and fun here in the forums to a large extend[*]In comes in Mut@t@[*]Hell Fire and Brimstone Flames enter into the fray[*]Newbie gets pissed and says that we're all assholes[*]Newbie leaves forum.. and disturbs us no longer[*]GotWoot forum members celebrates, till some extent honoring newbie troller with Gotwoot Survivor symbol of stupidity
    [*]New Newbie comes in, asks question whether Naruto is similar to dbz

    A circle of life!


    [*]Terracosmo our Moderator most high, decides to create a new Forum, for comparisons, and stupid questions[*]Newbie Enters the Forum.. Start asking about Comparison and Stupid Question's in Official Naruto Forum[*]Thread gets moved to stupid questions forum[*]Same Newbie starts new thread about comparisons, and stupid questions in General Discussion forum

    Must I go on?
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  12. #12

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    anyone not able to discuss naruto without comparing it to dbz should just die period

  13. #13

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    anyone not able to discuss naruto without comparing it to dbz should just die period
    And here lies the problem.

  14. #14

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    one of many

  15. #15

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    I have a much better idea. What we need are "ignore" buttons, which allow you to ignore all posts from a user. It should be cookie-driven, and the cookies, per user, would expire in a month. You could continually renew the "ignore" that way, you would never have to see another annoying "OMG THAT'S DBZISH" spam post again. I wonder, out of everyone's post count, how much is BS repetitive spam, that has been constantly over-stated, in (almost) concurrent posts no less.

    When the three people before you said "WOW THIS WAS COOL" or "OMG DBZ" you're not helping things by repeating either of those and being the fourth. You're stupid for it. You haven't helped in a discussion. You haven't added anything to it. All you've done is waste peoples' time and made them read your stupid rantings.

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    anyone not able to discuss naruto without comparing it to dbz should just die period
    And here lies the problem.
    There are so many problems in these statements, it makes me want to not bother. The problem is that some people don't want to see DBZisms, and some people want to see nothing but. The one camp now wants the other to die. Because this matters.... ???

    I beg of the moderators: add an IGNORE button so I can happily believe that people are rational and intelligent. Thank you much.

    -the bearded lady

  16. #16
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Naruto Comparisons

    hmm i dont care if ppl compare naruto to dbz they are free to think what they want but dont create a new forum for it thats just stupid.

    EDIT: you might as well sticky that naruto ball z thread.

  17. #17

    RE: Naruto Comparisons


    OH SHIT THATS FLAMING, sorry ._.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  18. #18
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    i think we need more mods
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #19
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    more mods would maybe be a good thing but i dont understand what it got to do with this. the main problem is that ppl dont accept each others opinions. and you cant really do anything to correct that.

  20. #20

    RE: Naruto Comparisons

    even more naruto forums is bad >_>
    open discussion is already dieing.

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