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Thread: inane 230 out

  1. #141

    RE: inane 230 out

    well then train my eyes...
    where is this racial remark in the text..??

  2. #142
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    neither do i.

    urgh...if it ends w/ interference i would be not very happy. they need to finish their fight!!

    I tried my best...

  3. #143

    RE: inane 230 out

    yeah i do want the fight to finish...
    its just that i have a feeling interfernce is going to happen before the finish..
    from the start of this mission ive had this feeling that someone would interfere..

  4. #144
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    man i hate this fight i wish naruto would just hurry up and drop some turds into sasukes mouth.

  5. #145
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    You still haven't pointed out the racial remark.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  6. #146
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    well the fact is that its there

  7. #147
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: mage
    well the fact is that its there
    there is one thing i can't stand, it's when people start to spit out bullshit and play it off as if it really happened or it's the truth. don't post stupid crap like that and if you don't like it, then show me where a racial remark was made in this thread. if you happen to find it, i'll apologize. but good luck finding it cuz if i looked through the thread and i couldn't find it, sure as hell you won't.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #148

    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: mage
    well the fact is that its there
    Shut the fuck up, dumbass.

  9. #149
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: mage
    well the fact is that its there
    Hey, if you're going to accuse someone of actually making an offensive racial comment, you should really point out where he did it. This is an attack on Assertn's character that goes far beyond any normal type of flaming. This is unacceptable. Point out what you're seeing or apologize. You don't have to listen to me obviously, but mods, if any of you see this, I would hope that you would enforce this. I'm sure you don't tolerate any kind of racism on the forums, nor should you tolerate any kind of unsupported and/or false accusations of such.

    On topic: I've said this before, maybe, but I think they're going to reach a limit in they're powering up, at which point, it's just going to switch into the ninja fights we all know and love, but with high stakes involved. Situational analysis, cleaver tactics, etc. will become important again. That's my hope as well as my prediction. It would serve to show what these new powers are really capable of.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  10. #150

    RE: inane 230 out

    When did the thread change from Inane 230 to "Flaming troll biasly and blindly accuses someone of racial comments just to prove his ignorance." thread?

    Anyway, I like the fight, but I don't want it to carry longer than a chapter or two. It seems slightly dragged out to me. Thats probably because of the numerous waits we have all had to endure. Oh well, I am just hoping in the end the finale is great and starts the new arc with alot of feeling and tension with it. I just hope he doesnt end this in a melodramatic sort of way. If it does the series will probably start or worse, become stale.

  11. #151
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
    On topic: I've said this before, maybe, but I think they're going to reach a limit in they're powering up, at which point, it's just going to switch into the ninja fights we all know and love, but with high stakes involved. Situational analysis, cleaver tactics, etc. will become important again. That's my hope as well as my prediction. It would serve to show what these new powers are really capable of.
    I hope so as well. I miss the good old days of logical fighting. This head butting tactic is getting a little old. Kishimoto must be stressing for good ideas or is makeing us all sweat to the end so he can surprise us with a really good finish. On the whole interuption bit. Kakshi will get there to see the fight but not be able to stop what's going on. On another note. If Naruto keeps using the Kyubi mode more and more dosn't he run the risk of never coming back out of it again and becoming Kyubi him self?

  12. #152

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    I don't know why, but has it ever occured to people here that Kyuubi isn't as invincible as people make it out to be? What I mean to say is, maybe Kyuubi is a double edged, sword. And by tapping into his power, Naruto ultimately loses a part of himself in the process. I dislike the idea of having an invincible trump card for Naruto, mainly cause he's such a clever fighter, and will use trickery to win, instead of brute force.

    Yeah normaly Naruto is a clever fighter,thats why the hole chapter i was waiting for Naruto to do something clever about Sasuke reading his movement,i want to see the clever Naruto not the one the goes berserk and becomes a demon fox even if he looks cool.

    But it was intresting seeing Sasuke learning his sharingan more and when kybui teased Naruto was intrestring also cause finaly they said something about the fourth.

    Also i like what you have said in the topic so far cause IT IS lame all these powerups,i think it becasue kisimoto is running out of ideas or he is saving somethin speciel for us.

  13. #153

    inane 230 out

    Hrm thoughts on this entire leveling up etc...

