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Thread: Naruto Movie Discussion

  1. #21

    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion

    where can i find the theme song home sweet home

  2. #22
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion

    then whats the point of the movie if nothing important is going to happen?
    Uh, asskicking robot ninja action?

    I mean seriously, whats been the point of the entire SERIES up until this point?

    We still know less about the main characters than we know about pretty much every supporting character so far.

  3. #23

    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion

    Where can I see the movie?

  4. #24
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion

    Originally posted by: Nine Tailed Demon
    Where can I see the movie?
    in japan.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  5. #25

    Naruto Movie Discussion

    JAPAN! mwhaaahahaaa

    Kenshiro is probably not too far wrong

    EDIT: goddam u Mut@t@ u just pipped me

  6. #26
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion

    Originally posted by: KaneInferno
    then whats the point of the movie if nothing important is going to happen?

    seriously i wanna know
    The point? To make a lot of money off a sucessful franchise. It's not a story that's "just too big for TV" it's something that came about when the creators decided that they could show Naruto pinching a loaf for an hour and a half and still turn profit.

  7. #27

    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion

    Originally posted by: KaneInferno
    then whats the point of the movie if nothing important is going to happen?

    seriously i wanna know
    its just a big filler that you have to pay to watch. if it actually has any relevance to the story line, they would make it an episode, and not a movie.

  8. #28

    Naruto Movie Discussion

    Originally posted by: KaneInferno
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    it's not gonna explain anything about his sharingan. the movie isn't important enough to address something like that. the best part of the whole movie is gonna be kakashi chidori'ing the ice wolf.
    if its not improtant enough, why is it in Japanese theaters?
    y is it in japanese theaters? cuz the japanese make every fucking thing into a movie....theres been like 6 pokemon movies. they all sucked major ass, but becuz the kids love it so much, they (the creators / producers) know they can get filthy rich off of them.

    tahts y its in theaters. its the same thing as the yu-gi-oh movie.....and there was an inuyasha movie too. its all about the money.

  9. #29

    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    I just hope they show Sakura in the springs again.
    i second that

  10. #30
    Missing Nin
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    Naruto Movie Discussion

    Originally posted by: KaneInferno
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    it's not gonna explain anything about his sharingan. the movie isn't important enough to address something like that. the best part of the whole movie is gonna be kakashi chidori'ing the ice wolf.
    if its not improtant enough, why is it in Japanese theaters?
    erm well i jst got back from japan, and was in tokyo over the day and week of its release and i went to the cinema and it wasnt even showing there. i saw 1 cinema showing it the whole time i was in japan, and about 10 posters for it (which isnt a lot). most cinemas seem to have non-animated/foreign movies

  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion

    Originally posted by: armarfi
    where can i find the theme song home sweet home

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  12. #32

    Naruto Movie Discussion

    Originally posted by: KaneInferno

    if its not improtant enough, why is it in Japanese theaters?
    Have you never seen an anime based movie befor? I usually think they are cool, with a fast paced story and good animation, but they never have anything to do with the anime. I am sure this one will be the same. None of the dragonball z movies (OMG he mentioned dbz, we had better start flaming him) fit into the main story line at all. They were still fun to watch though.

    Movies try to appeal to a wider audience so they have to kind of dumb it down. Lots of people will not understand or care how Kakashi got his sharingan, or why Naruto has a demon that gives him unlimited power, they will just be thinking "oh man this is so cool. those guys are such ass kickers!"

    You should not expect too much if any story from this movie, but it should be fun and exciting so just enjoy it for what it is.

  13. #33

    Naruto Movie Discussion

    Basically, the point of the movie, like the point of 90% of all anime action movies, is to have the original artist (or a reasonable facsimile) produce (usually) high quality art and animation of the main characters kicking a lot of non-descript non-reoccuring ass. It's designed to have the traits of 'badass' and 'wow that was cool looking' without anyone having to worry about anything unnecessary like 'good writing' or 'fitting within the timeline', while still giving them the ability to make money off of it. Dragonball Z, Inuyasha, One Piece, all the more popular 'action' animes follow this method too. Fortunately, Naruto is milking it a WHOLE LOT LESS than they have done so far. (5 One Piece movies? 1 Dragonball Movie, 13 Dragonball Z movies, and I heard the 4th Inuyasha movie is in the works? ouch.)

    My guess would be that they will attempt to invoke fear of the main enemies by utilizing the fact that Kakashi couldn't beat them all at the same time when he was in the anbu, 4 against 1. Logically any 4 people that can team up on a weaker less experienced Kakashi that may or may not have the sharingan and manage to drive him away from their village without wounding him, makes them kind of possibly scary maybe. I think. Then again, maybe they just said "Yes I was in the anbu once, now let's kick their asses." which wouldn't be unusual for a movie. We'll wait and see how it works out. Oh, and the other thing, in any anime movie whatsoever, the main character has to be the one that saves the day. Keep that in mind.

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