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Thread: inane 230 out

  1. #101
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: jing
    Can't we all just be friends.... and hate sakura?
    if it has to do w/ hating sakura, then it's all good.

    I tried my best...

  2. #102
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    You don't have a problem with it. And honestly, I don't care that you don't either. What I think is ridiculous is you trolling me(and anybody else)by saying "If you don't like it, don't read it" when I've said for the umpteenth time that I'm STILL a fan of the series. Disliking something isn't necassarily a problem. It's just a disagreement, one that I can live with. (but I'll still rag on it) Especially for one damn fight. You're making this waaaaaay bigger than it really is. I'm saying it has DBZ elements plastered all over it, and that I dislike it. You're the fool that's taking it like I insulted your fucking religion.
    hotsuma, in all honesty i'd have to say the only one who sounds heated up is you. I rather enjoy debates that i have alot to say about. And strange how i bash the anime all the time for pointless things they add or animations that just seem wrong, and then people accuse me of being to hard on it. Then I come here and now apparently the series is my religion. wtf??

    All i did in response to you was prove how your anal analagy about something that happened in dbz (something, might i add, which was NOT one of the reasons for it being a bad show) can also be applied to way more series than just naruto. In fact, i wasnt even referring to you when i said "watch something else" in the first place, it was actually towards Rasendori. You know someone's a spazz when they flip out at a single line of a big discussion.

    As i've pointed it out many times, MOST long running series like this have these elements. In fact in the future if you find a fighting/action series that will last for a long time, then you should assume you're gonna get pissed about it, and so dont get involved with that series. Naruto starts out as a kid....naruto dreams of being hokage. OBVIOUSLY this means that over the course of the series, naruto will be "leveling up." If you think shuriken tricks alone was gonna make him hokage, then wtf were you thinking?

    People tell you to stop watching the series cause nobody on this forum wants to hear your masochistic practices of reading something that you know you're gonna end up hating. In fact i speak for all of us when i say "NOBODY CARES HOW MUCH THIS IS LIKE DBZ"....these arguments have been done many times.

    Uh, no shit. It's kind of hard not to associate the two when they share that many similarities. And yes, it is lame. When you see everything mentioned above, I don't know a word that better describes it. You can preach to me all you want as to why it's happening (Because Naruto is so mad!!!111one), but that won't change a thing.
    interesting that you act like you understand my point, yet you just accept the fact, and decide to let dbz forever ruin any series that involves action elements that may have already happened in dbz. If you say it won't change a thing, then whats the point in even discussing anything with you? You'll only be using the forum to ventilate your frustrations while the rest of us have to endure it. And yes....i do mean ENDURE it. These chapters are groundbreaking events that will forever affect the rest of the naruto series. Those of us who are enjoying this would like to be able to talk about how awesome this fight is turning out, but instead our excitement is destroyed by all the whining that is going on in this forum. It really does take away from the experience when people bitch all the time.

    Mage: someday you'll learn that arguments arent a luxury only enjoyed by the youth.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #103

    inane 230 out


    i love to see when people "flame" each other on a network forum. Just please do it on topic.

    i thought DBZ was a cool series. Not a Great series (which would actually include logic, a good storyline, good character development, and a monster soundtrack), but nonetheless a very entertaining series to watch. If you weren't in awe from Goku turning SSJ ON Freeza and its all like "AAHHHH!!!!", then yeah, watever. I just thought it was COOL to finally have that sunbitch freeza on his ASS screaming for his life.

