Hotsuma has won this month's "official double-poster" contest! His prize is... a warning!:
Hotsuma has won this month's "official double-poster" contest! His prize is... a warning!:
hmm this was uhhm ill just say interesting in lack for a better word. i can understand your conecerns about the naruto -> dbz comparasions. but i dont think we need to worry that much it will probably go back to normal after this fight. at least i hope so, i cant just imagine itachi and jiraiya powering up in frotn of each other and screaming "UAAAAAAHHHH!!" that would just be ridicolous(sp?). notice how i dont yell "noobs" and "stop reading if you dont like it" cause i really loved the latest 2 chapters. and i dont understand why everybody jumps sasuke when he gets a cooler haircut i mean nobody has jumped the obvious gay pair in this show(gai and lee).Those 2 looks like 2 dancers at a gay club or something and that bowl cut to... oh well complain all you want but keep it to this thread okay? it gets a little tiring when you jumps into the official 231 discussion and writes the exact sam things as in here.
dude... i was being sarcastic. i thought i could post sarcastic remarks here? but it seems some people are taking this very non serious thread serious.i said it like last week that i didnt expect anything from these two then go all out. you can go look at some of the post i made in the 230 thread defending the power-ups to completely understand my stance on this subject. it think its the best way to handle the fight, but that doesnt mean that we have to suffer through a lames ass power-up clifff hanger. thats not enough to make me want to come back the next week because its automatically saying that the power-uped character now has the advantage and leaves little to the imagination and ultimately leads to disappointment. in jojos the cliff hangers generally involve some battle turning event that wasnt acheived through a power-up and is completely interesting. naruto used to be like this. someone said this before (im not sure if it was you) strategic battles would get boring, but i must say that it never does. and lately cliff hangers have involved: i summoned a big creature!, i used my new tech!, i went level 2!, i power-uped!, i evolved!, i power-uped again! its just not the best way to do things and its too predictable. i predicited the out come of more then half of this arc...some where even jokes. so you see, the only thing that really keeps my into this story is the character development. im beginning to miss the slow pace of the flashbacks again.Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
then go watch your jojos bizzarr adventures......we wont miss you
you guys act like there would possibly be a better way to carry through this battle than what they're doing now. The point is that they are SUPPOSED to get all heated up and get all intense with brute force, putting both of them in a deadly situation. It's just the form that their rivalry has led them to. Just think about it for a second and maybe you'll understand.........
If you can think of even ONE decent alternative to the way kishimoto is laying out the story, then i'd like to hear it.
off topic: hey terracosmo! your favorite character is neji and you jojos about as much if not more then i do! i just have one thing to say that: you frickin' rock!
my artwork :
Exactly, Rasendori. This shit is lame, lame, lame.
Watch the fanboys cry now.
I still think Sasuke should reach Super Seal lvl 3, and grow a tail. Then, it'd be a little more fair.
wasn't SSJ5 supposed to have white hair ?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] (rumors rumors [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] ) I bet Sasuke's hair is white right there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
do you think he will beat the genetic manipulated cell+boo clone ?
Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.
I find it amusing that you guys are making fun / complaining of Sasuke's curse seal lvl 2 till chapter 231 in its second appearance, whenever nobody said a thing at chapter 209 (page 12)
Because then it still felt as a PART of the it has resulted in lame powerups [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]...and then I even prefer dbz I think Oo
Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.
my shitty rendition as a result of being bored.
got inspiration from albinofury's pic.
regarding 231. chapters like this make me have absolutely no regrets about reading the manga as opposed to just watching the anime.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
I used to think that Sasuke was gay and now my thoughts have been confirmed he looks like a wuss with the curse seal level2 activated. And I've been loving these last few chapters, don't know what people is complaining about cause maybe Sasuke's level 2 curse seal form is a rip off of dbz, but Narutos Kyubified form is not and it is totally cool.
@RasenDori: Thanks mate, I'm doing my best at the rocking ;D
Rasendori: you know there's gonna be a cliffhanger no matter what, right? if they've done it every chapter since the beginning of the series, then does it really matter whether its done via transformation or not?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
In order for it to be a cliff hanger, we'd actually have to be on the cliff. And we're not. We can see it all more miles away.
i understand that understand that the only chapter that wont have a cliffhanger is the very last one, and i love cliffhangers, but using the same cliffhanger 4 chapters in a row? come on... you dont think its a little old now?
my artwork :
Of course not, RasenDori. Everything Kishimoto does is completely justifable as "good!" He can do no wrong! Even if it IS using the same ending per chapter 4 times in a row!Originally posted by: RasenDori
i understand that understand that the only chapter that wont have a cliffhanger is the very last one, and i love cliffhangers, but using the same cliffhanger 4 chapters in a row? come on... you dont think its a little old now?
*sigh* Fanboy mentality.
it would be so hilarious if in the dub they called the cursed seal the super seal
the definition of a cliffhanger isnt "whether or not a person can see it coming"
its "whether or not it leaves you at a place that you wouldnt want to stop at"
i'm sure kishimoto had no intention of catching us offguard with sasuke's level 2, since he made it very painstakingly clear that this saga was all about the level 2 seal and he even showed us that sasuke can reach it now. so what?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I'm glad there are still people that criticise the anime, because I'm really getting the feeling lately, that you cant argue about Naruto BECAUSE!!!! becauses, because they just tell you to shut real argument there..
Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.
there's a difference between arguing about naruto and just stating something redundant and with little or no intellectual thought behind it, noob
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
If this kind of thread bothers you so much, why do you continue clicking on it, and reading it? You know it's redundant, You know it's been done before. Yet, you're here, trolling here AGAIN.Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
there's a difference between arguing about naruto and just stating something redundant and with little or no intellectual thought behind it, noob
god hotsuma, im still waiting for you to learn how to comprehend posts......when are you gonna figure it out?
did i post something that indicates being bothered by a thread? nope......not that i know of
10/4/04 - 8/20/07