any1 know where i can get this manga besides MiRc??
nope but i would love to know to. preferably from where the anime ended.
deja vu (sp?)
this place has up to vol 7
thankz been looking around for a bit. do you know where to get from vol 8 and up ??
that was not far into the show at all..... is there a site with more volumes maybe even from where the anime left off(if there is more after that)
havent find a site whit more... for that i recomend irc
this is a great place for that
(sorry but i dont know a good guide for irc download)
which Mirc channel do i goto to get shaman king from vol 8 on up??
did you click the link i gave you?
log in to then type "/join #ckmoney" without the "
and check there bot list... there in the link i gave you
( )
well at first i didn't know how to use it but now since i know how to use it, i think its pretty cool and d/ling is pretty fast thanks dude
is there somone that knows where the anime ends and the manga continues? would love to have that part.
english anime ends? like on fox box or something??
no. the whole anime. it went for 62 episodes im not sure if that was the end in the manga to but it felt like more was coming.
hmm... after shaman king has been licensed i missed the show so much... is there anywhere where i can dl the series? i went kazaa but itz hard to find...
If HnG manga -- it can be obtained via baka-ost.
If HnG anime, what you most likely refer to ("show"), -- wrong forum. I sent you a PM anyway.
"If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)
a while ago you could download it on dont know if that site works anymore tho. they got ep 26 - 62Originally posted by: shinichi69
hmm... after shaman king has been licensed i missed the show so much... is there anywhere where i can dl the series? i went kazaa but itz hard to find...
Argh, dammit, that's what you get when you are overslept and browse more than one forum at the same time. My HnG reply to a SK question is obviously totally out of place. Please ignore it.
There are 64 TV eps, 2 "katachi" specials, one special simply called "special" and an omake. But I do not know where to get them.
"If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)