    And yes, naruto has many similarities as DBZ which makes it a COOL series. But what makes it a far BETTER series (in comparison to DBZ) is that it actually has a good storyline, logic, good character development, and a ...decent soundtrack.

    o yeah btw, i didnt read the entire thread cuz its.. pretty long.. so im not adding anything useful to the "discussion" if there was actually something going on. Here is my 2 cents: i thought freakin 230 was AWESOME! OMG. After i read that i was in awe. Not only in naruto's physconess, but also from Sasuke's power. I think it will be a tie. I really dont want either to win because 1. If sasuke wins, the whole goal of Naruto's promise to Sakura and Sasuke will not be fulfilled and 2. if naruto wins, sasuke will only become even more of a bitch and run away again anyway to Oro and maybe waste ANOTHER YEAR of our lives catching up to him. Kakashi has to play a VERY important role in this fight at the end since kishimoto gave us the honor by showing nearly a whole chapter of him jumping after them and probably even Kabuto, which would end up as an awesome fight. FUTURE APPEARANCES? : 1. Kakashi 2. Kabuto
    3. Itachi 4. Jiraiya

  4. #104

    inane 230 out

    according to this chap it safe to say that, sasuke has relized that the curse seal is holding him back. true

  5. #105

    inane 230 out

    "You are someone who knows the same pain of loneliness that I do. And.. that pain makes a person stronger. Because of that, by severing these bonds... I will gain even more strength."

    I was expecting Sasuke to win and join Oro - but after that sentence I don't think that option is valid anymore. Sasuke will, just like Gaara, learn that fighting for someone is better than fighting for yourself. Maybe he will beat Naruto and then be caught off-guard by Gaara or will have to face all the survivors of the expedition team + sand in a group fight when they fight for Naruto - and his very own sake. But what is imho certain is that by the end of this fight, Sasuke will have understood just like Neji and Gaara did.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  6. #106

    inane 230 out

    haha theyve been running around in the woods for so long that i forgot all about the point of the fight and them realising its better to fight for others thatn urself

  7. #107

    RE: inane 230 out

    Chapter 231 prediction.
    we will see naruto beating around sasuke, and sasuke then decides to use the curse seal because he cant keep up with naruto...and then we will see CS2 properly...

  8. #108
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    I might be a bit late, but whoever said that YYH doesn't have smart fights is a dumbass. Especially if said person is a Naruto fan.
    I'm sorry, but YYH's fights have a lot more twists and charm than most of the Naruto ones.

    Finally, you should all read JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Now that manga has the best fights EVER. So fucking smart. It's impossible to predict winners.

  9. #109

    inane 230 out

    Cut the DBZ shit already, its been discussed to death!!!

    If you dont like the fact that Naruto and a bunch of other series take some elements from DBZ, oh well. Its the author's choice and we have to live with it.

    As for Naruto, which this thread and forum happen to be about, I think this fight is partially more a combination of strengths and tactics/strategy. The reason Naruto is not using clones against Sasuke is because it didn't work in the past, so he learned this and isn't wasting chakra on it. Sasuke is flipped out because of gaining more "power" which he is obsessed with because of his Brother. They are both in a high emotional state right now, so expect them to give it their all, which can include more advanced techniques/abilities.

    Its just a damn story, quit getting all riled up over it, jeez. There are better things to do then to sit here complaining and bitching. Maybe its time to go out and get some fresh air and get off your computer for awhile. Trust me, it helps, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    PS: If you want an example of boring, try reading this thread from start to finish, having at least half of it taken up on DBZ fighting, rather then the thread topic.

    - Reason -

  10. #110

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    You don't have a problem with it. And honestly, I don't care that you don't either. What I think is ridiculous is you trolling me(and anybody else)by saying "If you don't like it, don't read it" when I've said for the umpteenth time that I'm STILL a fan of the series. Disliking something isn't necassarily a problem. It's just a disagreement, one that I can live with. (but I'll still rag on it) Especially for one damn fight. You're making this waaaaaay bigger than it really is. I'm saying it has DBZ elements plastered all over it, and that I dislike it. You're the fool that's taking it like I insulted your fucking religion.
    hotsuma, in all honesty i'd have to say the only one who sounds heated up is you. I rather enjoy debates that i have alot to say about. And strange how i bash the anime all the time for pointless things they add or animations that just seem wrong, and then people accuse me of being to hard on it. Then I come here and now apparently the series is my religion. wtf??

