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Thread: Rozen Maiden

  1. #21

    Rozen Maiden

    i like the song ^^
    the anime is funny

  2. #22

    Rozen Maiden

    i thought it was interesting too, good drama, funny, and never too annoying.

  3. #23

    Rozen Maiden

    Second season should start on Oct. 20... i can't wait for it... I really enjoyed the first series, pretty fun...

    I hope Ayu picks it up...

    Anyone else interested in this series?

  4. #24

    Rozen Maiden

    I love this series also. I was hoping for a second season. I'm really looking foreward to it. Thanks for the info.

  5. #25

    Rozen Maiden

    I hope they finish the whole Alice Game on this one... the first one ended kinda of abrubtly without really solving anything...

  6. #26

    Rozen Maiden

    In the Rozen Maiden manga, Suigintou is still alive up to book 5. And I think she even has a master, so it's even more interesting.

  7. #27

    Rozen Maiden

    Ah great, thanks for spoiling possible events on Rozen Maiden 2

  8. #28

    Rozen Maiden

    But the thing is, the anime detracts from the manga (it's still going in Japan), so Traumed will have to go a different route from the original manga cannon.

  9. #29

    Rozen Maiden

    Preview for Rozen Maiden - Träumend

  10. #30
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    up your mutha's ass

    Rozen Maiden

    Is Zatch Bell a rip off of rozen maiden?

  11. #31

    Rozen Maiden

    Gash Bell came before Rozen Maiden... and they really don't have much in common...

  12. #32

    Rozen Maiden

    Where are you, Suigintouuu!!!!!

  13. #33

    Rozen Maiden

    First sub episode out. Check in tokyotosho.

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Wow, i just watched this... (btw i m a level 99 thread-necromancer)

    this anime is very good in my opinion! good animation, very funny and somehow... "cute". (the desu-desu girl, is my favorite, but i can't spell her name :P)

    but the best thing about this show is the music... really damn nice music (background) . its so nice that i thought about buying the ost if there is one (and i m sure there is), but knowing myself i will download it from somewhere

    sry for bringing this thread up, but i think this anime deserves more attention than just 2 sites of opinons and statements about the show, so i wanted to give my opinion too ^^

  15. #35
    Well, it was indeed a nice series... and as you said, the music is quite good. My favorite song is the ED Shooting Star.

    If you like these type of music in your animes, you might want to check out some Bee Train series, and in my opinion they almost always have good music in them. You might want to check out Madlax, Noir, El Cazador de la Bruja, .hack//SIGN and the sequels, Tsubasa Chronicle, and coming up Blade of the Immortal.

    For some reason I thought that Rozen Maiden itself was a Bee Train series... looks like I was mistaken.

    With that said, here are the threads for the sequels of Rozen Maiden. Post in them respectively when you watch them instead of using this thread solely.

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    the good thing about this series is that the fighting scenes are actually much better than you first except them to be... (you know the main character isn't *that* good animated).
    but the last fight was pretty awesome, i like that scissor girl and her twin sister. nice fight and it was animated really well...

    at first i thought this show is nearly all comedy, but even though there are really funny episodes, the action is still great! (the great music does a good job here too)

    i think i'll marathon the second season tomorrow and give my opinion in the other thread then.

    i can't help myself but the dolls are kinda cute, suddently, i feel like i must buy a loli-sized doll right now.
    i remember that my grandma had one and i used to play with it often. (ya i admit it, i m a boy and played with dolls and stuffed animals when i was young :P)
    when shinku lost her arm and whined i was like: "noooo don't cry, i would still play with you!! you are not junk!"

    but not only then... when suigin tou was defeated i wanted to say the same to her :P
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-14-2008 at 05:19 PM.

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