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Thread: BEST naruto AMV EVER!

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  1. #1

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Go there, Be amazed... Best animated music video ive ever seen.... You have to see this if you even remotly like naruto.

  2. #2

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    errr, no.
    It's quite ordinary. Nothing spectacular about it at all.
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  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    If you want to see a good video go to game trailers and download the final fantasy 7 video using my december from linkin park its awesome!

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  4. #4

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    ill take your word for it and download it, i download loads of music video's so i know a good video when i see one, ill review this video once i have it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    From this point on kiddies, these combination of words are no longer allowed:

    "Awesome AMV" and "Linkin Park". Because no, they suck as musicians.

    I want something more technical. People doing AMVs need to broaden their musical horizons a little outside the beaten path of radio "hard" rock; if you want some suggestions for rock music, check into some Rival Schools, Quicksand, Helmet, Handsome, Strung Out... I can name at least one song from each of those bands that would make for an excellent AMV, if I had good raw sources to work with. But still, set yourself off and do something neat. I remember the first (and still one of my favorite) Naruto AMVs was done to a Lostprophets song (from their poorly produced and very underrated CDs, sharp stuff), which I'm glad I saw because it got me into both the show and the band. Whomever did that AMV, thanks dude. Now someone do more shit like that.

  6. #6

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Originally posted by: KameronFrye
    From this point on kiddies, these combination of words are no longer allowed:

    "Awesome AMV" and "Linkin Park". Because no, they suck as musicians.

    I want something more technical. People doing AMVs need to broaden their musical horizons a little outside the beaten path of radio "hard" rock; if you want some suggestions for rock music, check into some Rival Schools, Quicksand, Helmet, Handsome, Strung Out... I can name at least one song from each of those bands that would make for an excellent AMV, if I had good raw sources to work with. But still, set yourself off and do something neat. I remember the first (and still one of my favorite) Naruto AMVs was done to a Lostprophets song (from their poorly produced and very underrated CDs, sharp stuff), which I'm glad I saw because it got me into both the show and the band. Whomever did that AMV, thanks dude. Now someone do more shit like that.
    Why do you think Linkin Park suck? Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they suck.

  7. #7

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    DL sexy no jutsu's Hotblooded Nindo.

    that is one to keep , seriously

  8. #8
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Originally posted by: jing
    Originally posted by: KameronFrye
    From this point on kiddies, these combination of words are no longer allowed:

    "Awesome AMV" and "Linkin Park". Because no, they suck as musicians.

    I want something more technical. People doing AMVs need to broaden their musical horizons a little outside the beaten path of radio "hard" rock; if you want some suggestions for rock music, check into some Rival Schools, Quicksand, Helmet, Handsome, Strung Out... I can name at least one song from each of those bands that would make for an excellent AMV, if I had good raw sources to work with. But still, set yourself off and do something neat. I remember the first (and still one of my favorite) Naruto AMVs was done to a Lostprophets song (from their poorly produced and very underrated CDs, sharp stuff), which I'm glad I saw because it got me into both the show and the band. Whomever did that AMV, thanks dude. Now someone do more shit like that.
    Why do you think Linkin Park suck? Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they suck.
    i have to agree with kameronfrye linkin park isnt good. im sure the are good musicians but the music they do are just bad. they should try something harder and skip the rapping or whatever they are doing in their songs.

  9. #9

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Originally posted by: jing

    Why do you think Linkin Park suck? Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they suck.
    Things do not rock nor suck simply by my opinion alone. If the world were that way, then MTV would actually have stuff related to music, which would include VIDEOS, IN THEIR ENTIRE, FOR MORE THAN 15 MINUTES DURING THE DAY, heh...

    But, LP are just another band thrown to the mainstream. They do not present anything deep and meaningful in their music. It's like trying to argue that bands like Good Charlotte and Newfound Glory are Punk because their music is fast tempo'd and their members have tattoos and don't look trendy; negative, punk roots from anarchy, whether offering a difference in opinion over skating as a lifestyle and not a sport, or being 16 and drunk, not to mention in going for word of mouth for distribution as opposed to having your work diluted and retooled by individuals in suits who make 20x the money you do by simply making your band sign on a dotted line. Linkin Park are in that same realm of music, manufactured simply for the masses. I've listened to their music, and I find it lacking. They do not have anything for them that makes me believe they are rock... I come from a world where rock music is not a reflection of what a pussy you are. That is what rock music is. It is not nasaly neandering over having a crappy childhood or emotional problems. Rock is about rock, it doesn't care about problems or triumphs. It knows life sucks, and it doesn't care. It rocks. AC/DC is rock. Helmet is rock. Soundgarden is rock. Rock is music that is made for the bands enjoyment, then shared with the world... without having to determine how many zeros are attached to sharing the enjoyment. No one ever told Angus to dress funny and dance around while playing a guitar, he just did it because it's what rock does. So don't call Linkin Park rock. Case closed, sweetheart. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Originally posted by: jing
    Why do you think Linkin Park suck? Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they suck.
    Yes Linkin Park sucks IMHO. They are overrated!!. There is much better music out there at least anything that is outside of MTV.

    BTW this is getting offtopic sorry.

  11. #11
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    oh my god how retarded with login for a stinkin amv site that sucks. can i get it at any other place?

  12. #12

    RE: BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    uhh that site has a lot of better naruto vids in my opinion, but then ive downloaded almost all of them.

    except for the linkin park vids, those are over done. I could live the rest of my life without seeing another lp vid and not feel any loss.

  13. #13

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Yeh it was ok, but he over exagerated saying it was the best AMV ever.

    ^ that ones much better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Originally posted by: Kaka
    Yeh it was ok, but he over exagerated saying it was the best AMV ever.

    ^ that ones much better [img][/img]
    this ones top 3 of all AMVs ive seen. the other two are kenshin vids [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    If that AMV has Linkin Park, Evanescence or one of the other 100 mainstream mallcore metal bands playing; I will spit on this thread and send vile attack dogs upon the author of it.

    Edit after checking: Disturbed eh? WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE! *Unleashes attack dogs*

  16. #16

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    They're not even metal bands. They're EMO. And EMO is bad for you, very bad.

    Say NO to EMO.

  17. #17
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Originally posted by: Voltage
    They're not even metal bands. They're EMO. And EMO is bad for you, very bad.

    Say NO to EMO.
    I may just have to put together a Naruto AMV set to Saves The Day or Good Charlotte.

    Evil shouldn't look this good. *runs hand through hair*

  18. #18

    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Ok, those may be better hardcore videos, but you have to admit... for a Windows movie maker video, that is extremely good. I had just started watching Naruto when i downloaded this and thought it was awesome.

  19. #19
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    Originally posted by: Voltage
    They're not even metal bands. They're EMO. And EMO is bad for you, very bad.

    Say NO to EMO.
    i havent checked the music vid......but if its disturbed.....then why in god's name would you associate that with emo??
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #20

    RE: BEST naruto AMV EVER!

    MSI Pokemon vid forever. And the old VHS Rammstein EVA one. And if those don't do it, any of Zarzxrax's (or however the fuck you spell his nick).

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