    All i did in response to you was prove how your anal analagy about something that happened in dbz (something, might i add, which was NOT one of the reasons for it being a bad show) can also be applied to way more series than just naruto. In fact, i wasnt even referring to you when i said "watch something else" in the first place, it was actually towards Rasendori. You know someone's a spazz when they flip out at a single line of a big discussion.

    As i've pointed it out many times, MOST long running series like this have these elements. In fact in the future if you find a fighting/action series that will last for a long time, then you should assume you're gonna get pissed about it, and so dont get involved with that series. Naruto starts out as a kid....naruto dreams of being hokage. OBVIOUSLY this means that over the course of the series, naruto will be "leveling up." If you think shuriken tricks alone was gonna make him hokage, then wtf were you thinking?

    People tell you to stop watching the series cause nobody on this forum wants to hear your masochistic practices of reading something that you know you're gonna end up hating. In fact i speak for all of us when i say "NOBODY CARES HOW MUCH THIS IS LIKE DBZ"....these arguments have been done many times.

    Uh, no shit. It's kind of hard not to associate the two when they share that many similarities. And yes, it is lame. When you see everything mentioned above, I don't know a word that better describes it. You can preach to me all you want as to why it's happening (Because Naruto is so mad!!!111one), but that won't change a thing.
    interesting that you act like you understand my point, yet you just accept the fact, and decide to let dbz forever ruin any series that involves action elements that may have already happened in dbz. If you say it won't change a thing, then whats the point in even discussing anything with you? You'll only be using the forum to ventilate your frustrations while the rest of us have to endure it. And yes....i do mean ENDURE it. These chapters are groundbreaking events that will forever affect the rest of the naruto series. Those of us who are enjoying this would like to be able to talk about how awesome this fight is turning out, but instead our excitement is destroyed by all the whining that is going on in this forum. It really does take away from the experience when people bitch all the time.

    Mage: someday you'll learn that arguments arent a luxury only enjoyed by the youth.
    Sorry, man. I was in a pretty SHITTY mood last night after watching Resident Evil Apocolypse. (Do not watch if you're a real RE fan.) Anyways.

    the point I'm trying to come across is that whenever I do say Naruto, or ANY given show that has good fights has DBZ elements, people really do act like I just shot one of their own kids. It's sad, but they live in this little world where everything in Naruto is perfect, and every fight is completely original. And then when people call the similarity, act like it's not real, or justifiable with excuses. "Naruto is mad! He's passionate about his friends..etc etc DBZ isn't like that at all!" I don't care, because that doesn't change the fact that it's still there.

    What I'm saying is "I dislike this fight, and think it would be better if Naruto did... instead." If you're going to just sit there and enjoy everything that's being fed to you, then fine. Blindly enjoy a series. Nothing wrong with that. Other people have their own ideas of how things could have been done better. Is that reason enough for them to hate the series? No. It just means it's an opinion differing from Kishimotos. And it certainly isn't enough to warrant the "Don't watch, if you don't agree with it!" attitude that people here always cop.

    And I agree. Nobody really does care if it has DBZ elements. It's shitty, but hopefully only this fight. It's dumbshits that try to justify and say its ok, that I think are fucktards. I want better, though.

    DBZ elements did ruin this fight, so far. MAINLY, the process they were going through (lose, come back stronger) The fights, OTOH, were pretty fun, because unlike DBZ, they're still mortal.

    Back on topic..

    Finally.. Naruto gaining strength through a fox, allows him to become closer to Hokage? I don't think so. I think, ultimately, he'll try to become a great ninja, without having to use so much force. The hokages weren't hokages just through sheer strength. It's their SKILL that made them as good as they were.

    Anyways.. SOrry again. I was fucking sour after Anderson messed up Resident Evil 2. Had to take it out on somefin. No hard feelings, hopefully. None here anyways.

  11. #111
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: inane 230 out

    Havent been here in a day, anyway Sasukes abilities from I can see are far better with the Sharingan then with the cursed seal, and he was even able to kick Naruto out of his Kyuubi form.

    More or less he will go to lvl 2 just b/c Kishimoto knows that the populas wants him to. the fact that Naruto basically depending on the kyuubi chakra now is just lame(no discussion otherwise).

