In the same vein as Terra's.
[img];_ylu=X3oDMTBwanIybjR qBHBndANhdHdfaW1nX3Jlc3VsdARzZWMDc3I-/SIG=119f67sk2/**http%3a//[/img]
In the same vein as Terra's.
[img];_ylu=X3oDMTBwanIybjR qBHBndANhdHdfaW1nX3Jlc3VsdARzZWMDc3I-/SIG=119f67sk2/**http%3a//[/img]
A sign of the end times.
wonder how long it took to make that... all that for mut
that rocks... I want a slice..
Haha, that picture rocks.
Originally posted by: Souryusen
A sign of the end times.hmm, If I combine the message of what Twist posted with the picture that Souryusen posted, oooh the possiblitiesOriginally posted by: TwisT
R.I.P Captain America.
awh... you should rejoice!
this was too good not to post,
ROFLLMAOLOL!!!1111 that is the best cosplay character I've ever seen, if they ever made a real show of Naruto, they should get him to play chouji (joking)
R.I.P Captain America.
lol poor kid, getting photoshopped to death, sad sad life
lol. He's the legendary photochop kid. well not legendary but he did get a few days of fame. i remember someone posting that in the cosplay thread some time ago. BAIKA NO JUTSU!!!
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Hey that Chouji kid looks like someone I used to know.