Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
let me explain how Sasuke punched worked, or better yet, i'll let you on a diffrenet example of it.
those of you who read\watched Hajime no ippo, there was the fight between Machita (or whatever he's called, Ippo's first rival) and Jimiy Hoppe (from taiwan), and there they disscussed the perfect counter, using both your enemies movements and you owns to deliever a finishing punch, Sasuke can do it with every strike, becuase of his sharingan.
Naruto's movement patteren leaves him vunrable on a few spots during a few moments, Sasuke can see those moments cordinate his attack even before Naruto gets in position, this way, Sasuke strikes are always 'critical hits', or 'natrual twenty'.
Sasuke doesn't need to be stronger than Naruto if he is able to slide in those hits, just like how Machita (or whatever his name is) wasn't one bit stronger than Jimiy Hoppe, and he still won.