    I really hope that if there is a time jump, well see naruto being able to only use the chakra when hes about to die(only when THAT happens) if he goes on like this (the whole fox, one tail look) its going to get boring to alot of people.

    The better understanding of the sharingan was very appreciated to alot of us b/c now we know that it perceives things several steps ahead. And Naruto and the 4th "Being similar" proves that he is the 4ths son (but its not like we didnt know that already)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  12. #112

    inane 230 out

    i was hearing everyone saying how did sasukes punches hurt naruto well half of it was mentioned.

    FIrst like already said the punches are counters which is using naurto's power agisnt him. Those punches alone naruto would quickly recover from and he wouldnt need to release more of the kyuubi. The reason that i did'nt see anyone mention was sasuke had kicked naruto head where it landed underwater. I mean how are you supposed to be recovring when you cant breath thats why naruto needed to get more power to reverse that situation. I dont care how much chakara a charater has he can still drown.

    Oh and btw hotuma should have his own speacil group called "Flamemaster"

  13. #113
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    AssertnFailure, the fact is, you aren't simply argueing, you're flaming like little kids. And, as you said, we're having to ENDURE through this flame fest.

  14. #114

    RE: inane 230 out

    never will there be a chapter that doesn't turn out in a flame fest, why can't we all just share our opinions and not try to prove each other wrong cuz we know we can't nobody is willing to change their views on things anyway

  15. #115
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    its ok sounded like you were bashing it just because they were transforming like something that has happened in dbz before. Personally i think the stuff in this battle is cool. Because you know that regardless of the outcome, neither sasuke nor naruto will be the same after this. This is one of the reasons why anime is better than cartoons......If you watch batman, the villain always gets away and the good guy always has to take him down the same basic way he has before. They always leave the show open for improvised encounters without fear of inconsistency (which basically means "make as many eps as they can before people get bored"). And its not drawn out such like sasuke upgrades, then fights for a while, then naruto upgrades, and fights for a while......both sides are changing in like, every chapter!

    Terracosmo: the problem with coming into a discussion late is you miss the ideas behind the discussion.....nobody was bashing YYH, i was only using it as a point that other shows can be compared to dbz

    mage: show me a flame, and i'll show you why you're a noob
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #116

    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: mage
    AssertnFailure, the fact is, you aren't simply argueing, you're flaming like little kids. And, as you said, we're having to ENDURE through this flame fest.
    You aren't adding any to the discussion yourself. All you are doing is chiming in with smartass remarks. You want to talk about maturity? Try not adding fuel to the fire. If you have an argument about something one of them has said in their posts, then state it. But you aren't arguing, YOU are flaming like a little kid.

    Nobody is forcing you to endure anything. You know what their argument is about, if you don't like it, then skip over their replies. Thats what mature people do.

  17. #117
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    Sidanne why do you have to flame me like that? grow up

  18. #118

    RE: inane 230 out

    Well done, Mage. You have managed to display the extent of your intelligence in only 3 posts. You are completely unable to post anything resembling an argument or add to the discussion. Your abilities consist only of considering everything a flame and calling others immature.

  19. #119
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    lol mage...........

    tell me, would your ideal forum world be people posting what they like and dont like and nobody else would respond in any way that opposes their post? if so.....then that would be one hell of a boring forum
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #120
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: inane 230 out

    Yes it would, but I think the transformations are good, its just how many times they use them, people are mostly complaing and saying "wow, naruto went to kyuubi, Sasukes going down, ah man S just got his lvl3 sharingan, man, but wait Naruto got more power from Kyuubi, give me a break"

    ILL SPELL THIS OUT FOR YOU REALLY SIMPLY, the reason why this keeps happening is so that when the fight over theyll both go and say "I had to rely on this(lvl 2 curse seal or Kyuubi chakra) so much, that in order for me to become a great ninja is to learn how NOT to use it as much" by the end of the series we wont see them use it as much, so stop complaining

    R.I.P Captain America.

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