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Thread: problem with site

  1. #1
    Van Nar

    problem with site

    why is it i get an error when going to reviews and series
    all i get is a blank page and a message
    "error getting reviews."
    "error getting sections."
    these are what i get now is it me or you site

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    problem with site

    The review and section pages are broken.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  3. #3

    RE: problem with site

    and also the series section i thick. Its prolly just a temp. problem in the database and the coding, it will prolly be fixed shortly, i dont htink gotwoot would leave something broken...or would they?

  4. #4

    problem with site

    Maybe its only affecting a few people and Gotwoot hasn't been informed of it.

    Some of the sections like the series and the reviews I haven't been able to access for around 2 weeks now.

  5. #5

    problem with site

    and how do i need to dl torrent file for new animation???

  6. #6

    problem with site

    Ok mods when are we going to get some info on this? Is anyone even there at the site anymore?

  7. #7

    problem with site

    Does anyone know ho to contact the moderators of the site

    I used to be a big fan of this web site but now i am visiting it less and less as this problem continues

    Soon i might not bother trying at all and look elsewhere

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