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Thread: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

  1. #21

    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    boy 5p4ced0ut must be feeling awkward right about now
    Haha, yeah, noone liked his idea [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    Not only did noone like it, everyone hated it.

  2. #22

    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Didn't the Third say something like, 'Anyone who uses this technique will die and their soul will be trapped inside the Death God's stomach for all eternity, endlessly battling their enemies blah blah blah blah.' Then Oro stabbed him with a sword and had a three hour conversation about it. Yeah, comming back from the bowels (hahah funny pun!) of Hell.

  3. #23
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Exactly. Even if Orochimaru or someone else used that technique, it wouldn't work because the 3rd's spirit is not available for summoning. It's devoured inside the death god.

  4. #24
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    ok the 4th is also inside the stomach but oro was gonna summon him as well.

    I tried my best...

  5. #25

    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    No I'm not feeling embarrassed right now, reading your comments was funny as hell.

    I thought I'd get responses like this but I thought I'd share my crackpot idea anyway. I'm not sad that the third died, I just thought this would be funny.

    Be honest, who wasn't laughing?

  6. #26
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    who the hell WAS laughing? it was just dumb and not funny at all. these kind of threads are more of a waste than anything else.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  7. #27
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Originally posted by: PossiblE
    no, it's not cool.
    Well said.
    I Don't like to say anything twice

  8. #28

    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Originally posted by: 5p4ced0ut
    No I'm not feeling embarrassed right now, reading your comments was funny as hell.

    I thought I'd get responses like this but I thought I'd share my crackpot idea anyway. I'm not sad that the third died, I just thought this would be funny.

    Be honest, who wasn't laughing?
    I think I cried O_o
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  9. #29

    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    ok the 4th is also inside the stomach but oro was gonna summon him as well
    that cant be said for certain as we didnt see inside the coffin...and it wasnt said who was inside...
    but as people have said that its logic to say it was yondaime because he summoned shodaime, and nidaime...and logically yondaime, but this can be argued as yondaime is supposed to be in the belly of the death god...but once new light comes from this we will know...

    ummm...i wasnt laughin i reread it just to make sure i was on the right track with what you were saying...

  10. #30

    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    I think they wrote Rest In Peace on his grave.

  11. #31

    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back


  12. #32

    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Originally posted by: theblakeman
    LOL, best comment of the day.

  13. #33
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    a deformed transmutated 3rd...JUST LET THE MAN R.I.P.

    I tried my best...

  14. #34

    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    but i do wish one more thing..
    i wish we saw more of the third in his battle armor...that look bad ass..
    i wanted to see him fight someone else his level also.. coz he had a whole arsenal of jutsus...and he was also smart!!
    like a cool all out training session between jiraiya and him..that would be cool
    seeing all different jutsus and the way of fighting between them..

  15. #35
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    i wish we gotta see the 3rd in battle when he was young!

    I tried my best...

  16. #36
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Yeah! That would be so wicked! I'd have liked to see him do a demonstration of all the jutsus he knows.

  17. #37

    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Yeah, that would be cool. Maybe they can pull an Inuyasha and have Naruto and co. go back in time for a special or whatnot. Then they can participate in the past wars with other countries and see the Hokages fight. It could happen that way, and it would be a lot more acceptable than bringing the Hokage back at this point.

  18. #38

    RE: I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    Collect 12 dragonballs and wish him back!

  19. #39

    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    i <3 mutata.

    We've all learned from FMA its impossible so give up on the third.

  20. #40
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    I think they should bring the 3rd Hokage back

    or he can be a homonculus...but then can he perform jutsus?? nevermind, R.I.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I tried my best...

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