    Well... we have seen throughout the manga that both sasuke and naruto, and for that matter the rest of the Genin's are constantly training.

    We are just being shown the "breakthrough" moments of these events. Would ya rather have seen another chapters of chakra modling like when Naruto was dealing with the Rasengan. Yay training.
    As much as I love seeing Lee kick a tree... it gets boring after the 50th time.

    Suffice it to say I really enjoyed this chapter. I like seeing the characters grow and mature. I don't need to see every step of how they got to it... seeing the end results is just fine at times.

  14. #154

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: tuggumkee
    Originally posted by: Elessar
    "You are someone who knows the same pain of loneliness that I do. And.. that pain makes a person stronger. Because of that, by severing these bonds... I will gain even more strength."

    I was expecting Sasuke to win and join Oro - but after that sentence I don't think that option is valid anymore. Sasuke will, just like Gaara, learn that fighting for someone is better than fighting for yourself. Maybe he will beat Naruto and then be caught off-guard by Gaara or will have to face all the survivors of the expedition team + sand in a group fight when they fight for Naruto - and his very own sake. But what is imho certain is that by the end of this fight, Sasuke will have understood just like Neji and Gaara did.
    Now this is a interesting prediction, I would really like to see that. It would fit the theme of Naruto very well and also keep sasuke on the good side.(plus i think it would make this arc incredible)
    I agree with this, i see kakashi rallying all the gennins, sand and bringing them to interupt the fight, which by this time will be at the climax where sasuke and naruto will almost kill each other, (after powering up to the max), by doing some big mega jitsu. then after being interupted, they have this long talk about how the leaf will not make sasuke weaker (they did defeat the five sounds). however, before sasuke makes up his up, kabuto shows up aducts him and brings him to the snake man he will brain wash him and take over his body before he gets rescue haahahahaaa!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] (j/k) but i do agree that sasuke will see the light ,i feel a character like him in this situation will go back to the good side sooner or later [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    As for the mother theory... doubt it, i think when kuybi said that naruto and the fourth are alike he was talking about their spirit.... ( when the fourth was battling kuybi he must have acted and talked like naruto before finally sealing kuybi), this probable means that even the kuybi agrees that he will be the fifth, hokage. (or maybe i'm comletely wrong and its really a mis-translation.)

    i don't think the nine-tails is a double-egde sword, rather a really strong power... and i'am sure u have heard this before .."power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutly" i think that this might have somesort of play in this story..

    Anyway, i'm hopeful that kishimoto is really just pumping us up for the real fighting the next chapter, obviously, it's working lol, thats when we'ill see naruto's creativity combine with kuybi's strength vs sasuke's almost complete sharigan with his no.1 skills in ninja art combine with his cursed seal strength.
    the will of fighting for oneself vs. the spirit of fighting for someone else. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]

    please comment nicely lol [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  15. #155
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    jeez why do you guys have to flame me so bad?

  16. #156
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out


    Anyway, welcome to the forums Shadow-arrows!

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  17. #157

    RE: inane 230 out

    wow thats a big 1st post

  18. #158
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    whoa, whats been going on here while i was away? racial wha? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

    i dunno if sneakiness would work in naruto's favor in this match. Sasuke's a pretty clever guy as well, and dont forget.....he can see through genjutsu, so all the crafty stuff naruto tends to come up with (usually involving henge), wouldnt even work.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #159
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    sasuke isn't coming back to the leaf nor is he gonna turn good!

    the only reason why kakashi was introduced back to the arc was to bring back naruto's beaten up body.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #160

    RE: inane 230 out

    Maybe .....

    Gamabunta will settled this ...
    Frog boss is summoned , he catch Sasuke with his tong and hold him inside his throat .
    That's the simple way ....

    Or we'll get some super fight; Sasuke turn Super Wild and Naruto increase his Kyuubi Side and loose control for a frw moment.
    *Take cover !*

    Or kishimoto will gave us some super Naruto Chapter ...

    Sakura will maybe put an end to this fight (like on the roof of this Hospital ...)
    She will think "I can't let the ones I loves kill each others , I must do something .." Sakura jump in the battle , but this time no kakashi to recuse her and °°Bang°° She dies ...
    Naruto and Sasuke come back to normal

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